OFFICEOF THE A~~RNEY GENERALOF’TEXAS AUSTIN Hooorablo H. A. Jaxoiaon, Commissioner, Stat0 hDaddJlW2t Oi hJlkiZJ& A Dear Mr. Jamlronr~. . ha5 bmn made to erroct a coapromlse cb refaranoo we6 259da in our letter 042 aUctrsosaU to Mr. B. 19. Wilds, &ant in. Charga, Internal Ravenue as; TWUNJ, a oo,,y OS ntloh iS eaC10sad~ *The oSSar In ccmpromiso has been rojaated bi the Internal Revonus De~2?WepC ah?0 euch deprtmuat ba- lleves that t&a amount tendered, in oomyro~loa;doaa ncit rsproarnt’ths ua+~~ amount ooUeotlbla’Srom the taxpay4r. vie wish to ada thnt in ad&blon to the plodga OS the assots to the ,R.P.C.,,as sst out in the attaahed let- .. : , . Honorablr 8. A. Jan&eon - pegs S tclr, tlicl atockholdare of the Amorfoan State Rank of nmrlllo, exnoutod. 0 gunrsnty figrobing to lndtxnnify the R.Ir.C. to the axtoat or $50,000,00 a ainat loea bp ronton of making the Man to the Amer.Ecan State Link, Amarillo. “In Sqpttmbor 1942 all tha rcz~alnlng assets or th.3 ban* eold to the R.F.C. for a oonsfdorntlon of <~09,CtX3.41, which amount con=tltutsd n rsaoonablo mnrkat value of tha anootn. This amount wea applied a3 5 credit upon the lndabtednosu owlni: t!ca R.F.C., whloh wan at thot time approximately $150,000.00 Un- dur ttm taran or said oale the R.f’.C. was, to i;ay, and did gny over to the Eonkin& Comaioslonor an amount eufrlalont to protoot him In rogpoct to tho OUtBtUnd- . ins claim of the ~ntornal &avenue no@rtnont. Aooord- in::ls NO now hold In our poeooaslon the awn of . ...’ $~3,114.B& which 1t1 our o~iidnn ia etl&htibry In exde8e of tne fti1.l amount.of the claim plus lntoroet and pmoltiaa. We are nowlnrormed by the R.F.C. thnt the Guarantors have retired in full the obligntion to it and all eeseto have been trene$&rred’ baak ,to the ,. ” .Guarmntorar Thereiore, the R.F.C. la not at thd, ~presont t ims a party at interest. ,*‘Although this Uepw%nent hae r&ognlzed the ,alalm of tho lntornel Rovsnua %qnrtnent en ovldenced by suoh correnpon6choe pertalnln$ to an offer in co-+ r,romina of thn oleim we have not orrlalally approved or rejected the olala as filed, a co;~y of whloh 1s at- taohotl. Vho Cusraators are 0; the oplnlon 'that the olaim is unjust and that t&a 8amo can be dafnatofl, and ~honre two not ~~illlng to agree to the payment of the claizn. 7’ho over-all nature of the controversy FOUUS mmm to result in tho Banklllg CWzii&aioner ocoupyia~ a position cf ~1 mere stakeholder between the Guarhntore and the Ireclcwol Covcmumnt. ; , “Tharefose, ie reepsotfuily rOqUeat an OpiUtOlI from y0u L:S to whether or not; WQ cnn tr3nefar th0 funds wo nre holding into the roCktry of the oourt and in tfm prooous brlnf; about a ;rocoadlng that ~111 roJult apgroprLato odJudloatLon or the oontro- vorsy by a coul’t 0% oompetant jurlndiatloL* . . Iionopx0lo ii. A. Yaslson - pago 3 xe hntv oarerully ccnnidaroa ywr problem, aiid UFO or tkn opiolon the propor r:ny to handle the matfar is for you to r:xjm t. t?.9 olnim in too, and t!, not.lry the Collaotor or your actfan, nn proscribsd in &tlclo 54 2-810 of tho Taxaa ;)ankiq~ CCdO, 343, (Vr.rnon'4.3 c0amctiti0n). Upon such rojectf.on the claimant will, of co::rsa, Zilo e*rlt to -~otnblloh the clair dgalnst you dn Con-inslnnrr, ~i!~~~*u~on it woulb be proper to make thn atockholdsra - clalm- onts - of tno fund prtios tC. tha suit, und by appropriate nnncm alxw~ f.ld all otl?sr clnjms havs bttoa pewld, and all other snoots dis{:osecl of, otxi set-forth the rc?spoctfos clotme ol the C.ollcctor und tbo atockholdors, and tonaor..lntci tha court th* amount romh: t-43 Ln~your hands, to the end thnt tha aourt may aot..arxPne tha ricJAA~l.ownor~ of the fun@ as betwesa tho'aon- tistonte. This, %a ara thiiiifng, would not roquuiro pous furthor attoodnnao upon the a6urt, einoa the jud@lont'of tha court nduld d&~ooe'of tho.oontrooersy in suoh mannor a8 to bind tha contond- im jartier, in the JuQmmsnt, and at the same times protaat you* . ; '. spa& truly your8 .~. : .: I : ,. .. , 1. ‘,, ‘. ‘. .