Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. . OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN QLIILDc. UIlcN Ane”WalwnA& &norablo John D. Riod Comirrioner Bureau or Labor statl*h3r Allstln, Texas Dear sir: : -Tournornt letter requesting 6iu opinion reads queatlon are em- ties am prlmarlly ed when Congress aotr in ouoh l t its to p ur p o 8e lx e r o ler 1 ti 001 1 . rity,the ngulatlng power of the hate oaaaee*to edst. . , lm Titl. 39 ot the United Stat.8 Cod; regulator in do- -1 the emmplo ent and hour8 0r rrrvior 0r portal ekBploye~r. 8~tiona 117, r13 M4 629 0r said Title )p ngulato 8p00iri0- Uly the type or epglopmnt rota-red to in your lottor. . . -.. 4m Emorablo Joba De Rood,Oommbelonor,P8go 2 Obvloudj Coqrur ha8 eated la such a nay a8 to mdr08t ltr purporo to lxarol80It8 eon8titutlonal authority in reguting the hour8or 8orvlor or rmlrf00~10~000 La ttm poEta 88rvlOO. You an thordon ro8peotiully adrlud that r08iu0.employ008or the Fnltad State8 Po8t orri088 do not 00~8 withintho.prorirlonr of Artlolo1569 through Art10 01. 1572 oi the Peml Cod. oi Tua8. Tour8tory truly ;yIFy$ym B. 0. Pbarr As81atant ..