*v-e..*.. OCICIIL
Honorable C+orce X. Cox
State Haalfk GPMcer
Texas State Board or Health
b.ustln, Terns
Dear Sir:
_’ :,
oeat date requesti
8bOV8 statsid end r
follows: :. . .
., "
s=bulancs be required to obtain . *
stat8 Boar& or Health if the am-
liss thau five tiffies each year for
we. should a f’irm located &I ore of the lnrf.er
cltias or Texas operating several ambula~cm ob-
tain per&W iro;ll the State Doard of Zeonltn for each
of its anbulances and equip the3 in accordance with
the provisions of tLls Act? 1: ,thls fir-7 has ob-
t6inea a pamit for three 0r it3 anbillanoes and
,~ .’
. ‘*
. .
. 4
2oxwabl.c C!or$-a K. Coxi pace 2
and cqcip3e6 them ac-coyclLu~iy, is it. necesacrg Coti .
the TfZk eq@p its fiNZt!l 3ILl iifth 32hll3UC3
and o:btcirz c pcrmlt if tho tvo titter ambulcuces
me ussd only three or fcur ‘;Lzzs a yecr for mcr-
‘3. Shotid ambulaxwe’s uacli for the trans-
portation 2nd conveyance of sic!: patient3 be re-
qz*rcs t3 c?aln s pr*4
-*-It frc;? the %xte Board of
Ecaitl~; that is, if they 6re usad ix11y for trans-
port- co~vclcsccnti3- or. sicLz sltitxts from e has-
pita1 ‘$0 n sy3sitler;oo nnd noti’for cmsrgcncy czlis?
L- ‘li; ‘~Uould an a?plicsnt be alloued to obtain
pc~tits for core t&n 0x1~ a??xl~nco when he possess-
ccj. equlpT2ant for only cua ulth the i;stentt;ion of
.. - ir;&wSux~;i~ -this eqlpms3 sxl picoirq .lt 3.n the
tx23ulcnoc 1~2klq the ezimgmog csll?” .
I Ve quote ia prt from Szixte Bill 230, 48th *gin&a-,
twe, icsofar 2.3 ve think is perttient ixk ansvorZr~ your re-
q'ua3t* ES foiiovs : -
“sacti0zt 1. i p~raon,
fix3 or om'poratioa
tici1 opornts cz caxm to lx oxeratod 16. thk State ..
of l%xirs, zig e*zergcncy amhukzoe, pu3lic. or p&v-
. : ate, ‘~0~ tzg other vc*liclc cexxrrly u&cd for the‘. .
l;~axp~~tctlon or oouvoyanoo of ",&I 3icli.02 io:s22.ncB,
ulthozt first sccwl~g a pexzIt therefor fro= tk.o
State ZofzC of Ecerlth 08 hsraizafter provided.
“Sec. 2. Every ax2n.1la.;zcc, patrol outomobSle
- I or .vckicle hereinafter described, before permit is
issized thcrcfor, shall be equipped with and, ehcn
13 scrvlce, c’crrg ns raininca ec-uig;rent the follow-
ins :
“(e) A first aid Itit;
Wqction snlint- for tFe p-oper traos-
p,1,,22 0; i;racturei of th e c.'Xi
fl .
"sec. 3. Every such acbu:a~~3 or vehlcic
brcizcbovo Ce3or;Lb&+~g 3.x1eorvitic, ohs11 be
‘~~cc+,zd.*ti~ by at losot 00~ pel3on vi10 h33 accr,uirod
. :
: :
. .
Eoro?abXe George U. Cox, pee &
In our Opinion Eo. O-5580, we hold pemits must pe
secured for tcibul2nceo which wore never used Po,n eixrgeiiog
CSllS, but .ozly to oarry pctIc%ts to 2nd pCoi3 hospitalo on non-
ecerfenoy ribsions. A copy of thct opinion is enolosod.
Your fo*wth question is a2s3ered ia the negative. As
we attez@cd to po1ak out in tiocuzsi~~ yo&- oecozld qucstlon,
Se~~lon3 2 and 4 of Senate Bill Co. 230 rec@ra that evcq ap-
plicant seokiqj o pertit uuder this Act must first sbov that
his partfculcir vehiole is p2o?s,srly equipped in eccordnnce with
its provi3iom. It sce3s Cfiemfwe that before a partit rzay
be issued, the partioulw vebLc2e rxst bc p~oporly equlZJqzd,
espeolt;Xy so in vieu of the above Ia~~uaze aad the absezoe of
a=~ l&nsuz$e OP itierenoe pertittti$ eiq~ LntcrohangLtzg of equlp-
itcnt arcz~ a!bulixceS.
. We twst the fomzgoLq ftily an&s sour questiorc..
.- Yours very truly
Robert 0. Koch
_, Assistant