Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN QROVER SLLLLRS ATTORWCY QLNCRAL Uon. 0. I!.ml&by cauntr AU.11 tor Lotr froa .ralirrqueit whioh acin ba 1 Cermw, the I rolls wm ctatbd Clti1 ctstuttr tlar hatin& the follting raeerrcd rdua- rely, 66 rhown by the tot&l aaseaeed 11 >ropartlrr ocrtitlrd by the co.mty approved by the Co-:aisrlontrr Cwrt, for county purpxte, for the previous Jlt*.r, rroo t1l.e to tlae, the County Coafcleslonera or nuoh ,oountlcs tihell e&oh rtocltt cnnuul oel.mirtr not to lr08od the 8c2Unt6 kereln apeoificd, raid rslrrles to be id ln equal uonthly lnetallaentr, rt ltart 0114~hrl r , an4 not a- oredia~ three-row-the, out or tbs ;loaS~and Frldge Fund lioa; 0. EC;Rigsby, ‘hl,. .2. . . ,.-.. md the n.euldrr ocit’o? 3ho Genrral Tund ot the ooullty~8r16~8880888llrduatlonq md raluier applloablo theroto being am followrr mA88088ed Valuationa 8al.ul.rto bm pala rroh Cop- ll&88lonor '. #6,0~0,001 and l.,re than ~10,000,000 not to eroeed 4*.* ~lkOO.00" ,.-.-.- ..._____. ,,- You d3l~~~notr...Wat.&~elboto 8trtute provides that rhem the total laaeaeed ralimf~6K8-tilrlL.pm&ortios outl- i sd by the Count7 Assessor and approved by the O&Mli~mnrsLn ckurt, io? ooun$y purpome8, tar the prsrlour year',18 88 muoh 'mm $6,000,001 rod lsrr than $lO,OOO,OOO, thr Couatr Conmlaaloners of surh oounty rhall eaoh rmoedve annual salarloo not to booed the 8ua oi #lWO. Thorelore, shoe suoh valuations la Utalde County ror 194.4are within the minimum and maximum amount.6named, thm ralarior to be paid ruoh Oomml88lonern ror thl#.p8ar should no tlxoood the 8ua or $l4OG;OO. Trurtlrrgthat thir ratlrfaotoril~ anqorr your inquiry, we uo Vary truly youra, ATToRuxYfJz3mmL OT ITlAB Jms. ‘U.Baeaett Aaei8tMt. JlB:rt:l8 Attorney General Approved Oplaion Committer