THICATTO~EY GENEKAL OFTEXAS ,.., I&i%br&bleGe6. Ii.Sheppard Cbi%ptrollerW'6f Public Accounts Austin, _ Texas Dear Mr. Sheppard: Opinion Nd. O-5407 Re: Repeal of HiW&e Bill No. 159, 48th LegFslatuW, Itjy Hduse Bill No. 9, 48th'Legislature? Your letter of June 14, 1943, submits the following questions for the consideration of this Department: "1 * Does R.B'iNo. 9 repeal H.B. No. 159 in whole, or if in part, to what extent? "2. Should the Comptroller, In making the'ntixtmonthly allocation of money ,fi+omthe Clearance Fund into the Old Age Assistance Fund take into consideratLbn the $1,1.54,p44.20now In the Old Age Assistance Fund thereby making It a part of the $1,900,000.00 for the month of July? “3 * If you answer questic%two""in the negative, then shbuld the Comptroller apply 1/2'4thof the balance each:succeeding month in establishing Fn the,Old Age Assistance Fund the $1,900,000.00?" H. B. No, 159 passed by the 48th Legislature reads as follows: 'All unexpended an*dUnapproprFCted bal- ances ofihand in the Old Age Asslstahce Fund are hereby appropriated to the State Department."of Public Kdlfare for the purposes for which ssld fund Is aQthorLzed,by l&w to be expended. Pro- that not more thankone-twenty-foiirth ~' ;:yig of the unexpended and UnapprBpriated bal- &Mea on hand In the Old Age Assititance"'Fund shall be expended durFng any one calendar month," ..~, The 48th Legislature likewise passed H. B. No. 9. It carried thenemergency clause, and received'the v&e fiecess%irg to make it effective as an emergency measure. It was passed after H.B.,179. Honorable Geo. H. Sheppard, page 2 o-5407 Section 1 of H. B. No. 9 provides: "Subsection 4 ~Section 2, Article XX, of H. B. No. 8, Chap. 164, Acts of the 47th LEgls- lature, State of Texans,Regular Session, and all subsequent amendments thereto, .is hereby amended so as to hereafter read as follows: "'(4) After the above allodatlons and pay- ments have been made from such Clearance Fund there shall be paid therefrominto the Old Age Assistance Fund on the first of each month such sum whiCh, taken with the unexpended balance of State funds in such Old Age Assistance Fund, ~111 estab1ish.W the Old Age Assistance Fund a total of $1,900,00.00 in.State funds for that month. No more than ~' $1,900,000.00 In State funds from whatever ~sourde maybe expended for Old Age Assistance in any cal- endar month. If, on the first day of the calendar month,'the unexpended balance in the Old Age '~ Assistance Fund plus the amount on that date trans- ferred from the Clearance Fund to the Old Age Assis- tance Fund, shall not establish In the Old Age As'histanceFund the total sum of $1,900,000.00 in State funds for that month; then, In that event, there shall be deposited to the credit of the Old Age Assistance Fund from the revenues collected after the first day of the month which would other- wise go into the General Revenue Fund such sum as, with the balance on hand in the fund plus the~'pay- ment from the Clearance Fund, will make available in the Old Age Assistance Fund a total amount of State funds for that month of $1,900,000.00. The funds now on hand in, or hereafter deposited to the credit of, the Old Age Assistance Fund, are hereby appropriated for the uses and purposes prescribed by law, subject, however, to the pro- visions of this Act. This appropriation is for the remainder of the fiscal year ending August 31, 1943. The $1,900,000.00 per month State funds herein appropriated shall be and is Wlieu of all other State approprlations~for Old Age Assistance, and this State appropriation of $1,900,000.00 shall not include any funds received from the Federal Government." Section 2 of H. B. 9 repeals all laws In conflict with H. B. 9 to the extent of the conflict only. Since H. B. 9 appropr%ates, for the remainder of the RonorabLe i;eo.H. Sheppard, page 3 O-5407 fiscal year ending August 31, 1943, subject to Its provisions, "the funds now on hand In, or hereafter deposited to the credit of, the Old Age Assrstance Fund'",it is directly jn conflict with H, B. No. 159, the earlier law. FOP the period from the effec- tive date of H. B, No. 9 to August 31, 1943, therefore, the ap-' propriationprovlded by H. B. No, 9 controls. From and after September 1, 1943, PI.B. 159 is suspended by the appropriation made by the rider to the itemized appropriation made for the Department of Public Welfare by S. B. 332, 48th Legislature, Answering your second question, you are advised 'chak, perforce of the provisions of H. B. 9, you must take into eon- sideration, in making the next monthly allocation of money from the Clearance Fund into the Old Age Assistance Fund, any 'unex- pended balance of State funds" In the Old Age Assistance Fx Since the $1,154,044,20 item to which you refer as being in the Old Age Assi.stanceFund 1s an unexpended balance in that Fund, you must treat it as such in making your transfer of funds from the Clearance Fund to the Old Age Assistance Fund. Very truly yours ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By s/R. W. Fairchild R. W. Fairchild Assistant APPROVED JUN 28, 1943 s/Gerald C, Mann ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Approved Opinfon Committee By s/BWB Chairman