Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN oplnloa Ror 047el R*I ~~thhority 0r thr Tsnr ?ribaa Boardto pornitmIlllet l&or ta k uhedlin hanehtlng erope for prltstrinflir1eu6lrr x0 an in roorlpt of pour letter of Jul9 17, 1w!:, srkl~ tllofollow* ro~uart of tldr bapartcont: ViUl 9011ploarr adrlrr me what&w or not th eTsa rr tia bo aa r h d o th e lutharlty to pernit prlroa lrbor ta br umd in hanehtlnn, oropr tar lndlrl6ualh =Thlr nq\uo* 18 firwpt4d b9 00&Q of lrttrr hornto rtkrhed. ' F’ 529 ,