=""=e -
Honorable Beu J. Dean
District *V,toriley
'BreckenriQe, Texas ..
POW? T8qUoSt for
by this
-your request as fqlkysr
'aounty business', bnt it
I% shoulc?
be &V8Ii a broad
tio9 DO as not So aeffm th6
11 Tex. Jr. 535 38).[sec.
n 5, idi& 165a,.chapter’
1935, 44th Legislature, thare was '
conferred qon the Comissis,?erstCourt of the
HonorableBen 3. Dkan~,3?Sg;o
several.counties tho authority to provide for
the constructionof iqmwe3ei3ts on lafidslying
within their cwnties in the nature of fam
terraces, etc. .*
Wider 3. B. l+94,'~Gcneral
and Special La&s -.
of n3xa3, 1;7tsLegislature,1941, psgo 604, thee
Oomissionei-8'Court is given the poxw to red
to wa-ocnOr3 road nachinexy for~the..comtruc-
tion of terraoas, etc..,in cowtics of n po?ul.a-
tioni%02 60,000 to 80,000; aaa unaer Article I.65
a-5, I{,S.,:this sam power is given in counties
containi& 290,000 to 320,000; cna udqr hrticle
-165n-6,ii.S.,,th8 Saolepo'%iri3 i$v83It0 the
C?omiSsio~ers~Court of counties with a population
* of 320,000t0,,360.*000*~
-It thw a;ypearsthat the lcgielativs oon- '
&motion of th0 powers .ofthe Com.dSSionerslCoust
is that the Gomissioners* Court does not have any
pow&to grant or .bargcinthe use of rod machinery
for any private ppurpo~ss,
but the saEe CBILbe used.
only in the maintemnce and otinstructionof public
UDuring the war emrgency, in the construction
of airports.and OthGX public faoilities, request
bas been.xmdo by contractorsof the County Conzi.s-
sioners' Court for the use of rood nacM.nery be-
lon&ng to the comty u.Mer contract providing for
aaoquate~ooqensation for Such use.'
"It nay be aSsumd, at leaot for the periOd
of the emergency, that road mchir,erg now on
hana me6 lant the oountios until the onergcnoy
io~over end thct if the sme is worn out on.othor
projects other than the county road syoton that
tho county my be left vrithoutanymchincry with
whioh to work the roads. ..
. .
IIonorableBon J. Dean, Page 3
KC shotad.like to .ask you the following
: n(a) Do83 tho County Comissione~s~ Couxt
have the powor to nake a rental.contract with a
private contraotor engagea in govomiient work
for thhouse of road mchinery on'suoh %orH
'I(b) ilossthe Coimissioners~Court have the
power to mko a contractwith a private oontracto::
for the use of its road naohinery to be shippea
out OF t50~Stat.eof Texas ana useain comtwction
Unaer the aut3orities oitoain O@ions X0.
0-2034ana o-3228of this aepirt0m, copies of which
arp enolosed herewith for your InSorm~ion we ansmr
eqoh of your questions io .thenegative, .,
: Yo&s very'truly
m. J. Pannin$