Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

- -- -.- _~-__-__I . 60 OFFICE.OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN EOaorobl8 Bmt YOra Allmlalrtntor Fy~.?ga~ Oontroi Beard *x.8 1, Tonr Dear sir: Oplnlon no. o-ml8 5Undsr this prodalon OS law, would it be un- lawful t.2have a mlgn advertlslng whiskey located In ao area zhere It 1s only leEa to sell aloohollo borerages csntainlnc not zore tbnr 4; of alcohol by weight as in the above qucstlor!of Cak cliff? ~-__ ._. .__ . . - --.- . 6: Bonof,ab& Bort Tord, AQinirtrator, ksgr 3 . Would a nlakllar8lgn adrrrtl8lng 14% berm- age8 bo logal in M area or xmo when It 18 only lagal to eel1 llooholla bororagas oontaielng not more than 43 of aloohol by wol&ht? alFoul a ain.ilar rign advertlring liquor br legal ln an area whore it 18 only legal to rell llooholla beverage8 oootalnlng not 5or4 then 14$ of aloohol by roluae? xoferrlng to the above eeo- tlon of law, you will note the languqe 1s ‘where t&e ralo of aloohollo beremr,er 18 poohlblted by .law.* “. . . .a It is the oplnlon of thlr department that the abo~r q.uote4atfituto In your reque8t, appearln(:ae A.-tlcls667-f%+(3) OS Vernon'8 ,mnotated kenal Cc&o, is both clear and unambiguoue, therefore, not beily eubieot to oonstruotion. Th4 term aloo- hello bevrrage used therein 18 dofined in Seotlon 3a oi Artlolr 668, v. A. r. c. as roiiowr: *Souo.Sa. 'tiooholio Benrage* shall mean alcohol aai any bsreraco oontalnlng o;ore than ona- half or one paroent or lloohol by volume rhioh la capable of use ror bsvera&r purpoees, rltber alone or when diluted.* SeOtlon Z4a-1 of Art1010 667, V.A.F.C., reads a4 fOiiOW8 I "Billboard. The word 'billboard' as used here- in 8hZll man a rtruotun dlreotly attached to tb lad, or to say houw or builblng, and havlIL:one or more gaoo8 used for displaying thereon a slqp or advertlssnent oS the aloohollo bevoraes buslnes6 of any person eqp3gea ln th4 a4nurciotur4,4aal4or am- krlbutlon of filcoholloboveraqas, or ror tBc adver- tlsement of any t14rera~4oontxlning alcohol In 4x04~9 or one-half or one (l/2 or 15) wr cant by ~411~x3, whether or not suoh rtruoture or elm be illtimtod by artlfloial mans. The tot.3'billboard' shall mt be lnoluslve of any wall or otter pat of any struo- ture used as a bullding, Genoa, soreon, front or barr1er.O . 62 BonorabltiBsrt lord, Admlnlstrator, tam 3 Tlootrlo Sign. Tba term *olrotrio riga* am us44 honln rhall l 4m1 a 4truoturo or 44rio4, otkmr th a n lalllumlnatod billboard, by moana of rhloh lrtlrlolal llaht amatod throuuh th4 4mllo4tlon half iS one i/2 or 1%) pit ornt by v01ume.~ phaSi8 ad&O& I In oonoluslon, It 16 the opinion of this d4:artmr.t that where, as in the Oak Cliff section of 3alla8, the salr of hoer, an “tioohollo Bsvoragog, 1s not prohlbltsd, a slm to all other adrertlslng the sale of whlsksy and oor~orrnln(2 psrtlnent seotlons at the aot, 1s local. Trustlnc that tha above satisfaotorlly answers your lnqulry, we remain Yours very tnily ATTORNEY G’XZ?,U OF T”.LCJ By 'e4U Eugsno +Al+18 Adrtant Bob brad&ox ~osrearsoh k !mldonoo .~sslstant OPINION Lvmnu7xx