A-- _’ .
!!on&ableJones E. Klleay, Mreotor +
Yotor Transportation Pivision
Rtdlrod O~miselon of Teias
Austin, Tea8
Rear .Sirr
%e quote your re boos situation
oh a, of !%otion 17 0i Article
93x1, with reterenoe.tc filing few, provides
ae folloii:
..’ ,: :
.- -.
gaorablr Juqrr fl.Kildw, Direotor, Page g
Paragraph (b), of Seotloa 27, of Artiolt
Ollb, pXWlde8:
"lhert applloationflled with the am-
aiosion for an order approving the lease or
..~ of an? aertitleateof aoavcsnlraoe
ad neoersits 8hall be iooompanieeby a ril-
ing toe in the 8u& of $25.00, whioh fer 8hall
be in addition ta the other rees aad taxes
8nd 8ha11 be retained by the hl!S!d8SiOlI
er the lea8C. 8ala or tranrfer or the oerti-
floite af ooavanienueaaQ nroerreftyir *p-
proved. or not.f
"The above qtmta provlsionr of thoXotor
Oarrler Aot are the only on08 pertaining to
the $ayment of rilfag free on applloation8
filed with.the aO&88~OIA. The qUO8tiOn hEt8
arlsen a8 to whethe? or not a sotion to aon-
.8olldatooertlf1aats8unQer th8 ebove quoted
paragraph o? Goner81 Order ITo.60 requires an
edQltlona1riling foe of $26.00. The quarrtion
has al80 arlren 88 to whether& mt It 18
neoe888ryror 8 oar-tierto aooommny a motion
to oonrolleate it8 operating right late one
oortlfioete with e illlag fee of %XLOO when
rush notion to ooa8olleate18 t'iledat the
request ol the JXnmirslon In an 8ffOrt to bring
about a unlrioatlonor o eratlng route8 for
the purpose of sfreotite3i 7 polioing motor
oarrler operation8.
*Sea upon the above and foregoing, will
soa pleaare give us your opinion on tha follow-
"(1) x8 it net3~8SWy for the flailTOadCOPI..
mi88ion 0r Texas to oolleot a filing fee or
Sza.Cm on a sotlon to aoneoliQatsaertlflcate8
Of pub110 oonvenlenaeeoQ neosssity When Bald
cotion is filed ln~aooordsnoswltb Paragraph
0 of General Order ?Vo.60, Railroad Cczmi5aiOa
of TexfAs? 9'
5. ,__.-~~ .-* :
Eoaerable &me8 IL Il;iUky,Dlreotor',Pege 3
*t$) f8 it neO988aTy fOT the &d&cud dm-
of Texas to oolleot p illin.
.:~.~~~~~.~~:~mlss~oa - - - -fan
- - of
- -
BUS.00 on a lkotloafiled by 8 oa rrier et the
TWUMt'Ot t0 oonrrolidate
tho colepr18SlOn it8
op&ratlng route into one oertltioat~?*
It appear8 that the tlllng See 0r $i38.00 ooatem-
plated b the quoted provision8 of Artlole Qllb, ebove,
mrer o!lIJ to the om-tlfloate whiah will grant rights to
l wr ier not herfitofors held by him. Thlr oonolualon 18
lmpllod from the language *whioh foe. . . 8hell be retained
by the OaPni88+On whether the Oertiflaate. . . be gri%IItOd
.or !!$40 ,,..
IYeal80 noto tha~:C!@mral Order I-To.
60, above,
prqvldes that the purchaser of a new certificatewhlOh.ln-
oludee righte previously held oy him shell file the motion
to'oonsolldatee8 an exhibit ln commotion with the appllca-
tion for traneLBior,6ta., ane es 8UOh applloationmust be
8ooanpanled with the fil%ng f8e',we 8Ge no rea8on ror eo-
squiringmn additional %2sA0S' in 8uoh inrtanoes.
Xixaituaticm8 Wh8re 8UOh OOn8Oild%tiOIila at the
npueat of the 9omlsslon, no additional righiiswould inure
to the oarrler, cud muoh motion does not armnt to aa eppll-
oation a8 8~0 i8 impllodly aerined in the 3itotorCerrlar Law.
We, the fore, belleVe that it 18 not nece8aary
for the Railroad Fommlrsloa to aolleot the ree m6atlonea in
either of the lsmtaace8 prerentea.
Wetw8t that the above mtisraotorlrg amwm8
toa laquirr.