Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

4. _.... 3 , * 97 *-..:..- ,., , . 3 .. ‘; OFFICE OF THE ATI’ORNEV GENERAL OF TEXAS .i AUSTIN This Opinion . 98 ’ I. . i under t& provision8 of thlo hot unm18 it . . 8hul.l. bo providing fop the annual support of Ifs sahoois by vo%ln& leopinG md obilootini: . for the ourrunt sahool year a looal mnintonnnoe . ..’ mhool tcyol not lots8 than Plfty Conte (50$). . on the ono hundred dollam of property vhlua- tlon in the ontiM distriot. The proportf r’ . .. valuntiona &all not bo J.ess t!! said prop- - srtr la mluod for stata an6 oounty purpooon. . The lnoomo lawn nuch mlintonance tax ln exam?8 ‘. OS the roquirod Fiftp Centa (508) mnlntennnoe . . ....tar mot first bo usod to retire lndobtetlncea, ' y lf any, in the local and Equilication (Rurul Aid) aohool funds. hftor the ~lndobtodneee in .~ those fundn,. ii .any, has ‘beon rotircd the iu- oom from this malntonanoe tax in oxoea5 of tt10 : .requlred Fifty Oonto (506) mnintonanoo tWr my , :, be used at tho diacrotlon of the locnl aohool -:,authorltiae OS the dlntriot for any lauful oc:~ooX . .. purpoaoI Any or all xdxatenanoe tax above Fifty’ ’ Contr’ (5Oj) may not be included in the oaloulA- tlon of noed for aid but &all be reported in . ‘~Itho In&et. If the inoams from the ~malntenanoe tax hove Cegte (to ) 1f1 not‘ ~npont 90 pro- Fifty. . ~’scrlbod horoin,.lt e:mll ka inoludod au roooiptr - In the budi;at. In ardor to oompl~ with %ho .tOmr .’ of this motion, it 8hall be necssmw$ for suoh' i :, school dlatriots applying for any t pa bf aid ’ 1 ~.authorlEod under the torn8 of this Aot, to ra- port all valuationa rithln such dlotriotrin-‘ ~ .,' oludin(: all ooaeolldatod dlrtriota and aumcxad _, distrtoto and fillwe to mport all euch vplua- ~‘_ : tions ehall prevent euah diatriot from rooolviqj .,*ny type of kid authorinsd UpdOr th.ia Aat.’ PI-O- : .. vlded that tha tax provialona and other lnhlbl- .- tlona provided in ~aalcl Aob shall not apply to ‘,_ the aohool whore ,the AlabamaIndiana attended rohool in Polk oountg, !?O%aQ." Ai we undwkund It, thorQ la l Qohool dirtrlot in P&k county, !hxar, the Jnalall viuprae distriot, SW alo Ahbaa . . : . 99 Xionoanbti & A\ WOod8, Dclplct#8 .. . . .. . ..I * Dullan eoi&.aatIoe to attend. Thii dlstriot ,Is supported to .a larp oxtent by the Foodoral Owornnmnt. Thor0 is no taxable property In thro dintrlotJ aonaequoritly, tAoA*ecan bo no tnx loviad by the diotrlot. Xt 18, tii%reSor0, 0tvloU that the "8ChOCif" refere to the Indian VUlrgo Souool and only to said SOhOO1, -. . . We undoratand t!ut thozo are around 80 ~~ho~&s~Ios in the distrlot. Ita t?lcrefOre, oom8 Within the EO-600 SChO- lastlo 1ImItatlon rat out ln Sootlon 1 of hrtiole I. Uo think that the word8 "other lnhibltlona" arc diroatly modlf’lsd by t.ho aorda which irxmdiately precede the ammj nmoly, “tax rovIaIonth* In othor words, nother Inhlbltions~ rof~r to &* ..o tax reQulrmnt,a and tlub other requirrmnts rslqted thorn- to: I.e., ropart of. valllelhlln, eto. An wbtii~r l&IbItlons” appears in Dootlon 2, it oould eofm t&Cre~oro, that any axceptlon provided for t!lorein would be &ted to t.%:;dt: motion. In thlo lnatanoe, if uo I;avo *other irbititiona* & broader applioatlon than the one -rtatod above. tha reeult rould bo 8omo~Mng luddlnlto and va@o and unaus- coptlhle. to my olaar Wbanln&. Our intorprototion is consistent aIth the gonoral,pur- pose of the Aot: to aid dlstriots .neodins the same and to OQVtii&Stho OdWotiOna~ ikO%litioS. hrt~ClC 6 prOvidC8 tiU&t no aid shall be aton unlseo'lt CM bo shown that cuoh old 1s ~aotually noodcd aa shokn by the approved budset snd aotual oxgondlturea and that the fund8 are boIq urod a8 approvod.a An lntorprotation of *oth@ Inhlbltlons” other thM the one we have annaunaod z&I&t lnvolvo the quostl% at d&s- orItslnatIoa if aid not aotunl.4 norded 1~8 grented. Your cseoond queution m&da la ~011088~ “(2 Article 8, neation 2 rtrtos in part that : UOhOO wh o rlpe p llo a tlo na fo r state lld ur e l 100 nonorableL. A? Toodr,paeo #d fil6d lPt6r than October L6t of eeoh ear for 'rrhlah aid 18 acrkod, ohall be lnolIn,II, I 6 for any type of ald.~f QUiXTIONt Dooe thlo state- . '.'~mnt nnik6 6uoh InolI&IbIllty definltr ld.posi- . tloa beyond any doolrlon or lotlon on the part of the Dopu'tment or any oth6r body? Seation0 of Artlole 8 provideaIn full a. ~ollowm~ .’ ,. J,; “Sadon 8. FIIJX DAl'LS. All applioationi for any tppe of aid authorlzad horeIn, exoept tuition aid, 6hall be on file aith the Potato nopartmont of Eduoatlon in Austin not later than‘ Ootobor lot of ooch mholaotio yoaiior which aid io aekod.' School6 who60 egplIoatlon6 for etnte * aid &XVI1'1104 later ~ZUUI Ootober 1st of each yonr I for whloh aid la aokod, ahtall bo Inoll-lbls for any typo of &id.* ma-i8 wG=d-- It la a pxid. m&o OS slatutory oonntruotion tilat statutory provialonn vhiah ar6 afflmatlvoly worded and mm6ly' sot forth the time or atot%0for ths proper or orderly oonduot or busIneee are. not mendoto Dut th6 mm6 is not true *her6 nuchprovision8 ‘areno@Ave"9 y rordod,or are followedby word8 of IImitation, &owing thati ouoh tLns or mode io 6xolu~L~o. In tho loadislE on60 oi City oi Uvalde Y# ~~~rn~y, 145 8. V. 311, a statute, uhioh provided that the city ommI1 "uhnll, on or before tho fLr6t day of Jnnuary , . , fix t'3a salaryand fees of ofrloo of the nnyor . l . ", wa4 under con- aidoration. The aalraq- of tho 6xayos had notibmn fixaduntil ,’ April. The qiostlon va8 whothor the statute va6 mdatorg or diroctorp -whothor th6 order in April fixing tlxo mlnry vao offootIvo. Th6 oowt hold, in effeot, that Vtiero A etatutory ' provision I6 in aEimativa rord6, It do*. not neaaasarlly moan t&t the mode or tInu, maCloned in 10 10 exolu;usivd, and that e6 t&a provlolon under oouoId6ratio&yma in Affinnntlve mrd8, tha Ipw) ma mere4 dlreotoryw :, ;.I ( ,; : . 103. But the oourt made A iurthor hold- whloh we”think Ir eapooI~lly applloabld bore. The mm0 otatute pro~ldlng ior tho fixing of the nayor 1o salary &JO provided that ‘tha oom- psnsatlon ao ertabllshod &-ml1 not be ohnneod durw the tow for nhIoh o&&d offloor shall beTeotod or appolntod.* (lCmph~-~ l;# eugpiied$. Th5, OOw?b held Fegrrrdit16 thi8 j~~i6iOnl Vhnt pmooislon la negativelyuprerrad, &d . mua! qeoenrarllybe mawMary.' . . Bee alno the uatm OS Fez-r18 Prear Brlok Cob Y* ‘RAwkim, ll6 8. 1. 60, vheroln A elmilar rulo wan umounord: /f / :/ "The Aot under oonoldemtion doem not prorldo .:, that a failure to oboorve its dirootiono with re* @ird to the t&no A etatotlont of faotr eiull ba :” I . presented . . . 6h~ll forfeit Any right) nor is il?. ltr phraseology suah that the desI&nation of tho .’ CImo x1thI.n whIoh. mob prreentatlon shall be mdA met be ~corialderod A&IA limitation of the over of nuoh udge in approvlnrg A& dIredin& & 0 Eta*- prsnb to i O rifew -. , ,.. . _~ 2 AndrromtheopltlIonor theoourtlnthe5me~orame8 Yq maon, lQ6 8. W* 660, vo quot. the f0110uIng: a 1 “A olausc la dlrootory wtmn the pravleion oontalna more mattor of dlrootlon And no moro; but not 80 whon follonod by words of posltlvo pro- hIbItIon.m Bladon Y* PhIladolphlo, GO Paa 4661 Pear00 v~,'klorrIo, 2 Ad. & El. 064 'Prohibitory words oan mrely lf evob be dIrootoryr Thore i@ but 6ne way to obey tho oommpnd“thou shAlt not,’ whioh Ian to abstgia Altogrtlnm, from doing the aat forbIddon.*" _,, .. Thu8,'t.h.&mnrrZL~oin rrll-e&,abllahodthat ltatu.. toryprovi8lonaafflavativoly uordod~andsetting forth tha time : ', : : l in whloh an lot is to bo dorm am usuallydlreotor$j but whore the provlalon 16 nogtitlvely worded OF oontains noga- tivo words restralnlng the doin& OS the aot after such t;l.mo, the rovielon lurumdato , Rob the ceosnt oaae of Wwkowalq et a! . to Hewnlanot el.,7 sup* Qt.), la6 8. v. (2d) 000, as- fllwllngthle rulr* How, lrt w appl thora prlnol 10s to LIootlon 2, Art10 , 018 8 of the rural aid bL 1. Beotlon ii does not e&ply read8 gApplloatlon shallbe oa Silo by Ootobet lot.m It g0.a moh Surthbr axid 18 ouoh 8trmger, for it reada: ‘All applloatianrr Sor any type OS aid author- ieod herein, exoopt tuition aid, ahall be on fllo with the State Dopnrtrnont OS Eduoatlon In Auntln .HOTlater thnn Ootoborlot OS eaoh ooholaetlo~, yaar SOP vhloh rid ia aakod. SohOOlathose ap- plloatlonsror rtatr old are filed later than 1' Ootoborlat oS s&oh year for rhloh aid 18 aekod, mu ~6 1m~10mic for m;f w 0r aan Obfpha- 618 OurI.) " _/ .- This provl&n is oloarl in noZatlv0l-we. Pr& vision in mh& that tho applloat 1 om ehall bo filsd not lotor than Ootobor late liven 80, the Le&latum ~8~0not ~lefibd with ,this alone, for it added the provlolon bat sohoolo whom .~ applloatloxu, am S&led late? than Ootob@r tit #hall ba lneli$l- blo for any kind of aid. This irovldon la not on1 in noGatlvo worda, but it also oontalns a pooltlto prohibit 1on or limitation. The pro-. vision is, therefore, naandntory. You areC therefore, advised thataeotion8 mkoo the inoll~bllltyporltlteand definite bay0ndany dooirrion0r notion on the part 0r tbA Departm0nt 0r or any othbr body. Eduoatloxa Tha trgldaturb haa in thb lalnarti and moat porlt%va vo’rdo a &rlaltb;dbtermlna titon that Ootober lot le the ,, ‘. . .,‘. . ; . I 103 L, A. Woo&, ~afr 47 fioaorrblo doadl%ne for the rfSootlvo illin Or all applioatlons Sor aid cxoopt tuitionaid4 Any oonolue Pon other than the ono whloh wo have roaohedwould be, in offoot, hOld.liqi that tho ~;is- &aturs 1s pouorl~oo to cot a time rlthin whioh appllantlonr maat be filed. The abourdlty of nuoh a oonolualon ia api'arent. OpMon No. O-l06 dealt with a rlmilar provision ln the 1937 rural aid bill. OrLthrerpoot to the 1943 Aot, any hold- . . ing ln that oplnlon vhloh mar be lnoonristont with the view at&ted ln thl8 oplnlonla hereby expre8oly ovomuled, aad 8ald ~Opi.nlon X?o..O-106 is modified lo o o r dlng ly r Yo ur ~h lr d question road8 a8 Sollor8~ "(Sj brtlolr 6 provldorfor tho dutler of tho + State fiuporlntandont, but it al80 indlcateatht x the Le~iolablve Aooountant 18 to Pot oonourront-, 4, Quiis~I9cr Doen thin Lodslatlvo Aocountant appointed by the Lo&ilatlvo Co.mlttoo to aot in llou of 'acrid Conrjitteo hav8 the oo;lotltutlonal ,~ poror OS admlnlntratlon in the dlstrlbutlon of the mcmoy,q or does oald Aaoountant have the Suno-, . tlon OS l p o et-a udito only r and i8 tu a&it the dltrtzlbutlon of tim furldo by the &tat@ cupwin- tendontt XS.four annwor la ln the aSfln~tlv0, what apooirlo rckninlstratlv~ Sunotlonrdooa the '~ Conetltutlonpermlb the Zeglslatura to asolgn euah enploped Legl8latlveAooountant named la the Aott? '.I~ Thl8 qummtlon recpiron eoriow oonrideratlon ln view of our Opinion No; O-&XQ, whoreia it wa8,held that tha part or tha 1041rural aid bilkpurporting to lmpoee on the Joint Logialatlvo Advlrrory Uoxmlttoo tht~'authority to admlnlrter tho Zaa wu un- oonotltutional beoauae of Motion 1 of b'tlole II, OonrWtutlon 0r Tbxar, wuoh pryyb8 a8 ~ollow8,8 '. / I I.. .. ., " ; ,1 .: * , . :., .I I : / 104 Ronorable LO A* Wooda, ~0~4 #O . f ., * * "The powora of. the Govornmcnt of the state : OS Texae shall bo dlvldod into tho tllroo.dlr- ~: tinot dopartmonto, oaoh of vhlah ohall bc con- fldod to a ooparato hod of maglotraoy, $0~Rltr ttioo vihloh aro logiala 5.lvo to on01 thooa n:llah are oxocutlvo to another, ana th~so w’hlah aro judicial to anothor; and no poraon, or oolloo- tloa of porclono, bolng of ona of those dopnrt- mant3 ahull exoraiso any powor properly &tnohod to olthar 0S~ti-m othoro,oxoopt in the U&anooe h3rcln oxpreaslg. pormlttedru : ;’ It ma’ *tnted~‘& o&loxl Ho+ &4609i 7. nS’t lo the Sunctlkn of the loglaZAt.lve branch * of tho 6ovornmcnt to II&COtho law5t it le the function .-~f tho oxooutiva branch OS tho covorne mant to addxalotor and oxoaute t&w0 lam. In the statute under oorroldoratlon, the Loglalnturo of the Stat! of. !@xon has- u@ort+on not $ly t;b doolnre that the lnrr ~bnll bo, shlch lo aloarlg lta.prorogativo, but has also unQorta!mn to clotho ,.. a portion of tho tiomborsktp of the Lct~l5laturira, tho Joint Logiclativa Advlnory Conilrlttoo, with the authority to osocuto nnd ndmlnlntor tho J.av paaood by tho Lo&lelntw?o. Under hrtlolo 28 sootloa 1, of tho ConetltutionOS tho’ Stat0 of Yoxns, tbo Logiolature 1s poaorloon ta olo~th0 ltnolf; or a ., portion of lta momborn, with cxooutlvo authority.” fn tl+o Aot under ooneldoratlon provlaior~ :la mado Sor tti appolatment aS M offlcor by tho Joint Lo&latlvo Co;?nltteo. Such officer 1s to be knor;n ao Lo~inlatlvo Aoaoudont, and oor- taln dutlos are npooiflocl In t.ha Aot for Nn to porfom. t!oet . of thooa dutlon wore covorod ln tho 1241 Act, but FOIWto bo porformod by the, Cozxnlttoo. Buoh lo not the caao hero, howovorj and Lb Iboomsto un that the only conQtltutloMl qua5~t;ioalnvolvod ia the validityof th6 moati of nppointmant of t.l2 La&Gativo AcaountMt - whothor ouch appolntmont may bo mnda by a lazie- letlvo commlttcq or whothor tho porrorof appolntanont 18 funda- ma&ally excautive and, thoroforo, undor Soction 1 of kctlclo II of tho Conatltutl.on oannot be oxerolood by-the Laggiolnture, ’ Soationa 1 ana ‘z of Article 12 of tho rurai aid bill : ~.‘: j X%&aA4 fOuOr?Bt “Section 1. Thoro irrhomby oroated a Joint Leiiiolativo comdttoo oomPoaoa of floe (6) mm- bore of tho Sonata, appoiittod by the Pr&idont of tho sonate, and five (6) mambornof tho HOUBO of Roproaontativos, nppolntod by the Spoakor of the Houso of Aoprosontntivoa, a majority of whloB . ohnll aonstitute a quorum for tho purp050 Of dis- obnr~lr& any duty imposed upon eaid con;?littoo. .‘.I Snld oonamlttdo Bhall promptly or&an&o ald coloot ’ ‘_t from Its mombsrohip A d~lrmw, a vloe chairnan ~‘~ ! Md A oocrotnrg, &all ooto as A unit on all prop+!. .: ooitions aoming boforo it for oonoldoration nnd t shall koop n pormnnont rooord of its procoodin~o~ . ,: The members of onid oocnittoo ohall rocoivo no aompsnnation for the~aarv1co.s porfornod under tho provleiono of thin Aat, but onoh ahall rei ooivo his notual and noooonary exponoo8 *cwk-oa : .‘. ln the dlaohago of hls duties aa euah mombor.” ‘~ . “Cootion 2. ~s’l&.l.n thirty (30) dagn after the ~.appointment of thle ~oommittoo; it ~1~111moot find ; . 5, appoint n Lo&latlvo Accountant to pori%XXi?T ,. dutioa oat fort%Tnis Aot. Said Lo,;lolntlvo ” Aocountant alla11 bo appo%ntod Md hold office for A period of two (2) yoara or until hia auccrJr,sor ... ia. appolntod and qualifloa. The Joint T,o.+lntiva ~’ Comdttoo, or a majority of tho momborahlp th5roof, “.’ oh11 oxoaute a wxltton appointment of tho poroon :, 1 80 appolntod, aa ouoh Let6glalativo Aaoountant and oause the wum 60.~be fllod + the off500 of iho v .’ . .I .’ - ’ ., _, , Y’ .’ ‘. nonoraile. Le Al. Woodo &GO #IO ., ;, . . ’ : . . “. . .* ‘.‘* Lloaratary of Btntob All vacanalca Zn the office .oS the Lo~lalatlvo ACCZOW~M~ shall ba flllod”by the oomuittoo or A majority of the mc~boroh~~ thoroof.n (znphan10 W.pplIed.) . .* : . PI0 OFQOS tho opinion that tho appolntmnt of A Lotin- &xtivo AOOOLUltMt by tho Joint Lo&slativo Conmittoe; (18 out- :. lInod In Soatlon f2 above& Is oonatItutIo!aal. : The .gmer& rule rolativo to tha powor af appolntnont is etato6 ln l2 0. Ybr Wi437, as follawzii : .. u I) G 0 By tho great malght OS authority hoa- . over, tho po~or of uppointmnt IP, hold mt to bo s per a0 an exocutivo funotion, and unloan tho ap- , pofntmont or partiaular offioora is, by the con- stitution, oxproooXy oonfcrrrad 03 tho oxocutivo. .” ’ -- .. dopartnont or forbiddon to tim 1oL;iolaturo the ’ 3,attor may, by statute, v6at the powor of appoint*:‘. 3! mnt in ito dioctiotlon. T&J 0rWmry~ conatltotiofi- ” al, dlstributivo olauso provldirq for tho coz~plote aoparation of ~ovormontaf poTor ho8 &morally i l boon hold 1nmSficiont to voat the appointin& * &mm? aololy in the exooutiveen ‘:. ,, ,. Tho Duprmae’Court. of &u-yland In the case of ‘EIaj-a-or, C1;cr of Soltlmoro V* Stat0 ox rol. Board of Po1ks of DaltIn.wo, Lt. lEargland, 370, 74 Am, Do01 672, had boSoPo it t!m oonotitution- ality of M Act .oS the L@nlatum Wuwoin cortuln costinaiunore wore appointed by the Loi;ialnturo. W6 quota tho Sollo~lng from the Oplnlon of. the’ court t . _ .’ .’\ ‘.’ “It ia oontondod that, tho parer of-appolnt- mont boiw au lntriMi& OxeOUtiVO i’Unat%on, the ‘1 ,nnning of the oomdsaloruwn in the law wm in violation OS tha sixth artiolo of the doalmotion ,. .’ . : . . . ‘. * 1 . i I I.07 ETonornmJ L* AC IWda, pago #ti -. I. * ; i of rl@x~, @that *t.ho lo~lalotivo, ox6cutivtj, and judtoial pow&a of ovornmont, owht to bo for- !‘; I ever aonarato and df stinot from onoh other. nnd ‘ .no porsin oxoroiolh-the ~funotionn 0S monoOS t&d .’ dopartmonta ahallaeouma bti diaolmrgo tho dutiorr . of say other. 1 “iTo em not iwopawod to admit that the polyor : . . .a. of appolntmont to 0Sfico ie a Sunotion .intrlnol- tally o;cnoutlvo, in the Bono0 Ln whioh V?Ounder- : stand the pooitlon to havo boon t&on; namely, that it is inhoront in, and noososarily bolon;a to, the cxaout$.vo dopartm~nt~“a 0 Q 81 , . . And’tha foilonin 15 quoted from tho opinion of the ~~ ; Bupromo Court of Oregon n O?xh3 v* Coznpeon, 54 PI 3492 . i., : : a o 0 e But thin ldontioal quootion has twioo boon hold advoraoly to rolatorlo oontontion by . Wa court, and can thoroforo no londor be co- ’ carded &a on opon onoI l3Q:;s ve I~c~rldo, 17 Or. I. 640, 21 Pac. 078; EddO ve Kin&aid, 29 Orr 537, 1:. ): i : . 41 Pad. 166, 656. The oSSoct of thone docipiona ..~ -- in that the Sundanontn2 Zni~ oft the otate, 80 fnr aa It rolatoe to the lo~lulature,, id a limitntlon, and not 81grant of powor, and, th;(s bolnf: 00, tho ~lo~iolativo anoombly wny oxarclna anp of IA0 pcxore i . of fovoroi@y not prohlbitod, and that tho appoint+ 4 mont of persons to o~Tflco ie within .tho dozzAn.of I tho 1wiiw.U~ dopartmont (Poop10 ve IfurBut, 24. hllch. 44)~ or, as lo onid by ?SrrrChloS Jilntico . &n-ray ln Pooplo Y. Latx~don, 0 Cal, 1; c’l’ho pocor ‘. to fill an office io political and this po~or lo ’ ~ oxorclaod in coAmmon by tho 10~I alaturoo, tho cov- fwnore,. and ot!ior oxoout~v~ 0fSloors of avo otnto in the union, unions It han boon oxprouoly w 7 th-. ” drawn by tho organlo law of the f8tato.t LtrI Juatioo ~ Lord,‘ln Stata v* Goorgo, 22 Or: 143, 20 Pao* 366, conmont~ upon tho powore of tho t~ovural dopart-.~ menta of 8ttato0 may01 !WhSJe our oonntitutlpn.‘. ‘1 ‘,.,. \ .,a .,‘. , ‘. ~,. . . : ..’ : : , ‘.. . .I ‘ ( . a; . .. . . . . ‘~ ’ I I ‘, * . ‘. ,i Xonorablo Lr A0 Uoode# PA& Pl2 .. I * ; i l aoparatoe the ponora of eovornmont into throo ’ I. dlotlnot dopnrtnonta, and prohlblts any of . thorn Srom oxorololn;: any pouoro ooilrldod to . the othor it dooa not unclortako to doolaro what uhali bo oonoldorod lo&latlvo, e~cu- G . tfvo, or judloial aota.* . .: nJJo<hf&xndlng aomo aontrarloty OS Judl- : .-iv clal nttoranco in relation to tho poxor of a : le&latlvo body to oppoinb.pcrnona to ofSlco . : my bo found to oxlot, wo tUnkl under a eon- atltutlon like ourob whloh doos not prohibit ouah appointmontn, tho rule announood in Dims .: .~ ve MoDrldo, rmpm, 58 founded in roason and un- rasalfablo upon prlnolpler* c, The oimilarlty botwoon tho oonotitutional provloloa’ : ‘.: of tho8o atatos to oura la np~artint, and it le our opinion’ !r, that tho same rooult aould bo roaohod by our oourtu. Thea conoluolon la largely roached from a study OS our oonstltu- i tlonal provfoiono.-tlaon8olvos~ =I I ’ .‘- . ..‘!a.~, :‘ :. . . :.:; .( (ieotlon 10 OS Artloio III, Conotltutl&n of Toxae, pro- .-. : -~.~vfdee’ fn part a0 SoIlowf4t i . ‘;.I.. . , * 9 c) e ynj no mombor ok olther EOUPOdhall, .~.;e ! L. durim tho ton for which ho lo eloctod, bo .‘ :. 1 ollglblo to any off100 or plaoo, tiio agpolnt- ’” wnt Co which may bo nado, in who10 or in ynrt, a by olthor brancja OS the Loalalaturo; nnrl no i mombor of eithar Iiouao ahall voto So?? any otlatrr ’ momlaor for ang off100 whntovor, which !auy bo filled by a vote of the La&Iaturo, exoept in ’ :...’ ouoh anoo8. ~9 ax-0 in thla Qono$ltutlon, providedrw ‘: .~ ‘.>’ ; . ,. . . . s . .'_ * ;i + OS appointment. IS suah powor ~$8 exoroinod *&i Wbolo,* thon the o&ion US no ono olao would bo rof&&od. . . . Cur Conatliutionawl statutoa aontnin provlalcnofor tin0 joint action of tho Covernor sod tho 3onnLo in r,v.Mni; ‘aer- taln appolntnonts, Ooe Artialo 4, Saotion 12, Comtitutlon of Texan (Vacanolas In otato and dlstriat ofCMooa)j drtlclo ,.‘.‘~ . 5737. (Adjutant Gonernl); ~2007 (A J: ?.f a:id ZnU’nlvcreltgof ;:.::’ hdiolo Tcxm boerda)j .Artiolo 342 (Zankln~ Conmiaufotwr)~ Artlclo 601 ,:i (Boardof Control)8 Art&lo &Xi-6, P.Ce (L,iruo~ Coctrol Bonrd) ; . Artiole GlGCb (IMoon l?oard)s hrtlclo 7470 (Doord of ;:ator En- ” inooro)~ Artialo 3207o. (Comukmion for Blind); ArfAlo 6664 ‘iXighxag Codrrafon); hrtich 4GWa (Doard of ulouranao Corn- d. nioeionara) J Artilole7000 (Liventools ComlasLoo) 5 Artial6 43% ;.~;; (bieoFotQry,*of state )*. (. : _ J“. :., + .” . .’ t .‘~ .\TGhoid ia QppMons flo. O-1002 and .&3seo Wut Unnor 8oation 16 of ArticXo XIX aonfS.rmtibn of an appointment by the *’ * 1; Sonqte was part of the appolnizmut; ‘; . * 2 :. . .. Xt Lb ason8 thoroSor0, that the’ La6ielntura io outho+ ”1:‘. ire% to oxeroise the power of appo5ntment and liaao boon doing .I .. . 80 fOl?Qllite 8ODletb.0. . -. *., In tho ease OS tiillor i.“ M Peso Count , lo& s.iP, (2d) .’ 1027, rovorsodon otboa? grounds, 153 3e We (26 5 1000, tho aourb ~oomldorod a atatuto mhioh, mong othar thingo, provided Sor a .~ board of oountg dovolojmlont. ‘Xlm oonfldcd the ap~ol.ntmnt hot ~~ of aaM bonrd to the Dirootor’o of the Chmbcr of Coxoroa, and it wan oloimod that thou foatura of the Act me in violation of ” Sootion 2, Article XX of t.he Constitution. XfJ Quot-ri tileXo2low- ' a' ing from the oplnioa of the court8 , : by Cheptcr 37, Flat Called Soeo%on, 43d,Le3~o- . laturo, 1033, p. 113, Vornon~~ Rtr Art. Ann. Civ. .842b. By the torno t!leroof the oommisaion of &no provided tar uoro oalootod nnd to bd ooloated as 110 , &norablo tr A,’ Woods, po& 414 ii .l . % : follorw Chairmdn of tha Induotrlal hooidont . 3ornrd,Prooidont of tho Judioinl. Council) thruo to, bo appointed by the Lloutonant Governor, throo ’’ 1 :. by tho.SpeakaP OS tho IIouao of Roprsoontn,tivso, : : and one by tho Qovornor. A mombarof t!lat Gorr mionlon had boon oppointcd by the Speakor OS LhhB., ‘_ noueo . A ohort tlmo aftor tho wflolntmont the . Spcakor docrood the romOYs1 OS s&l nppointa0 ‘. ‘. -. and mndo anothar appotitmont, su.ch acbnaquont ,! appolntoo taklw tha oath ond unGo+akln; to -I qualify. Quo %urranto proocod&a ~01-0 lnatl- tutod by the Gtato n;;alnfit th0 lnnt a;polntcab The trial court owtainad the quo wwrento pro- I . . L.~coodlnga, and, in oSfoct, ordorcd the Sir& ay- pointao rolnatata& !i%o OMO ronohcd t&o Su~rcmo ’ ..Court on cortlSiod quootiona. DoronSiold V. S;t;at;o, XX3 Tax*’667, 73 0. C’* 2d 03. T!IO judgwnt of tlto .. trial oourt nno in offact 4pprovod. It io two, , * tho quostlan of.tho vnlidity OS tho appointmrx& of tho prior a?poiAw, lXol.lZdoyl nns not din- . ouosod-only tho validity of lxlo attomptcd ro- ,moml tra3 lnvolvcd, !iowvor, it nn3 cloarlg and ; unoquivooally otatud timratHolllday,:by hio ap- .:. polntmcnt by the Spa&sr OS the Ilouao, boaaw & . . i Stat0 offioore It 13 truo that thb Gpaakor of’ _. the Eouso in nn ofSlc6r of tho stnto; 1x3roop3ot to. tho Sunotioniq of tll~~lo~:i~~~tivo branch OS the ~ovornmonC, an oxbcutLt0 offlcar. uocavcr, ha is in all roopoots’ an offioer OS tie lo&is- ’1’ latlvo branch of the Covornmont, and h16 povrar ,~ and function lo au ouch. In this case, it Is .‘. ;,’ true, tho optolntlng powor wa8 0~orairw-l by an0 .: oloctod by tho pcoplo, 9r rather by their rrspro- 60Xit8tiVOQ. lioVOvCr, ho ‘#aa not olaotod n ith t3 oontomplation that ho ohald oxoroiao othnz* thnn lo~ialotivo Sunolono, ha &X.%tod, the oourt did : not 6%ocune, but assumed the losnlity of Hol!Adayts, * appointment . Dut the lo&Sty 0S hia appoint;nont VOBby the $ud@wnt vindioatod. cio do nob doom . Doronfiold V* St&o, ouprc10 as oonolualto,horoO bu$ :- ,thl& thsrt ib:haa oonoldorablo bowin&. ...~_, ,:, ,I. :. ,‘. ‘. 111 .. u!i%~edivloion of eovornmntal powera into . tlirco dcpartmonta 18 aomon to moot, if not all, ‘. of tho State Conotltutlo.*. Provloloa againat th& ‘exorcioa by ‘on0 divlalon of potTar mtrustod ’ to anotherla llkowlsoohAraotsrlotlo.: %I o&oral cmma in jurindlotions other t!>an ._ _ oura tho lo<g of ttm dolog:ntlon 6f tho poaor .. . . of noaiMtlon and a9pointmont to.nonofSicial bodieshao boen rooo@eod. 40 Corpun Juria, pp~ 050, QGlj IloCuxdy ve Josoo~, 120 L!d. 310, 95 A, 371 In rc Ngor, 4G Cal. GGS; Ovorohlnar ’ PI 3tnto, MO Indr lG?,~~.GQEl,Ea 4ck1,tl.L.R+ 748, 03 Ama St. Rope 1371 Btate ve So\mardo,64 Okl. Cr+ 430, 02 Pr 2d 3241 Bradley v# Eonrd of ”:: . Zotiw Adjuotmiat, 263 Ka:o~s~160, It0 31.E. 692. * % . nXn prlnclplo m can 80~ little difforonco in F . oonSidi% tho powor of appolntmnt to an ofslao othor ~than the ‘oxocutivo dopartmont and oonfldlqg it. to,an utaoffio~nl body.” ,’ : In vlow of the Sorcgolng you ara advloed that It io . l . th0 opinion Of thii3 dCplWtr.ollt that th0 hl0dO Of hppOlllttlOllb OS tho Lo&olatlve Accountant, as act out in hrtiolo I2 OS the ‘. ruml aid bill ltr valid and oonotltutlomli It 18 our furthor opinion that tho Constitutlvnnl ob- ootlono to tho Solnt Lo~lol.ntivo Adviaorg Comittao under tha J041 Aot and dtacussod 5x1Oplnlon Zio. O-4633 ora ml; ap~~11cnM.0 to tho Joint Lo~iolatlvo Comittoo crontod by t:m ;L’345 Aot, Iho ctutlcs inpoood on maid comlttoo by the WC3 Aot QLWoat ‘forth in Bootloran 2 and G of hrtlolo 12 OS tha ALat. Under l:ootlon 3 . :“ Of Artiolo 12 th0 oom.ittOO 9.0 to appoint the Lo&lslativo Ac- . 0ountAnt. seation6 provldoo as Sollowe: %iotion EL Bm~dlatoly after, the closa of eaoh fiscal year it ohnll bo tho duty of tho Lq$olritlvo Aooountant tr, m&c a detailed roport of blc work to &morable Lt .A@ Woodej‘ pc&3 8x0 :~ ! ‘, .. . i ;; L. ‘,. ‘.’ * the Joint La&olativo Oomaittao. The Joint Loz- ’ : .iolativo comittoo ohull oonslbar euch roport and .. maka rccommndat$.onc baood Wmroon to the next . re,lllar oosalon of tho Lcgielatura tharqaftorr ’ -;. Snld OoWz&ttoc la aloo dlrcotod to otudg’ tho .., i sohool laws in order that oam aald lavs may ba .” .: rdcodificd and mak0 raOommXIdatlOxu3 thcroon to tho next Lcjjlslaturc.” . -, 1 It vau~hold in OpMon No. 04009 that the pnrt of the 1041 Aot crcatiug the C;omittoc “for the purpoao of study- ’ lng tho oohool laws of WIO Dtato In ardor that onfd lam my ,bo rccodificd Is oloarly constttutional. Tcrroll v. King, 110 Fed, 237, 14 3. VI. (28) 7GG.” WCthink that tho Act In provld- ; (; lq for the risking of rapOrtA to tho oomlttoc by the Loi;lsla- tlvo Accbuntant so that tho oomitteo J:IR~ mlcoIwconkmidntlvns . to tha noxt. ro&ulm oosolon OS the La~lslatwa~~ls llkonloo con- stltutional, for the Lo~ialatws my sot on the banla of such rcoosunondat~ons ‘14 maklng aubeequont rural aid approprlntlons. I You aalc &b&t tho admlnlstrat~ve dutics OS the La&v- lative hooountaut under the Act*. mc shall rmmarlce the dutloo OS the Acoountad a5 set forth ln the variouo provloionaof the ..’ Aot. , 9: Section 1 of hrtlclc 1 makas oartain dlstrictn ollgible ’ Sor aid for only ‘ona tcaohor unlcne (L goo~raphlcal bnrclcr in thhodintriot ncccssitatcs tha oporatlon of tr;o schools, nnuch Goo~raphiaa~ barrier to bo datormlnad by the Stata Tlopr?rtnont of &ducetlon and eubjoot to tho approvnl OS the Qgiolntivo ho-. (, ‘. oountant.” (rwhnnis suppllcd.) :. !. .I .f%)otlon 4 OS Article I mlcoa ccrtain provisions roi;crd- ing tho avcrs~c daily attondanoa raqulrod of oohoolo com.inCnifh- in tha term of tha Aot;’ Tinis proviclon z-cads that tho raqulrod arcantago of suoh attondanoo ulm3.l be bawd for tha cntlrc school : .. ? ampor) @ati the elactlon,oS the eohool aud with the npprovnl of * 4. :, ; .*, ~..,,,’ * . , ‘: . . : ., . ,’ ! i. ‘,_. ” , -, :- ._ ,(. I ,: .I : ‘. ; ~-~ _, .,, :, ,‘. .. . . ‘. a. ., .; : , ,’.( I ,. 113 . : .;.: ” :thu I&olatlvo Aocounte@, fi.ay be baaed upon ihe $Yx& iour months thereof.w (m*sle e~ppllod,) . :. 8ootlaa I of brtiolo J eeto forth tho tonohor-pupil ” quota fordng the bnola for the Grant of aalnrg aid. Frovlolon is mudo for an acljuntmntoi’tho numbor of toaohoro upoq M in- aroaee of onrollmont under oortnin oondltiono~ such adjugtmont . la to bo mado by tho St&to Suporinton+nt end on tha w?;lrovol, ..* of the ~O~iOhlt~QO Acooun”kintr .. . . . Section 8 of Artiolo.6 providao that no transpsrtatlon ~aicl shell bo Grsutod, unbar the conditianu tharoti fwolflod, unloee tho bua routoo have bcon approved bp t!xo Gtatc Dopart- tlont ai Eduoation and oonfirmad by tho Lo&lslativo-Accountant; % 4~ ... c .* Dcotlon 3 of ecu& 8rtlol.o provides that “a nohool tho ‘. * raquaatfn~ trenepartatlon aid on a otudont ‘who Lo nol; nn approv- I od echolnotlo. of his home dlstrlob, ohnll lint suoh students soparstely on tho~eppllaation~ g%vin;; ouch informtion on nay ba ‘roquoatad by tho’Dopartmont of Eduoat,ion and tho Loi$slativo ho- .00untnntl,” ! .’ . . . ’ . ., _~ .k..t . : Artlolo 0 rcmls in part a8 follons~ . , “IC. eholl be tha ‘d&y or the stnto 6urxwintand- ont d,C Fubllo Inotruotian and the LoSicfintZva ho- ,,‘.’ countant, to ix&a suoh no t lon and to rso?lro5~011 rulon and ra~ulatlone not inoonoistont with tho tg3na of thlu Aot aa nny bo nocoooary to awry out tho provioionn end intontions of th3e Aot, and for fho boat- intoroot of tho echoola ‘for whoeo bono?it thho iundo are appr0priatod.s ‘.’ Artiole 0 doala wLth the dlaburuomont oC’fundo under the Aott 8ootloa 1 of Artiolo 0 ran&a a0 followoi . . . .~ I : . .’ .., l : ‘- A , . : _. HonormbloLo A. Woods, psc;o#.lQ wm have alrudy montloned Geotioa 6 ofArtlclu l2 with reopeot to the report of tha La&dat1re Aocoluitant to thm omlttu. AdOx @m Or th 0 h o Id508 t th 0lp jWOp r ut WXd %Oa a uo utio OSath efuna . b~t.loa 1 of ArtioraIa statesthmt the 8ciwy ia au00ated 814 upuxd~d ui3d.rthe ~XVV~~~OXUo r tin Ar tby tha mato DeQal?tB6nt0r Edua8tlon and wer the ~WUT~~OXX 0r th0 mgm8tm A04t0tmknt. 8eetlon9 of ArticleW mllood.mm the mmtq ud proc vi&m r0r thm 8mxmz-y0r tao ~glma.atiw Aooountant. St ak ride r0r tb0 truufer 0i w ~~~waded ban00 in UI 8x- outdan 8t the on&or the rsnro par of ttla bioxml~ lw o*e p” or tlxastate sqwaxltOndontof PubUo Inmeuma0!.lmndtb mp- pwml 6s thm LmglmlmtltmAco0nntaIlt" to mny mll00Ptlotl OrOrt- ed br tb~ Amt. we hate hrtdly revlewd tha vmrloumpratiriona rrlat- ing tm tb~ dutiom Or t.hOfs&l8tiYm Ao~Ountaati 3ia dutiO8 arm oonoemmd large4 with ohsokiagthe work or the State m- partmat or Eduo a tlo n.Xo a to f lwh w* 1m lnltimtsdbr thm 8kt4 ap8rtmurt 8ad it8 orfldm, md thwt thm acticrr or thr .state Departant la mubriaatto OoarirsrtlQtlor rppmtal by the Elmlmtln Aam~tmtant. or 80urm0, thmrm mrm lnmtmmmm where the two authoritlmm l'w inmtimnmo, in Artlals 6 it ir amdo thm and wylmtloru. Ir th0 rdgia- d8temlamtlon@rhinh would at- Of LD.l~~llO8tiOo, mftmr thm UI Stab Departuat, thob the two authori- tie8 ahwld at-t to work out rad ellainats ouy Um&pwwt or lnmanmlmtmnmy in p0llq. Tblr la about u defhxiteaa answer u w oan &we to the g r twrQp a la o tquutloa u& a d. Ir 8lpoal.fia qummtlon 8rlme8 thus ii you will mmk our ODiPiOZl a8 to 8Wh qtumtton, m wi.l i be &ad to adtlmm JOU. IlG :a . , . :. \ Konorable Li k&ode; p&g& &O ’ \ ‘> A; . .’ . ” .. I .l. ; ;’ + . &r fourth qu&bion roads (LBroilam a“ . . :: ..' I I, “(4) Artlolo 8 otatos in park, cnnd .tbo n&d- ' '. ,'.. 1. ln& imitrtiotin~ diatrlot nlli boSoli$bla for An .. 1 ktuch onlul aid a[f in nocoanary tn ou~g&mmt tha ',. $tnto Avnl1 ALlo And 5x01 ?:~:nton~::~~o -- ?iEj?z,F ._ : I IhA Ao?ioiAAtidA I'??OStil0 l3CIldiil&d iotriot atton&- .:. .:~.' . :,' :. .~~ '~ tiona~, tho tmnof~r of.tho ontiro ocholustio ar,nollsmnt or a .: ~oahool district umbloto ??AtntAin a sntisfnotory oohool t;o in .:~:.. :'.. aooroditod aohool of hi&or mnls.. kIm*~ Lao trAmSor is mdu ': fo n ilchool dletvic$ not a ntato-aid aohool, the followirq pro-,. '; Vit¶iOn, QLOtOdfrom Artto 8, is~ApglioAblol .. : . .,.., ! g ,,. n i 5~o If the roaolvlng school, la not a itnto ',.T '.: !'i !" aid ecbool, the CCh3lAStf.COOI~DUU rollo both rrh1t.b ,:.:: ., : :..I ,, and colored shall bl oonbinod, the per capika ap- .~, , I I portiomucnt,shall bo imid direat to tho rooolv.in;? oohool, all looal tnxoo of tho Dondin;: contr*actlw ~.. ‘.’ :. ” diotrlot oxoo?t those goi% to the intoroat And -:~ .; '.~ ~aititin~ fund ohz&. bo croditod to the roooivinl; . 1': :. '. .'-" ochool by tho thx eollaotor AQ oolloctod, and the ‘,.‘; oondlnj oontraotlng dlafrlot will bo olfgib2.o for ..::.. ,. as nuoh salary aid oo Ia noooooory to aupp;lmont tho ,.~_ .; ',. *...,' ._ ,. : :..; : I I ,. . 1. .,” .,G .: . ..I’ : : . .- ‘. ‘, . .. Otata Avnll.ablo fuad Local ?x&xtonapca Sund,n,Len 6 the eoholnotloe frm the oondln,r, dlntrlot’ aLlaad- in(; aaahool. in the rocoivln;; dletriot, to oovnr the .n~provod ooot of lnntruotion por ooholaatio . . .. in the roooiving ooh901, provided thnt ouch ay- . vrovod cost ohnll not oxoood Lovon I!oltim md iWX Contja (t7.GO) por notit for SiwT (5) a.>n!.hz So? %i& aohool otudonta op Five L)ol~urn ($v..jUJ r Slvo (6 nonthn fop eloi~ootory otu- , . il%y7th(2~iizcii . . : : ‘gh’hirtprovision 1s idontloal to the 1041 provlc:lon ox- oopt for thu addit9on of the aorde “for flvo (3) ncntho” undia+ ooorod above. At Slrab i;lnco it H3ultl appcnr tilat th0 total coat of InotruotZvn 10 l.Lz~itod to $37.50 for hlCh oohool otu- dent8 and $25.00 Sor olomcntmp otudento. i3ut FO nm oonvinood t?lat this naa mot tho Lntent OS the Lo~loLaixro. On the other hand ~0 thlnlc- that ouch nrmmto o:oro lntondod to bo ltititotiono on tho mount OS the ap~~ovod oost toanrd u;hioh aid could bo @xntad undor Artlola & OS oouruo aid may ba L’rantad only if and to the a+tont that neod lo shown. opinion HO. OG237. /’ .. :~ :. The 1041 hot oonta.lnod the 47rEO k7d $3.03 &iiC~tLPilO, t; but did not oontaln the five ~montho ltiLta\;ion. Tno Si;;croa of -: @7.5C1 So? &L&JachDo1 stuzlontu md $25.00 for olwwntar~ otudonto two UIOmsxlmumamunta (on a monthly bnoin of