Honorable Lon Alrup
BxacutIre Searetary-Direator
State CoamIssIon for the Blind
Iand orriae B~ildiag
Austin, Texas
Dear 91~:
ded for 8ervIaes
render a disabled
erul consideration
the captioned quee-
presented this In-
not the State Comml8-
he Otflae or Vocational
lty Agency that this item
or, in other words, la
y be expended Sor the serv-
he Federal Vocational Ae-
78th Congress.)
ding, Walatenance and Mlseellaneous,
a provided the State Conmlsslon for
item8 0r approprlatlonr
expenaec, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,200.00
“19. Books), stationery and printing ... 300.00
‘20. Postage, telephone, telegraph,
meareager aervlce, treight, ex-
press, drayage, lae and oontin-
gent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500.00
“21. P~nlturs and riXtUl-88 ........... 200.00
Boaorable Lon rlaup, page 2
l2la. -8ta nda lg nlp
r d a a na a t,
h lner and y
tool8 ror rehabilitation purposes, $2,~00.00
922. Xwrgensy fund ior eye nedlaal
ttutrat ho$plt8lIutlon glaaae8,
dooto’r #..a, laboratory L.8,
utitioU1 0 8, X-ray8, ato., to
Pg@$ bl la& 88 aad ooa8ar~)to
kotloa 10 of thir foe8tloa81 Rahabllltatloa AOt
or 1943derimr.voaatlorml nbbllltatlon
aad sehabllltatlon
8ottloor a& abny rorvlorr uoeaau$ to ruler a dlrcrbled In-
dividual rik to oaga~o la 8 remuaeratlve ooou*tion.m
mi 00 paina thie
out d
it 8igwi0Oa tbt ft08 2ti IS
the oaly au lppropria&loa. po0via0d by $ho b~alatum
vhioh i$eoliloally wntloar that it la to br used for rehabll-
itatioa prpo808. It loeaa ap eat that by th is lpproprla-
tlon the Leglslaturo 18 la par p”glrw the State Comlaalon
tar the Blind the means ~b vhloh to oar~y forth the povera
and duties bertoved upon I 0, 80188or vhIoh as ve hve hereto-
tore rtated, are to pd0rll the rerrloea 0r the ruture set
forth ln the Voaatlon+l RohabllltatIon Aot.
To rurther 8ubrtaatIate our .o Inloa tha8 Item 21a
nj be expeadod ior rohabilitatloa oea as d&irud In the
?&era1 Aot, vo rriw to vh$oh la otat-
the muaer la vhieh the vill oxpad
'*ttoral fund8 18 wrr out thlr program la oooparatIoa
vith the Mate8 hr set 9 orth vht are 8ome of the relmj?IlIta-
tlon 8enloor roiorred to la thlr prograa l8:
Ponorqble Lon Alaup, pnge 3
“‘(II) riatonmoo
a otlxoerdlng the la Olm-
ated-OOSt or 8ubalatonoe dalng trainlag,
eluding the ooat of aa naoraaar~ books aad other
tralnliag mtorIaLa (lbphaaia ours) ---
As 8hovn by tha lbevo quotation,rehablllt~tlon
8~~1008 h0itttk the ruMirhi Or WOUpatiOMl %0&S, la Uip -
men%, ud othu training utu "fala, vhIoh oorreapaAa to Xtu
2la 0r th e ourroat lp opriatioaIn author18
tm0 0r rMdr r0r lQUr piLent, uohiaery and to0'"f 8'k"X%li-
t4tiOc -#IS.
min(: 00~iodrd the ftu 2h -7 b 4 l3tp twdr0r
serrloer osorrurf to rradu a dlurbled Iadlvldual rit to
ongage la l remuaeraativo oaoupatlon, $hea the quostloaIs
as lseated I.8 our letter what tr Oi48ePV1OOSdOeS t&i8
IM rI&O? It uil 1 be notlooA 8hat t 8 0 rOlWia8iOa la ror
rtaadardlWQment, maohiaer7, aad tpolr or rrhabllita~ioa
yrar?es &nd ueedles8 to aa aaa onl ba upended for auoh
we have sot born abL to ilni tho waaln# of the vorda
%&meat” and “tools” vhen u8ed la ooamotloa vith “ro-
hablllktloa p u r p o ses.l Under these oIroumat6aoea V(I very
aaturall7 tura to the a8riniti0ar r0uod In the dlotIonarle8,
in detumialng Qw o-al7 aooepted memIng of auoh teru
l8 0 k818 r OFlpplh@tiOa in th8 in8tUrt -8.1 ~ObStOP'S
fntrraatloaal Dlotiomr7 dOriM the verb ‘equip” to uaa “to
iurniah ior lorvloo, or lgalast a seed ob lxlgrao7 to fit
outj to 814ql7 vitb vhrtover IS aeoe~rar7 to err10 1eat aotlon
la any va7; aad the aoua ‘oqulpment to mesa vhatever Is used
In “rqulpplng~ . . . the oolleotlvs dealgrrrtlorr rot the artl-
0108 oomprlaIagan 0utrit.' A "tool"Ima been defined b7
as 8ay Iaatrumeatneoeaaaw 80 a perroa
poaeoutlon of his trade or oallln&
We thult that the above derlnitlona hdloated that
,Iter ala rOrOr8 to ox nditure 0r rUd8 ror P torlal objeotr
to bo used ior mhabl E tatloa purposea~ B7 thlr Vo RSM, that
the app@p iatlon auaO be used ior
used la &I rehabllltat Ioa of disabled
ShOtid aOt be WId r@P OORpOtISatiOa Or
dered w inbltIdUal8, oorporatlona, or
Very truly Tours
6 2OK:db