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xa0h tmmudition ii a oopmete 0frw00.*
~0~1 00&o, ~rtl016 lb70 pmvfa0rr
9 0o fffooer
r lmp~oye pf the State ,pcii-
tbattiaries ehellbe pcrdtte6 to porohascl’a
&tMa OY fsePaandlsu OP other progerty frw. “J;Ec
sta te
o r Qenltaatlary ly c tc exoe~t
mL, r u o u
lue rruftr, *egeteblw~, ice, wetor, etom ana
3 lghts aa aey be proOuocd or mcncfaotu?cd OB the
praalcce at the peuftcatlury , or te apprepriete
60 bir prlvete .we or’ aeployaent the hbot, sor-
vloorr or we et cny wfate pcalteatlary convlet,
or of any ‘malwl, ve?liolo or other personal pmp-
ertp belonging,to the State, unlcae it be br tb q
lrpreou eirwent of the. piultcntfary board had by
en or4er to that cf~eot cntarc4 o? reooP4 a0 the
~&nutcuof 13814bawd, preaing: for the ammat
to be pala by acoh orffocrJI l~~ployo, io? tho
we, maploysent and sonleas of such oonviob OT
oouvlote or the we of any psraona1.grogsrt.y be-
l~ngln& $6 the State; an4 no cmploge 01 oKfesr
as,Lng~my State property +.lL be ellowcd to uec
uame lh ltecppfng bcer4crs for prorlt anlass such
header or boerdan bo in the employ of the State
~ltcutiary systemi a n4ma pca~tentlrry lcr~eaat,
- guerd or other oftleer ar anplofe or the petitea-
tIary ehcll aoaept~or rcealva day ealary~ or other
oempcacetion frem eny psreon or eerparatioia hirIng
or otho~l~e empleylng State cornfete. Aay eeoh
ottlder or tiplop *ha shall violate lny provf*ion
of thlr artlo~c shall be punlehcd by dbmiasal
~XOIE hiu orfioc 0; afiplopont and boy e rfn6 of
,i. not lerr trim h0atpriv0 nor aore than two hun-
dred dollan en4 ii the oonvlotlon be for rooeptlng
01p reeelvfag any eelaarf-ptowpcncatio8 frorsa
Mrer or aaployerof 3%&e amviotc, the ywliy 100
.. ecavia6o4 ehelL, in eddttton to the .~eacl~y cbote
tlerat!bed, be euaitned in 3611 nut leas than one
month nor Aorc thaa one mar.
*Any perem ur my mxber of B ee-pertnerehip
or ila, OP any agsnt, swvsnt OP Peprasantativo
of euoh pcmmn, co-fwtnorshlg or fLr?a, or any
orilear, rgant, cervant or ropreaootetlrc of m-if
eorporetfon, hfrinz or wiployfng Stat.8 aonvloto
by eoatnat w!th the StaM or psoritentiory078.
tea ot hbo, .kaaa, ore for 041 *ban or portlan
or psr cent et the sre~a e? other prabota of the
la b eo efsa sh o emietavhe I lbnll p a y
o r .proalae
ox ef?er $e ~7, lltber al?eobly or lndireatl7, to
any aargaaat, guard or other aatplo7eof the Btata
haviag auofr eonriots in oh&r or under his eontre~,
dthe? i.kVhOlO OL?iB part r a mone7 or atho*tali
rwble tb&q, lhnll bo eon&d la the penlteatiery
fortro 7eara**
0ab.r the rorlaioaa @f three lrtirlaa 10 is an
o fYen a g nia a t 2b e Plva 8f tibia 8Ca te fo r a ny o h a r p o r m-
p b p ~6 Of b h 8Tvns PfiOOB SptM tQ ~UZObea. fnr ~ th.b in
Q78tlem-7 d~~Eendl#~, ot Otbet pmpert7, except g&f’.
lurplua A-’ to vegetablaa, IOe, =ter, steer, aad llgbta aa
mm7 be prodwet or sumfaottwad on thn ~malana of tha syatwi
It l8 likavtae an OWMSO SW 8Uoh oitlOer of aqloyre~.or.the
-x08 priaaa 8yatarrte be S~aOnai~lly IEkx%ated in the arle
of any propetiyto the $daon Syuteap. A trade ia llrgl7 another
fonu of aale, and la torbiddrn undor the Skftiea. .'
ItLa a. lsoa no S?nnatar~ m y o ffioorc rla p lo ~a o
o fthe 87 a teE
to lppwpriafo to his prirata aae an7 animal,
+ebial*, or other paraoaal ptopmt7 belon&a to the 87mbe?d,
un.l~aa *ha Priroa Board shall
enter an order on ik alnutoa
lxpze*aly pennittlng aurh use 0% prison propert and rixm
the asount to k pnia by the ortioer or eaplo7eo for the us0
oi aush poraonal propwt7.
we find no 4t8tut* prohibitin OffiOW8 or ezaplo7eea
of the 9tat0, other than ottioen and evployeecr of the Prlron
Sydsr ftaelf, from odllng to a? pcuoheafng mmthe ?rtaoa
System. 18 thle eoonneatien homer, PI? attention la aireoted
tr0 that pOeiOB or Artiole &ii vkioh ufike# it 8n orienae for
the offiowa, sgenta, or aaplo HO of thr ?rlaon smtm to
kneviagxy and freuilulently 001 I or dlrpose o? any progert.7 be-
‘fowtq 60 tha Prison Systae below its reasonable nnrket mlua.
V* aall 7oor attentbn llkevbe to the provisions or
Penal Cob, ArUale 1848, bearing u$m the generel rubjeot
aettsr ot the @rcrte uao of ptiaan pmpertr by affioese and
esplo7wa of the Prison 37atem. This ertiale psa~168s:
.x ..
-da7 0rmer or wployar, 09 tb0 nhioa qatul
+ rhell iraudulontly oonrsti to hia OI~Dwe end
bewil$ any food olotblng, or Other:property be-
lan@ag to or urid er the Oontxol of 6he Fclaon sys-
tea, #ball be .punlshe&48 if ho had rtolen the sum.-
wo trust thet the toregoing answers loor iat@-.
‘fours very truly
-8. W. ~rehill
. -