Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

           ,OFFICE,OF        THE ATTORNEY            GENERAL       OF TEXAS

                                           AUSTIN    _
                              ,. .-:
Q-GUANN                                                        I               .”   ?
IlrwmlsYopr-                                                          _

                                       -   .
     gonorable   i.   S. UurchiOOn

                                                          the fiftecntb of'
                                                          dated on tha day

                                                   pient of assistance dies
                                                    but prlor to the cashing
                                                   nissible under existing

               *If the first question is answered in the
          negative, is it peAulssiblefor the Department to
          can&e1 the warrant issued to the recipient and re-
          issue a warrant to the administrator of the estate
          or some porson legally responsible for the pwgment
          of the rcoipfent's debtst*      '.          ~,

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              In our Opfaion the varrrrntsinquired about are ,
    transferable, and m;aybe paid to any one who hold8 sue, ~,I                                                         ;.

    properly endorsed.   ..
              If tb0 payee~namod~~ the warrant dIea before
    he endOrscs'sanw3,the warrant aan only be,paid to liioa&                                                            ..

    dnlstrator, hoire.or.pard.ian.

              The unpa%Q’..arrant can not be o+ny~ll& by pu                                  .                  *
    pad a m3v'aarrant i'ssued.~n'lleuthereof.


                                                                                   . .
                                                                   eeo. u.   Bar01113

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