I P j i-T 155
Ifonorable ,F.C. Dolton, Actln6 President
A&cwaltural dc%e&mleal iW.le~e
college Btatlcn, Taxas
pear Dr. Solton:
ccntracts at
ited Strtqa borgwskt. As
64~ t+hWresponaibilltlesand
the indlvldwla eonoerned,~
ould also be increased. we
u%.t, for your eonaSdemtl.on,the
follorlng quertfont
"Stan 255 of Semte .Bil.l SN, 45th Le&il&ure,
covera the position of Phfea8or @n&Head of De-
ps.Ttmentof z2.actriceS33XgloRer~, eSLdoaPriae a
aal.argof 4,000 for n$ne aaenths. The Snaividual -
who fills s2
his position has been given the addi-
Mona1 responsibilityof Dire&or of the naval
tralnlng progrrrm.Approx$mately fifty per cant
of his time Is devoted to his dutlee as
Director of the Neval Training S&o01 and
the other fIf.typar oent 14 divided between
the Amay SpeaiallcedTraining Progrem and
hia dutier a4 ProSeerorend Head OS Deput-
ment of Eleotrioal 8ngIneerIng. The rf~lary
would be alleaated between -de iran the
Government and State~opproprlatloneIn l-
oordanoe with the time devoted to eaoh.
"mder the genera prorirfoaa or the
Siret paregmphoi Subseotlon.8,OS the ap-
proprIatlon8bill $0~ the ouvrent blenuiwn,
la the raly of tU4 employee limited to 4
total of $4,400 for nine months, or may the
Board of Direotore pay 0 highel ealary, pay-
tng the eupplementSroznfedenl Sunds, tom
&ve reaognitlonto the sddltlonal duties
and reeponsib~litieswhich hrve been placed
upon the individual.aa 4 reeu& of the~'waP
training prog?e
In response to requert by teLephon4,you advised
tfut the ~wartraining prog~em aontmota aah the Uolle&e
bar with the Onited Stat44 Government,~ont&plate end pro-
vide for the flrroia by the CoUe$p of epocitied inatruo-
tlon OP ~89 of the various brenohee of the,timed services
covered by the oontracte. For thi.4.eemioe, the Inetitutioa
is paid by the Wted~Statea a mm bawd-upon the Rrmber of
men tivolved, an6 upon'aort experJ.eneoOS the institutionIn
the inetruotlonof regulax studenta.
Beeidee the 2L3rd itearof appropriatkm for $he Agri-
oultural 6,M44haniealCollas6 aontrinti In Benate BIU. 333,
Chapter 999, Aota Forty-eighth&egIeleture,proVid.ing for pay-
ment of a nine-monthasPlary ot~~,Qoo.oo fol?the poe1t10n of
Profeaeor and Head .ofDepartmentsof Eleotrioal Rnginaering,
the following pmviaione of 'theA& govern the question sub-
"Se0ti01l1. (a) That all balonoes in the
Instltutionalfunds of the several S,tatoInstl-
tutions nemrd in this Aot, at the 01054 OS the
fIeaal.yearending August Sl, 1945, includI%
b8l4no45 In kl34i.r revolving fund4 at that time,
and the entiti iaoome to ,sald funda during each
of the two fleoal years ending August 31, 1944,
and August $1. 1846, uhioh are,not otherwireap-
propriatedfor either or both of said tiacal
year4 are hereby appropriatedfor the support,
m4inlm35n44~ operation,and Wprovement of said
State Instltutlosae dur 454h of the said ri5-
oal years. r4rp4etIv4ly. 9
'OEh'EBALPWVISIONS. The expenditure. of the
appropriation8 and luthorlsedwhether
heroin zaad.e
fr0m the State Oeneral Revenue P, loaal Iueti-
tutional fwds or w other xwoeipts and funds
whatsoever, except bequest5 and gifts, shall be
subjeot to the folloving prtwI5ldnaa
"Sub54otion (2). sa1arj ProQl.5son5. Ro 55l5q
appropriated herein ssPl3 be supplaeanted out OS
student fee iun&a, domitory -13, or looal funds,
except out of the Pure Feed Fund at the Agrloul-
turn1 and YeOhUlioalColl464 Or out of funds r4-
oeived from the hrited States Government or Its
agenuies,tieas 60 ordered by the governirg board
of the Institutionto which such salary or aalories
apply, at a regular meeting with at least a majority
of tho membere of such board present, and.auch order
rhall~be entered In the minutes of the proceedings
of arid board and shall set forth fully the reasom
.thereior. Ha full tlm inatruetionalralarg as
Item&ad herein shall be adjustsd to exoeed an
amount above the maximum hill prot?eeaor~s salary
as herein Itemised to be appropriatedfrom the
O4n4ralRe~4nu4 Bund of the State for t!m partlow
lar Institutionto whioh said salary or salarias
HOnorableF. C. Bolton, page #4
apply, unle~r the amxImum mlarj I8 bei= re-
celvea In whloh ca8e such adjustmat may be
made not to exceed ten (10) per oent above 8uoh
mxbujn salary BC reoelvod. It I8 further pro-
vided tkmt w.qapn8atlonfor oorr4rponden44and/or
lxtonalon teaqhing M provided hereIn and OOL-
p6II8atiOIt flY68 beQUestS and g.ift8, Ud3e8 80
l-ted by the donor, 8h4ll b 6lxoluded from the
84w lkUitatioll8 Of t-8 p4l’4@‘4&Ih. TM X’4t8
OSthe 84klq paid QZI eqpfOjn4 Of 4~3 inetitution
newed hereInfor 8ertrIoer during a mzammr ee88ion
8h4u not excoed th6 8alWy lWte paId the OIUplOy30
Soti the 84lU4 Or 8inlbr liWViOO8 during the loa
84s8lon of that inetitutlon.
*ml1 tisisemplgeer on twelve (lS)'xuonShe
b&818 ma r404iV4 not BIOFO thur WO Ht3tdF.d 8nd
(#~6O.OD)DollaPa ,faroorreapondkee oourbe
extonhan~ centertiwching, md may not be
ppid additionalmon4j for 8-r 84hoO1 teaching,
8IldirJT tfiu eiSI91~7488CR)4 Xl&M (9) lECUlthS b88iS
aar be paid for oo~oepondenao and/ok extenslqm
center teeoll%q oz 8ullllmF8-1 or other 8emIoea
during the lwmalxlln~three (8) months of the f$8-
oal ysar, but may not r4oeiv4 more than Tw4 IiMdred
cad Fifty ($250.00)Dollar8 per annum for oorro-
spoaden44oourse teaohiog during ths tiecal Soar
and/or erten8lon oenter oork durlae,the re$Qnr
nine (9) month8 8eririon*
%'hen any yddltional4aqby408 other than those
employed to fill the posItIon ltamisad her&in am
employed, and 42-4 to be pnid out of said apy?qxia-
tion8 or any other funds, suoh emylorees &all not
be paid larger amour&e than those provided herain
for SiIIIihr pC8itiOII6 iu su4h in8titUtfoUa or agcn-
Oi48 and in the svsnt there are no ekailar poeftioti8
within such inatitutfoneth4n 8uOh additional401-
plo~oes shall not be paid l.+rger amounts than those
provided for 6lmlla.rposftionlrin other State inat%--
tutlons~ deparQaent4or Pgenoiee~,n
Donorable F. C. Bolton, page #6
"Subsection11. Uihlaletlo or 2xtramaral ::a-
pnrtla3nt. The general provisionsmade in izla
XCt Sfill ?.lOt &l,?ply t0 Sthl3tiO Or 3XtFhW.UI.31
departments,and as to these exoept~ii
~0vernIngboard shall mske .suahnOO848aZ7 rulc3
and adju8tment3a4 may be deemrrd advisable."
(xtaliOf3 OIS’B. )
FrownexsmInationof the itemisod appropriationsfor
pOSitIon8 at A. E:H. college, it I8 obvlow that the Pppro-
priatiVI3Of &4,000 t0 06Ver nine IUOnthasalary for the pOSI-
tion wProf43sorand Uead of Departm4nteof Elsotrloalml-
nearlqgI8 a ‘full thm Z.ntxtructIonal ssdmyw within tho
intentionof Eubseotion2 of the General Provisiona, supra..'
The 8alCtq of a person ocoupying that poaltion, nniireceiv-
Ing the full sum appropriatedtherefor,may not be adjusted
80 as eta eroeed ten (l.0)per oent above 8uoh rnaxbnumsalary
80 recqlved”, exdluslv4,however, of (a) oompenscrtlon vhioh ,
I8 not In em488 of $250 "for corrsspond4noeoour3e teaching
during the fiaoal year and/or extension center,workduring
the pegala nine (9) months ses8Ion;" (b) of compensat;ion re-
oeivod f+ttt b4qu86t8 Wd &Sts, "Wll48s SO liUtit4@by the
dvnvr;wand (0) excluaIv0 of suppleamntatlon from furxia 0P
athletio and extrsanural departanents, for 3ervioes>erPormed
In oonneotlonwith thooeaotivitles(our ;r&&ion Xc. C-126).
The funds raceivod from the United states Ozvernment
under the war-trainingcontract3 referred to clearly nre not
bcqueats or gffts, hiltars paid to the State a3 com?3nsatioa
for servicesrendered by,the College. Supplwnentationof
ealariee from such rocefpts, therefore, oennot be retied as
within the gift or bequest exception to the limitationsupon
selary adjustment in SubsectIon 2. Nor do we believe that the
funds are theae of ~extremuralclepartemints,"wIthIn the mean-
inixof Subsection 11 OP th& General Provieiona. The function8
performed by the institutionunder the contract8 are those of
educationaltmdniaa~ and instruction,whereas the itemised
appropriationsfor the n&xtrsmura3Divisions" contained In the
bill are to cover tkc co& of non-tsaohiw functiona;e.g.,
research and experImentaticn,field and erteneian 3ervioe4,
forest servioe, etc. In view of that fact, and that the Leg-
islaturemade speolfio, it4znIsedappropriationsfor all of the
Honorable It.6; Bolton, page #6
services reaognlaedas extramuraldepartments,unless the
war-trainingprograms be so considered, we are of the opinion
that the Lapd.ature did not intend that the tens Wextramural
department8 embraoe tilewar-trainingprogrcmu,May of whioh
were In operation durlw the leglslatloesession and of *Ioh
the members doubtless were aognlrant. Use of the fund8 re-
ceived from the United States Qoverment under the above men-
tioned war-trainingcontractswith your institution,1s there-
tore subjeat, In our oplnlon, to the limitationsof the General
Provisionsof Chapter 399, eupra; and in oonsequezlce,we are
furthm of the opinion that the ulary of a person occupying
the position OS Professorand Head of Depnrtzaentot glectrloal
Engineeringmay not be adjusted out of such funds ao es to in-
orease the mount payable to a sum in excess of ten per oent
dune the xaaduum salary 80 ltsmilced.
This opinion does not have reference to eotablishment
OS positions other than those provided for by I-tem&sedappro-
priation In Chapter 399, supra? the limitationspresorlbed upon
ralarle8 of positlone not ltemlsed are contained In the fourth
paragraph of SubaeotLoaS, aupra, end are discussed in oux
Opinion Ho. O-5440, oopp of thieh Is enclosed.