Honorable W. S. Bussey, Chief
Mvlaion of WeQhts & Measures
Department of Agrioulture
Auatln, Texas
Dear sir:
sea td%on-
veny \
Your letter of July 9
partment on the following
%eot~lon 1. - Ang State or City Impeotor or
Deputy Inspector of Weights apd Neesures In Texao
shall be eligible for active membership.
Honorable W. 9. Bwaey, Page 2
%eotlon 2. - ,Repidrmen, lt~pe~otm~ 0r wetigh-
ina 8nd mearurin~~ devloer. 8nd lndfv%darls hating ~~.
au-interest in w&ghLng &d meaauriug problems -
may become ssroolete members.
“Seotion 3. - Hanuisoturers, jobbers, whole-
salers and firms, oomp8nies, oorporetions or
associations having an Interest In or are oon-
cerned with weights 8nd measures work, may be-
come associate memberr.
“Section 4. - Associate members, 88 indivl-
duals or otherwise, ah811 have a voioe in all
proceedings, but shall not vote.
?Seotlon 5. -‘Honorary memberahLp may, .,up-
on reaommendat~on or,*8 exeoutive bommLttee,
be .o&fsrred upipon'thori, ;per?~ who' &a% 'pep-,,
rozmed outrtai+.ng gqrv$oe in behrlf: i3r:th&
88sooiation. I. .,
“Seation 1.. - The offioers of this aeso-
olatlon &hell~be a President,. a Bioe+rer&dent,
8 Searetwy+%esru.rer;~ and an .Asris$~ant Seu&e-
targ.. There r&1811‘alao, be.~c ~eOujig?e t$?mmLttee
or ‘five:..membersi .IM;ae.rZp‘.of the..Prit~:$&len~,.the ;: :‘. ,~
Vio~++rhldent "or thee a&oUitian;:and three'
@her- eotlv6 niemberr of ‘the aas,ogl&tlon. Ap1 the ~:’
ror&gbing orriO ehall be xl.J.g@d ~23s.e&x+ion .at
~the.aizwal meeting 0.f: the, @woglr%$g~:h?~~~L ita
Pcrtive membership. vtp~~i13~ ~EI.. ury.. tsrtde .tiy
be ..rllled by rppoln%ment~ ,b$ the exi?oi%tive &mmittee ’
~for. the unexpired term.
'Seotion.2. - ~he~Qommlsslaner tie AgrLeulture
and the chier of the Weights and N+wer ahaX& ~~
be ex-orrlato memberr~‘of the exewitive ao@imLttse. ” T
lseo tlQn 3. - Phe ,aerldent ahev psrlde at ~~, ‘::”
811 meetings, ihal& e8ewe order, enfewe the
oonstltution 8nd by- c we, oall. apeois1 meetings,
ohall be ex-offlolo ohalrman of the exeeutfve
commIttee, and ahall appoint neoeraary 0ommAtteex
to carry on the work of the 8ssooletlon, ln&xdZng
a three-member no*atlng colranittee.
Honoreble W. 8. Buaaey, Page 3
%ati& 4 . - l?M healdent or Saqratary-
Weestir ah833 have povbr to aena flora w&b&tea
.ti evtit of'aiokneai or death In the hoaaehold of
e nlember of the easooiation.
'8eotlon .5,j - Ln the ebaanoe of the prealdent,
the duties or hii offloe still devolve upon the
USe#jfian 6, - Tiie .8tiretby-Treeaurer atill
keep~.rea?& of all pro&dlnga, shall cd&Teat.
811 duea, givlng~receipt therefor, and ahali pay
ell~bllls on fhe approva,l of the Prea~ident. He
a&ialP~hiake~.efintmclsl r,eport at. eaoh regulw
E&+rfjble W. ,8. Bmaey, pa& 4,
and et,a ptiae deoided~~pon‘by the uaooletion or
lplaoted ,by the exeoutive aoqilttee in.oaae lie meet-
ing'p&aoe is designated by tbe~eaaooiation.
RSeotlon 2. - The dates of the annual meeting
ahall.be deterplined by the executive committee. No
luoh meeting shall be Galled within 60 days of a
regular meeting.
'Seotion 3. -..Speoisl meetings may be oelled
by the pF.e,al.dent upon request of the executive
“@eotiog 1. - One-third of the members shall
oona$l$ute- P quorum. All voting ahall be aontined
,*&&on a. - &ll elect&n of oifio~ra~aha&l
'bq.$y.hLbti A.ma~.a%?lty of aXi voter oaat’. ihal&
oowtitute a ohQloe.
"Seotlon 3. - The term of office shall be one
~year.or until a successor has been eleoted.
- 9. ~Adj.ournm&nt.
"ll$YiTe@ VIII
"Section 1. - This oonatitution may be, eltered,
amidid, or added to c&L~ by 8 two-third8 vote of
the members present et the annual meeting of the
Association. T.o be considered, any proposed ohaage
in the oonstitution ahall be submitted in w%?iting
to the president, a&least 30 days before the date
Hoiwwble g. S. Buasey, page 5
c$ t&nma&t aunual meeting, and oOpiea of aaoh
~p~iL,rhall be promptly 8uppEled w,tha pzeri-
dent tg ellaative~ me&era of the aa~oaietion. The
propoWi1 ah611 then be eated upon at the next annual
It reema that the Comptroller haa refused payment 0r
expenses of your employees incurred in attending the Annual meet-
ing of thla association on May 7th and &%h, because In his opJ.n-
ion the meeting was a ‘convention,” and the advance approval of
the Attorney General wee not obtained es required by the our-
rent departmental appropriation bill In the followlug term:
“No moneya appropriatedtiere3.n shall ever be
apent,$o pay.the traveling expenaea of anystate
employee to any type,of oonventiqn wi$hin the State
or wltho~ut,the State’~~ept.llpon.sdvsncs written
proVal ~of.the ~Attorney Qenerel’aa .be,ing ,for.@e~e~a :.
~~I&& this ~prbviaik, trevelh-e%$eneia’ lnc&bd G
attending + ‘bcon6intlona oqot be paid unless. before they uere
incurred the written approval of the trip must be aepar+ely ep-
proved; this Department till not undertake to give blankvt au-
tIfe,are ,or the qpJ.nlonthat the mwttng involve~iaon~
lt1tute.d t !q6qentlOn* tithjm the aieening.,of the ~&ppr$~‘%ttlon
bill, Phe deaeription.of then assemblege~of & ‘meeting;. 8
uoolifer6noe a etc.,’ ia not in@rtant~ its ahs*roter 38.. ~A
?conventS&!:as .wed in the a$@o~iatian bU% ia a ‘masUng
or ~~epa,,:.~r’,delegatee. 0r 8 prlvete’6~gan$Eat2on, partr,
olub, so~~ety,,or .+e like y” Bee our qpl..ni.on~~Ho.,O-1731;* : %#ha
hrpcroterrof i+e b~ganlaeti~h.88 “private* or *orrioiel depadfi,
not alone upon its purpose, but..slao upon.ita ayuberahip~ :The
Conatlttition’and By-lewa of the Aaaoolatlon revea,.l that the ‘%a-
sooiirtion la 8 “~pMva,te organisatlon.” ~$Phe,privete oharwter
of the organlaetitin is emphaaieed by the.folowing prgviai4$i$ar
(1) Private indivldtiala, firms a.733aoqor.stiowmi4~
be ‘eaaooiate” members.
(2) ’ Duea are oolleoted from a%1 members, regular an&
Honorable Ii. & ,Bussey, ;Elsge 6 t,
rmooistei these due8 are not oolXe&hd
they~are: eqe&+#j UUheut an,8pprqwl.atlon
would be 'H#kd,'%f %hey:Uer-~ puhblio mmie&*), .&i$ : ',
for puipoeies fdr~'whlah, If the46 ~funds vere not tI?e.pmperty:
of a private orgaailsatlon, they could not be expended, (POT_
instance, floral~tributeo ~l.n event of slokuees or death in
the household of a member of the asrociation.)
Ye trust that the.foregolng answer@ your ln~ul%i.
&I the'future, you should request the approval of thla, De- ~.
psrtment in kdvance of attendanoe~upon the meetings of,tLrir
Yours very truly :
, / ,
.‘, ,-