Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

.. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorablr xllliam C8ltla Mont~cmer~ Chalrmaa, Couslttrr 00 Count&r Botlse or RIpnrrntatlrrr Awtia, Tersr opiaion request c4 reornt data a a* ro11olmt t a oountt EM 0 or warrantr to a of a oounty a&- 4 or a bulldingto baud ns otbr agenoisa or tim ing thr iiatt6r nlth fou rrd Roproreatatlro wrouadrmtand that tN# btalldin~will be oft1008 af thr County Agent, &x0 Deffionrtra- tioa Agent, F.W.A. an& A.A.A. In orderto lssw ralld bon48 to pay ior pub110 la- prorownt8 ttu LegZ8latWe met 8~oiZto~lly prorid thea%- .ror . The node outlimd by tho Logislaturo for the im18mO c& bonds must bo rtriatly followed. Thir pawoeltlor, ua8 . Hooorable :‘lilll.an Calvin l;Ofltfjaiaerp,p3qO $8 establhshed by the case 0r :Zoburteon1. imeal0ve, 61 Tex. 316, @nd h88 been CCfi5tIAntly SuCO~lZeil eE$ followed. Strat- ton T. Cocslisrlcners~ Court cf &xiey Co., 137 3. Yi. 1170; Lasater V. Lopes, 217 3. x. 37s: Xdarw v* CoGill, 146 3. ‘w”. (Ed) 332. 50 have round 00 constitutiondl 0~ otatutorg autharit~ authorking the Issuanso ei bonds for tha purgose or bulldlng a building to house tb 0rri008 0r the various agents named la your rogueat. mr5r0i-5, it is our opinion that bools can- not be Issued ior tNs purpose. The restriotloa stated in the above proposltlon, how-’ ever,~does mat prevent a oounty from entarlEq Into contracte ror authoklsed pub110 laprovaments and isauln$ fion-negotiable interest-bearing warrants in Fayzcent thetaior. Laaater v. / Lopes, aupra Bzldsrs v* City 0r Lazqasas, 249 3. x. 1083~ Adams v. MoGi 11, suprar The only proriolon in our statutes that we havocbeen able to rind that alght porrslbly give the Com&mIdnerar Court power to oonatrwt the typo bulldlrg you cientlon tn four re- questi 1.s seotlon 7 of Article fS51, Vernon’s Annotated ClvIl Statutas, whloh read8 as fcllow8: * (300.7) shall provide and Icuep in re air zgm~ye, m and all neocasar~ rub1 Po Ilu .n XowovQr, this depertment has held in OpInIoa Xumber O-19ba (a oopy or aaid opinion is enolosed herewIth) that a buildding to hour the looal orfloes ot the A.A.A. end the County ko,ent 1s not a neoeeeary pub110 bulldd?cg, within, the meanlog of3eo- tloa 9 or Artlala eSJ1 sad that the Count+ Cozmlrsloners’ . Court has no oonetltut~ocal or statutory autborit~ to employ L oounty run48 for the ereotloa of suoh a bullding. E!asIng our oonoluslons upon the reason8 set out la the eaaloaad opinion, we do not believe that the Cozaulsulon- lrs’ Court has authorltt to oonstruot an agrloultural bulld- . Ronorable Wlllti Calvin Uontgorrrrf, -66 d3 lag to houao the otfloes oi the County ;,sent, Eorze Camon- StratIOn AgOAt, F.W.A. and A.A.A. It n5oessarll~ r0liows that the countr does not hsve the authorltp to 155ce time warraatr ror such a puqoer. Trusting that this smwers your question, a6 are && Ah.4 COB.8 alal.