BOA. Bayne Satkriiol4, Page S
Ia view or the abovo quoted portion8 ob Art1018
tUM$e, 8upm, a parrron to be rlltslblo ror rotframat rrolp
8otiva eezvl49 ~eoau8o~o~~p@yeloa~ or m~ntal~diubilflr~
_ -
muot mt aortain prerorlaea raqulnnmm. HOmuastmM
aative rlr83m duly enrolled In an aotIv8 fir* doplrtuat
IaIn~o;Ity or town that oamor,rlthia thr grovl8lon8'a~
Hi8 Uireblllty maat bsve arioan in the ~OX%ZQ-
an80 or ii8 duty. Xt I8 naoe88ary that he Slla with the
~orrr(lor Tmateor of hir olty a oertitioak or hlr 4frabl.b
lty IT&eligibll$ty ripe6 and awoxn to togothor with a
owtifio8t8 Of th@ oity or tom phy8l&i, ii t&are bo on@,
or it AOM, than by a phy8iolan eeleotti by tha Boar4 of
Tzuatoe8. maah oortifioate to ba r&nodand tr*~orn to by e&l
pbyrioIan ehorS.n&the dieabUlty.of thr lppltoant. WIbh th+m
pps.wqOl8lte8 ia a&t+ we tarn aad 105k to thp,euba3ttd lp -
plloatioa, a aopy or rhioh, oaittims ~raonaU$iaa, ie at-
timah& hore%o.
the p0xr0anoe or htr duty.
Ron. Bayaa Sattoriiel4, Page 4
88 aOtiOe that th0 OWt~iut@ Or th.0 phJr~&OlM 16
a alt phyafaian not of the Qlty or tm in r&ioh the app21-
OalktI 8 0 tiMA. AS wo lstorpxo6 wetion 0, hWBtC@OM
quota& t& ~wtdfloate or the appllaant mm% bo aeewai08
by a oortirliaateor the olty or town p~8lOlaa (d the Olt$
or tom la whiah the poraoa &a a tireman, on4 ii than b8
AOM th8n by any phy8iOiaA seleoted by Oha Board of ~ker.
xi the olty when the ap lloant la rinvn has a sit
lfildav4t mt18t ,bm
the lo o o m g ny ing mad@br hlti bat L
Oiti, h. A0 6ity @i781OiU3 thrm nay &Otto? Bi&Std b the
Board my mar* the &fLdavit, Bornor, ruoh fact mhoulE ap-
pear on one 0f the o*rtlrfaato8 rim.
very tmly roam
ATTO%lsm OmIRRAL or ‘Enn8
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