Honorable R. C. Yilaon
County Auditor
on? county
Dear Sir:
rtatod therein,
i.8as iollowt
emu, Qray County
e vould like to knov
06n legelly bo paid
, Vernon~s Antmtrtod Civil Statutea,
loner8' court or 6ll.q oounty v1thl.nthe
body oiany inomporated elty or tom
opriete ?unda Sor the pro6eoution of
vodeat oontrol vork contemplatedby
oa vlth State and Federal authorltier
to mploy labor and to purehse and povlde wppllea requ5md
for the efie&iVe roaeoution O? thtsl vork. SeotlOn 7 OP fhir
Statute (Art. 192bP expressly prov&dea that no bounty Is to be
oolleated fromenyoowty or other.8ow?ce foranimals tekenby
huntera or t~ppere operating under the dot. It is apparent
that Artlole 192b has no applio&tion to the question under oon-
Honomblo R. C. Wilson, Page 2
sine0 the npe81 of APt101wl 192 elm3192a, Vomon'8
Aaaotated Civil statuter, by tha 41st LeglrlatuPe,there b88
been no gener81 8tstuts euthmlslag the paJaunt of a bounty on
volvea or ooyotes. Bowwr, thers are aov 8ewrnl speaI81 rtat-
uter auttroriring the Caml88icmerr ' Cmrtr of 8aId oountier to
pay bounties for the ertermlmtlon of volvoo, aoyotea, pouket
~o$zw& other prechtary lnlamlr, but nom of them 8pply to
. Stated Uffmntly, we h8ve been unable to ftnd
any rktute authorlringOny County to p8 8 bount en volve8
or ocvyoteradl in the sbson~e of 8uoh rtaiutory au?bwlty, the
Comnl881-8 omrt of said county ounaot Zeg8lly pay a bounty
Sor the oxterminatfonof volver or ooyotes. It 18 eImentary
that a Coamf88loner8~Court has only ouch authority a8 La given
by the Cormtitutlon8ad the Matutes, either expmr8ly or by
neoe8811'J' bplioaflon.
we d4reot youP attention to Artiole 190, v. A, c. s.,
vhLoh8peaLiioa~ya~~~isedtbeCcllrPi88lonero' CouPtofany
oounty to pnrobnse the aeobsrory polraar;and aacramrler rewired
by ths cltlams of the ocnmty rc@ the
ooyote8, gophers and may other JlMQd
rtatuteha8 notbeenrepe8led,8od la
aon8truedbythl8 afflee in our Oplnf0n~o.
vhIahl8 lnolored foryow ooWenleXM0.
s oIfliMillyamsvarIag que8tIm, ni3abew itsated,
onerr~ Court at @z-a Quatydbbs n&haY*tbelegrl
the coaml88p"
aeimrlty to pay beunfie8 for 0 ext~tlonofvolve8 or oey-
otes tn said G0unty.
Yours wry truly
me11 UillIars
AU rio
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