the OlOW lf Urh CO& Of th0 db
triirt thr a1rtrirt
oout, or wlatt atbomoJ,
ahorlrr 606 0x0~~ 0t l8u oooft lu tiob 2i0k0
out a bill of tbo wrta olda. to h dor thea
bt thr Skto ?e6~otirel#,.in the IoLOtf oanr
tried st thd tery , . . .
ml010 lo%, TO~OII!~ bmtka cod0 0t crfrrhl
Proaoduro,proriaw in putt
Wm dirtriot $B&JO,whoa say rctohbill ir
mosnted ta hia 8kml.lua@Lao the s&no earotul-
b ana Lnqdn ha &ho aormotmm themof
ed lp p r o til
tho ma st, inwh o le01inp a r t,
dlsa p p mot& emtlr o bllt, l the trota rsd
law say nqalroI and suoh a poo+rl o&allk ooa.
ditionra oal~ Opoa, and mb 0art to tbt rp roml
of thr SMto Oqptrol~or CLIpmvi6ob for E
Arti 1 5 Of tbJ4 CWO, urd th. ~ti60'0 lp
illw stat0 tbonlat and roah bil.Z
%%heathm of tho Tad&o thonoa s&al& b
*tom4 on ulo tirwtor or ufa uout; and lmo-
alat+lJ on thr rirw a2 #Ld &art, the Ulwk
tamor an arkr l l0driOe 000f fr(rrrth0
aimare of ialP C-t of uld bill, anC the
aotltm of the talgr thorwa, and ma4 •~. by
nglrtorod lettor to the Omvtmllerb Prorldo&
the bill hurla rcfurod Co -11 bofon bsla
protonted to ruoh Dirtriot t l( b eflnt)n,
--m h to the
d Co unty Auc uto“bfrI,MO& then bo,
r h o@ a a ll
au8rull.y l%8a ln0 a nd Oh+ok’thoM M
an& rhrll aako rhateru ?Woanen~ti~6 ha dl
think p&Qper co be ma0 to ooab Motriot ta&to
relit- to any Item or t&r who10 bilL
Artlslr 1035, Ymm’r Amotatod Code of Orlalnal
Prwodoro, pwriaerr
fTh0 coaptrdlr? 8 tho molpt or much
o la lal4 rtid aw%liT ld OOPJof the alm%ar
of .sfd aourt, till. llOwlT ma ouuf@w ox-
tine the was, md, lr ha ~OUS the ULPOte be
eomot, ho rbrll dtar hlr ramatoatha BIate
Proaouru for tha aaouat round by him %obo bus,
end la twor of tk o~iorr UrtltAod to the aam,
If th, rppmprlrtlw iox Mei6 nr o h lwunto
lo oxhauotod, tho cmbptrouor 0m.l Ill. the
otuwow8y it Pout16 tobbr w'r.ot,md lrsuoo
oortlflcrah in tha MIW of thr ofrlror atltlo4
TVth e mnealtat4.q henin tho a wua tlf tb
olrl8 md the ahuuotor of tha loniorr ~?torm.
bib Ml rooh olrlnr or aawwto aot wont W or
plaooa 08 mo in the bfrioo of t4. coaptro11.r
rithla trdn (121 mntho fawn tho Uoto the BUD)
boaoaaaw Ed gwblo rhdl be iorwor bwred~m
hti0i0~ 1029 ma 1038, httton*a m0t8t0d cod0 0t
Criaiml Proardaro, ellm oortaln leer to shotills eand000.
Bb Bb l fo
OOrlr nio r o rfonnoa by raoh o iYib uo
a sarntlonrd
thrroln, 8114Artlelr r028, fomoa’r Aaaotato6 Co&oof Crib-
l.~u Pr~ooau~o, tofordng to the80 h r l0tio le~ , a#
*All too8 6aorulBg ondOr tho tuQ ruareMl4
artiolor r&all br duo aad p)rbl.a lt tko 01oH
o: wiah t+m of thr Ui#trlot wu?t,afte? b.is
duly 8ppmw4, 0x00 t ~0 rorlaod ror in v&d f *l-
olbao t Bad 8 Of II
9 a artPdoa, rush a&all 0.
Md whrr lppro?eU by thO:jod&O UlhlOr w-hbW UdOr
the wit u ioouob*
mitt10 1027, Yo~o~~o 480Cat0u obab or orbif
Fmolburo, prQ~luoot
*In all O~OOIrhoh a dofuhdrat lo InbLot-
d fo r frloay but an4.r the lndlotwtat h
E; ~000Oviot04 or, 0 doa uu3Mor or 0 foloay,
hhaaat whlah w to aoooooe4 lo 0
flso, jr p”
1 oMconO* oi baa kU@kfill0 MA4l8*
prlooreant is IrUe tk4 6Mto SJMl WY &a iOOS
to ray orfloor oxaopt where the defoatlmt a&
lndlot& for tl 0 oitwoo Of &or aamrlkthe
MBO has b6ea rlnally 61s e$ of h the trlti
a~urC* WbVidOd the PI'@*r liOOO Of thl0 &a-
ala shall not bo ooaatrslPd a@ bfOOti43 b W
Crhlml DiottLot Attoraelrr'
#eamebto Oeor6b 6. -Pmrd, FWjo 4
It dll bo notd tht ktlrlo lo)), apro, prorldeo
th a before
t th e01 0~ Of lMh t.M Of th. 6iStfiOt Court, rh0
rbsriti and other oriiol~lo rimed tbenln -11 ewb
awo of tho twurt, md thatapon thbrrioingoftiko aeort, ti
rlo?k Oh & a SJEk O
l OO?WiOa OOp r Or thr bii~fN+Ob tIU aIrr-
Okr Of th0 OOU?t Ma th0 OOtiOE Or th0 $3460 thhsmm, ud
amod tho mid ooplro bt radstorod lottu to tho 0 troller.
This ltatuto further pro~lQoo tkot the blllr rofoam“p to
ahall beforo bring pomitod to tho dirtriot jabo, bo flrat
g r M OR t b0
the lOU8t)OIAaihWesf OUOh them EO, rho ~1
ouetully ommlns&d oheok the memo0 a& ohrllrs*Lem&tm
lTO; mooarasneotiono ho ehall thlpIr proper to k prdo to ouch
alrtrlot fa4ge r*ln-tlng to any lter or the sholo bills. It
will bo further abtod that all teoo aaorulas wU.br Artlolu
1029 rsd 1030, mpra shall bo 4~s ati payable rt tho olosr
0r oabh terr Of the dirt-riotoetw oftor be:0g 4~4 •~0
04 rrcept 40 provide4 Sor la 8ubd~vlolbar 7 md 6 or ti6
uhol., whbh ahaX bo ti6 whoa lpprorod by tho Ju46r under
vhbso odor tho writ .-a 16loeu.
Ia the iaso bt Rogen fr Lynn stat0 Awutor rod
Sheppard, Statr Ooeiptrollsr, 49 & Ir (46) 709 the roirtor
oaught a writ or sandmao o¬ tho Ocmptrelforand tho
btato Audltu to oomo11thsa to rppmmeuul to w be a.-
ooaato O@nOt tbr atats, 071aOn00a b SW0 dorlelona~ orrtl-
rlosteo issued Aoeprt 2 1929, and tuiy 28, 1930, r&opoatirrly.
Fho r*mponUents ammA thot the soownto andor mbloh rho
lutlrioat8o mm lreuod word telateb rltb in& lad t&
8%atr uld aot In rrat 011 the amouato02llsw4. %olnter om-
t~ad:~thrtLaarsrpohao the mceaato haa beaao~~m+~ br
ths diotrlot JoU6e in aaoordenar with tho prevlsi~ of
Artlolm lo& Coda of Orlmlnal Proood~n ths ?oOpcHldMt@
WON r02tmmmu~-unOu tbr eano of R&oflo v* Lmt, lb8
6, K. 5$6, from WMa& th0 TEildltY Or th0 06OOaIItO 00
~pp~6ted md prrwtmaed ror p-at. Tfro r0iiaai~ sxeOrpt
10 takoa rtPa the 03inlon of tfm mxirt~
“III tha be&JInillg or the dlseumiort of tho
abbe quaotlon uo am omipollcb to admit Chat,
c&or the holding er tbo Roahelle T* Lane ruprr,
tbo ardor or the dlotriot job80 La lpprovit%63 bhbU
to both auertioarof 18~ mt4 or
faeh we le M her o f thr o p la lo a t& t, if
ruoh 4eolsloa lr to be alher& to, thou lye
ponamt8 un ior* win no eltrmac1n bu6 te
r p gr o m
tb a s,
lM o ua tB
a ndla mur
WumM, lla
mpnt thutOre , .lm
r h bo h lmOT looount 01th elb etlr la
f q lc uti~
war fl1r4 in the Oflior 01 the 8tatb Oo@?eller rlthln twrlvo
math@ fros thu 4ah ths #aa* 188 approved kq c&e 4irtrid
Ju4c;r but nora th&n ona yvar rm the 61064 or C&o corm 6d
the dlrtrlot aourt at rhioh tha @lair rar 4110~4 @haul4 har8
bun satured on thr sLoaceu or 6a1a uolut. COMC~ All
0r chb rborr aentioHd rtatutor t*etbU, lt lr appallrat that
all suob olalerr et msoounte not rent to or plme4 en rile ia
thb 0rri-38 8f the coaiptrorkr ribbla tarlvo wrntlu rram thr
date t&hrafum boom&or duo anb payable &all bo rawer barm4.
Owtaln r06r allow4 b Artiole 1029 aad Mielr 1030, rupre,
r&l1 b# 4w an4 payabi 0 8C the 01088 0r 04eh tom of dl,-
lter 8aiw duly a prorrd, rreept u rorm4 rol:
7 uml 8 or ea14 adala, rtuh All k pal4
by tha fta&O @ads? v&are or40r UN writ u&O
In +low or the r0t-tbgoiagIt ir 01tf 0pfLtm that sh0
a&elrt Eu8t rub mlt a bill or thr eaeta ol.alme4 to ba dtm
hl.aby the Btnte before the olo# of emh ters of the 4lrtrl.t
oourc la the feLmy 0au8 tata at that term, 8n8 thb maa
mwt br approra.4by the Jadga ln4 filed ln the idnutsr or the
dirtriotaaurt during thut tarn and 16m4latel.y on the rirf.&4
or ,168l~ or ada eOtu8‘ the olerk u~b0r 6hll Mb a Be*
tiflea 03py rroa tbe slnutrr of asld eowt 6r ml4 bill an4
tb w&ion or tha Jtcdgo ~M=OOII,SEAsead CM 881~ by XW~S-
tom6 letter to the tre11rr, aa all ouch alaB. or 8e.
ownta not rent to 6r“f p abe on rile b the 0rri00 of the
Gc~~ptrolle?wlthla twaZr+ mx&ha rran tha date the mme b*-
@per dor end mmb10 ~UW Be& 2% bills OF O~R~IW mt
br rile& la the QoqptrelletfrDe artmat rlthfn taDlro r&nthr
Proa the an4 of the tera of aaur4 at Wloh tbq boomao 6~0
l ~ta&etl by Artlelo 1035, Code of Orimiml Pr@oedum~ tlndsr