.-. -..
aaru, 0. MANN
*’ .
HoAOrabla A. B. Dunlap, Xembef
Board oi Xatsr X.ngineers
duet& !l"sxaa
Dear Sirt .
iIoontained in the
0 Dspartmntal Appro-
11, S. 8. 423, Aots
pro suoh lhitatiOA8 are plaaed UPOA the mOA6yS aDpro-
yogzIby Eouse, Bill,?. 739. Sootion 6 of said Aot reads es
wsSat3tiOA 6. There Is hereby appropriated out
of any funI in the 3tate Tresaury not otherwise
appropriated the swn of Thirty Thousand Dollars~
($30,000.00), ror the purpose of carrylm Out the
~ooorabl4 A. E.'Dodlap Y &go I.
. . .
protleiona Of this Aot. Said money ahall. be paid
Out OA SWO2A accounts approved by the Attorney C~sA-
aral and shall ba paid out OS the Stat8 Treasury oh
yfirranto or the aoaptrollsr 88, under Csasral Lawa.
It ie Our OpiAiOA that the linitatlons up&A travsl-
isigeXpOA868 0OAttliASd iA the rider t0 S0A3te Dill ;$I& 123
apply only t0 ths appropriationa aade by ssid bill; oo~m-
qaontly they do not apply to tha ‘appropriation undo by Bouse .’
Bill Its. 739.
?A this 4QAA4OtiOA We Oail iOur att&tiOA htwetiq
to ~&tiolo 6823, reviled civil statutes of FOX~~I, 1925, BB,
aaenttsdby Chapter 216, page 37;!,~ Aots 1931, &WI Legislature,
mhioh reads as followst
wTha traveling aAd,other neoasaarg axpe~ses
lnourrt?d by tha various of':ioexs, assistants, 'dsp-
‘. UtiOS, oierka aAd ,uth,sr4r@~$944 in the VariOus
dspartmnta, inatltutlons, boards, oomzisaione or
other subdivisions ot the Stat4 G-avernmznt, in the
aotive dlsoharge of their duties shall be ~such a8
are spsoifioaLly~f~xed and appr~oniatad by tha tegls~
i lature IA the .&were1 approprlatlon bills providing
tq ~tho.expeAkea of .th4 State Cavrerntinent fxom ysar
I to y0a.r. 'rihenappropr~atlons fox trevel2ng 6xpGtlses.
ar4 meas any ellow3kosar or payzonts to oifioials or
bmploye4s Sor th4 use of privately ommd aatoolobllse
shall be 6~ a beaie of eotuel nileago traveled iOr
aach trlp or all tripa oovewd by the 4xp4nss amounts
eubtittcd for payneAt, or rllvwanoa front euah sppro-
prla$ions, aud, suoh payment or allbwanoe shall bo
made at a rate not to oxceed five (%I cents for
ea4h Aile ootuallg trevelad, and no additional ax-
p4n44 iACiaQAt to ths OperQtioA or auoh automobile
shill b4 allOwed.',
W4 d0 not bsllsoa that the flret eentsnao of thie
Bbttlte ptwprsrta to inoorporate by refemmcs the llnltations
upon traveling ;expensea whlah Aay ba containad in t&o Depert-
mental Approgrfatloa Bill or any other general appropriation
bill iAt4 Oth~4r appropriations whorsla auah limitations are
not expressly oontained. do believe however that the
llmftati0A Of 5 04AtS per mile,for th4 use of p*ivatoly -*a
aat~~blle8 applles p,enarally as a lknitation upon ail travel-
ing exgenasa lrrespeotlve of whether such a lltitatlon is 8x0 .
presaly.oontained. in the partioular appropriation bill.
Truetlng that the forsgolng answer8 your inquiry,
we are
fours very truly
Walter R. Iiooh