Xonorsble Clsrk C. l@t?n, EXeautlYe Seam
Texas Aatlonal Quard-Armory Board
ROUU 1603 - Seoond Xfttlonal Bank Build- I..
Rouston (zone 2), Texea
<’ \
Dear Sir:
letter of
ot this depart-
. ‘kp quote the body of your
e questiona are the follovlng
&Zhap&r 1. Title 8UIlitla’ p, 486, G.L.
06 Is& Art, 5790.
nAu~orlzlng the Adjutant General to execute
In behalf of the atate a8 Lessee, leasee and sub-
leases vith Texas National Guard Armory Board and
to renev such leases and sub-leases fran time to
:lorable Clark C. Wren, Executive Seoretary, Page 2
"Chapter 2. auprs~pp 487 et seq. (The
Arnrory Board Aot)
‘Creating the Anuory Board an s body {olltlo
and corporate end providing that it shall hare
aharge of the acquisItIOn, oon8tructlon, rental,
control, maintenance and operation of all-
.wl Guard Anuorlcr~ etci ‘poseesr all pavers
necessary and convenient for the aaoompll&nnent
of such duty’ etc. (Sea 2); ‘enter Into aontraots
h oonnectlon vlth any matter vlthln the objoots,
purpores or dutleo of the Board’ (Sec. 2b) f *ao-
qulre, by gift or purchase, property of any end
every deeoriptlon, real, personal or mixed lnolud-
lng leasehold estster (Sea 2f); lease and sub-
lease its roperty and pledge the revenues there-
0S (Sea 2gP i borrow money and issue bonds and
bther evidences of Indebtedness secured by a pledge
of the revenuea of Its property etc. (Se0 2h) f exe-
cute and deliver lesaes or sub-lessas demising
snd leasing to the State of Texsr$ determIne the
term of suoh leasea; aud providing .that the lav
requiring notice and aompetltlve blds,ahall not
1s to leasing or sub-leasing of auoh property.
It I iddthatthe B rd halldt
the &%&n&i of renta?to :e paIdebt