Us. Ella Use Murphy, !&mber
?tate Board of 8*irdrersers
ena co. aetolo(Ei sta
Austin, Texsm
e hete tw fire buadmd to one thou-
ions Sor an exmlrmtlo~i, we flna lt
havs thaw applloatlona fllaC et
days ln advanoe of tha first day or
eseioa In order that we oan properly
cations, rnske the neoes8ary rsoordin@,
notioa to t&e etudent that she le eligl-
ble to appear on t&r spsolrled date.
We res~:eotfullp request your oplnlon to know
if we harr eutboritg under the law to require the
6tudent t0 be (I: grbawi6 0: 6 duly ii06~66d 6na
reoognlzed beauty eohaol after having crcmpletad the
C;CB thou66ud hours 1Z not 106~ then 81~ RoiItha
beroro naklng en applloatlou to tbls Board lor exam-
iaation; end do we bev6 autborlty~ to refuse to aocept
stutlent ior axaalnatloa at ,ttrat aenslon if they
iail to meat tha rirt6en a01 requlrrant.w
Y;t quote from the abott aonT.loned resolution aa
"Tha tollowlng rcaolutlonUS6 6a0ptbu at (I
aoetitq OS this Board, March 6, 19&b:
"Uotlon was mada by l&a. Yurpby that tha
Board adopt a ruling to follow tha law aa
6p00irid in ceafioaa 1U and lgA, omarlag
lligiblllty of rtodeata for lx m lna tlo nr
‘A Student p?lOZ to mSkilI(; a pli-
ortioa to tha Board ?sr 8kamiaat P011,
mart som@1eta looo hoara ;n not 1666
than air mntha, trko I i&ml lxaalaa-
Cloa, gradoat., and ba 1paa.d a dipkim
irolla duly lloanard and rooogniaod
Baauty Sobool, and aald applloetlon
SSU6t b6 tlhd With thi6 ~p6rtPULt
fiitoen dry8 prior to th flrrt dar of
lxlmi~tlon 668610n.'
"(t-ha066s of Gladys Ua8ora, who ma
eRrOliOa 86 6 8tUd6Rt la tb. ,jh’?81 -6U6J
sohool Of wiOhit8 F6116, 10 U80a 66 #a
examgl@.) 2%. fil8 6bOW8 tba blator~ Of
thla 0666. The aotlon US6 aeoonQad~ sad
oarrled. w
Yicotlor, C(b) 31 Article 73&b, V6rnon’a Azmotatod
Fen81 Code, roads a6 Zollawa~
“The maJorlty oambera of tEa Board d&all
ccnstltute a puimm for tha transaction of bua-
lli666. ??I6 hfd 6hSll pr68Or1b6 th6 r+lbS rcP
it6 ~wetnmeat and hare a 6661 rlth whlob to
snthantlaatsIt6 lota.m
reotix 9 of Article 73bb,cr the L%ml Coda,rt6de
88 r0ii0w:
Wrhs Bmrd shell hold regular sectlngs for
the excmlnatlon or opplloants in tic oepltsl 0r
tic Xato, on ssoond Tuesday in January and
July or oaob yew, end at auob otbar tlsma end
plaooa es the Board may dam aao6saary, and luah
exeninatlon shall be oonduotea und6r the rules
provided by said Ankara end abal.1 laOlUd6 preotloal
dgnonatr~tion and written sad oral teats in nf6r-
anaa to the wbotlooo for *lob a lloonao la ap-
pli6d for snd auoh ralatad lubjaota as the Board
may dstermin6 naoaaaar~ for the proper and 6t?i-
016nt pCriOrWIO6 0r auah praotloaa, land auoh
exmlnatlon shed? lnaludo smltatloa aad hyglaao,
th6 U8a Of OOM6t~OSr t.h.6 SPpii66tiOn Oi 6i6Otri-
eel end meohanloa1 lqulpwnt e&I lp p a no a a ,
anatcmy and dermatology, a na luoh other Uadraa
aubjeota as say ba nao6aaary sad prsaarlb6tl b
the Eosrd to dat6rrpins cin6*6 fita and qua1 i fi-
oatlona 60 a hairdraasar or oomxatologlat.
Teotlcm 11(a) ot Artiole 73bb,of the Pam1 Coda,
*lGo school ,or Baauty Gultura shall ba
granted a ovtirloato or r6~atratlon aaloaa
It shall 6a&loy and mnintaln upon its start a
auf~lolent numbor 0r lnaLcruotors, who 8hall b6
raglatsredtalrdruasers or ooam6tologista kiav-
iag had at least th766 (3) y6ara praofloal ax-
porl6noa aad high aohool 6duaatlon or t&o
6qulvelaat thereof, 0na said lnotruotors abll
be required to pess an exmlnbtlon ocadaoted
by the Board of Exenlnors to datermlae their
tltn6sa 8s taeohara, provid6d, how6tar, that
th6 axemlnation of taechers shall not be ro-
qulred of ~~arson$ who hCT6 bean tesohln~tho
prnotlov or halrdraoeing, or ooametology for
thr66 (3) ye6re prior to the paasaga of this
Aot; and shall malnteln on its staff on6
Doctor Of Medlolne, as a OOItStiteAt who oh611
ltoture mnthly on aenltatlon, i
ster llzatlon
end the use of antleoptlos oonalstrnt with LB@
prhotloel end thcoratloa~ ra~~ulrsamts as to
the ol,asalried oaoupatlmn us provldea by this
Pot) snd ah611 possese cipparfitus snd equipskent
for the qropvr and full t6aOhfng of 611 eubJaot6
0r Its currioulum; shell keep n dhlly moor6 0r
KW. 2’11~ S?ae Murphy, page 4
t::6 attecdenae of students; melntaln regular
clss5 and lnstructlon hrxm, establish grades
lrti hold exsmlnetlons before issuing dlplomes,
tnd St.all rec;Uirc 85 EOhOOl tGrn Or ILOt i0 118
than cm thoueeno (1,000) hours to be oonpleted
in not lesrr than six (6) months for a complete
oour6c o? 911 or e majority of the prcotloeo
of helrdreealng and ooemetology.R
tectloo 15(r) of Art. 73&b, of the I'cnal Uode,
raaea as rollow6~
w 0n applioant for rraminetion reeeoe
ruoh exsainetion to the 8atlsfrotlon of the
Board end in lcaordenoa with the rule8 pro-
mulgated by eald Boerd, t&e Board dell lame
Q oertlfioate to that etieot, asped by the
President a na Seo so ter ylnU a ttic a b w!th
ed lta
aesl. Suoh aertlfloateIhall be etldenoe that
the >craon to whom it 1s lreued la entitled to
tollor the preotloes, oooupstlon,Or ooaupntloa
otipultited therein, 8s prrsarlbedin thi.8 AQt.
zuoh oertlrioates shall be aonspl~uou~l~ bls-
played in his or her plsoe of burlnem or employ-
ment, provided, howeves, that rhero~the l pplloant
1s IJfl8aum of iwmielohool of beauty culture
duly lioenesd end reoo&eed, than web apgllonnt
rftcr passing en oxanhotfon as protldad for la
j3eot10n 9 shall bo &van 8 oertlrloete.*
After n cersful study of the forsfloing IIrtiQles,
we do not find lny provlsloa reguirlnq s student to ooeplete
1000 hours In not leas then elx months, nor take a final
exF.dninetlon, graduate, end be lmued 6 dl.plom from a rcioog-
nlzed Beauty !%hool herore msklng applio~tion to the Emrd
fca cx.+ndnntlon.!?:sQtiicn 11(h), SUPXV? , j!OVFzl-IIS ‘-ObOOlB Of
Beauty Culture ctnd does not prsacrlbe the gwllflor,tlons
that, an lspplicant for the Sete Bocird :ranlnetlon munt
posreca. ‘h-ethereiore enauer your fir&t guestl.::m in the
The above statutes the Ftrte &mrd of hlr-
aremere r,:;dlosmetologlete authority to promulgate oertafn
h?r.~.I?lla Ellit~
bturphy, page 5
rulee and regulations povrrnlng sppllontlonc for exrinlnetlOn,
sne we feel that requlr2r.g applloations to bc flled with the
Bohrd fifteen days prior to the first day of the exnnlnotiiion
session Is e raasoneble requirement oomlng within the power8
or seld Board. Y;o therefore muwer lour seoond qmstim in
the slflrr.otlve.
Very truly youra,