XoaorablrUhrlburnaH. Q1a.r
0suBty Attornry
Marl.8 coumty
fer0r80n ( Texer
Deer olrr dplslonx0. o-u79
RI: Xaxlmm roaprnrrtlon for the
Cotmtr Judgs of Yerloa doonty.
TOW l$ttOr TOqUerting the ODiJlitXl
Of this dOpmWIt
on the questionrtatedtherslnroeas a8 Sollmrr
*I hats been raqasrtsd by Jodge A8a B. Rem8ey,00;unz
Judge of LlarlonCounty,Terar, and other intareste6
to obt&ln an opinionfrom your deputacaf on the folp"OW&J '
"Whet lr t&r aerirnr salary that may bo rot by ths
~mni88i~u8' hurt of MUiOn huts, Tues, ia DyPlMt
at rrrvlorr ot thr Countr Jo si YUlari Qoulatf,
T 5,
lutJ.ale Je83 B.S., 19 aI uoaA.4, a08 8ht
in Qoantlrr rontalning 25,000 lnheblbnb8 888, the
or I-
yott Judge, amcng othu OfllMrB, #ball re*oiva *eatf-
Lal rad Dollars 0r fur* Marion Uonntr rateins
lrrr than 25 000 l&i tlbanta, but ha l texaNa mlutlon
or over Elghkllle~~ Dollarrat thrtimr tha County
Jutgr'r salary ns ret br the Oorni~rlonexr’ Oourt.
lAetl.n( ~
la ursplmo? to Irtleh 3926, soatlon f,
whloh rvaar 88 toPlower
**ror pe8iabg otar tbr cad88i0n*r8@ oourt, owe-
lnglleotlon8 a& maklng rotaxar thrrrof,haula ad aeta-
lining rid2 ama aal tranuotlag alI ethm afftalaI business
sot otherwl.rr providedror, he (Cow&y Jtdgo) &all reeolro
rush selaxr tromtho County l!reeruq a8 thr Cmeisrlowrr~
alla him br or&or,*
rrlonsrr@Court ei Mu1011 Qowt rla the relsry
the CountyJIlagr ia 1939, by Or(l.r(L 3 ~urtared at tity-
86~~ Bun&a& Dollerr par far, pwebh ronthlt, It ir
edmlttodthat the isam of otfioc rarmd by tha hunty JuQe
51wei eraud Three mudred Dollur par yaer and that thr
t[OaUabl# 8hOlbUE. & @lOWOF, w 2
oolmty Juag8 has nwq rwblt.4 es ltla th emsx h m
of ZLru Thousuad DollUS par Jur, 18 thb Uw
that q QouatJ Jud
my ~OS~d&$.4Or’
8 W-tY JuW of h?i.a Qouty ka#
broa borko4 r y’%hr ateto Atdltor ml ii104 with tbr w
tZOuU Of ?ablIr hOOWlt8 ia lidin but 80 QmOSUm hgg
8VU boon TdSr(. Pata rOO@&u Of lli8 d&t to rO#Olv8
tho reluf flrad bt thr O,amlrrianar’ Oourt, tmit: .
woo.oQ psr you*
*Au oplaiontram pu CLopartaont oluiiylng tho kr
rolmt~vo to tha mI( .t that the QountyJtdgo lu
rUblvb odor thr rlrouwtaubrr huola rrlato& wlu br
lg p r o elet
r l,*
PuiOn h&8
dortnty a ~O~dlatiOliOf 11,454 iRh4bit4ntr
rooorQlng t0 the 1940 fbddrrti OOMW Ud tb OOMt~ Ofl-idd.8
a? #ail eOWty uo OmpenratOd On 8 400 basil.
Art1010 3665, vrrlmA’8 Anhotetba Olvll metutu,
DrotidOS fn DUtI
"&OODt l8 OthOni80 prOVi6Od 8 kt, tho
Knurl fob8 that mar bo rOtalMA br pr
$pif OttiOUS BUtfOWd in thlr hPtiS&~i?.i% iif
fr lOtIdiOS OOStddIkg tWUtt~
‘1 , ih e (25 ooo)
thOUSeE or 1088 iahebltmtr: tiUUty -0, DidriOt 02
Crlmlul DirtrlotAttoraori fIbmiff,Qowkty Qlork, Oounty
Attornof, Dl8trIrt @ark, Tax -odor, Tu A880880r,
Or thr A88o880? ud CO~OStOE Of T-08, %‘Utr-iOW HUB-
4 r o d(#2@ 0.00)
Do lla r l
sesh Jostloooi the PUOO an6
&wtablo, Tuolro Hundrdj$~PbO.06) %l1US lwh h r
Arti010 3891, vO?llOli'S bQOt&Od QiTil StrtUtOS,
made ln pert es ?ollorr:
-oh offiou nad ia this 6hQtU #ha f&S% Omt
0r thb 0wMt roer or hi8 0rri0r pay Or k
allorrd hb war tho prarirloar o? htirlo
dth the 8el~r1.8 of hi8 aSSi8tUtS lad 60
authorhad oxpearerunda hrtlolo 3899, aa
ll.0.8~~~ t0 OotO? lO#tS ab ~M.WdUS Q OS UiUtOVOr S=Otf
bead ray bo roqulrod by law. I? the rauat ?oea of saoh
orrlo~ oollootou la any yoer bo muo thu tho amount rooda
to pay the uountr eboro rpooiiio4, wo W bo 6ooaod
~0484 r048, and #hall br ~,rpored or ln the mannor horrlu-
aSt4r prcwlded.
Xoaoxrblo Qelbmra8 & a##v8r, -0 )
(25 ooo'p 80~8i88 OOStiilh@ tWU%y-?iVS thOU#Ud
or Us lahabltUt8, Dirts ot and bounty
0??10~8 USd hOrOia 8bdl rOt8i8 OJW-thir(;Of 8Wh
a8888 foes utlf SUok oso-thlrt tomthor dtk tko
aPoU&tS SpOO1?id in titi#lO j88) UOUtS t0 ?hXOO
drOU#Ma mh?# (63 ooo.). ~OO~~8~O??i8OrO Shed
rotrln oae-third dl oaoh lno-thlti, togothor with
tho emouut rpr8lilo4in &tIOlo 963, emant to Wmrtom
xunarsa BOllare ($400.).
.. . .a
A8 wo andorrtand your rrqurrt, foa aorlra to &or,
*ht Ia tho mxlmuw amount or a-o??Irlo eoorponretlen that
may bo legally ellomd the ooanty juur a? Perlen oounty.
#rtIolo 3895, foraon’r AMotata4 dirll Etatutu,
93x0 Ocml#lonorr* Qowt lr heroby aoburoa tror
or Sam etia ral aooas ?08# ellswad to br rot&M b
um uu P4 th’ls
lhptar. pMtla8d, howaTer thr u arflo r 0
h a r oluth
lu o r iis d bo allow4 aalr &or an oppor$mltf
for l pabllo hoerlag an4 only upon tho e?rlrratlro rota er
at lOa the8 aambrrr Oith0 ~~881On0r8' q6urt."
Wlu Art1010 38d3 ana Artlelo J891, 8~~1, thr mu.lma
oaponoetloa and tho oxaoss ?OH allaod to br retelm by the
louety judgr or Marl01 cotmty18 the0 thousand ((3 ooo.1 belbr#
Pa r-e When Oh& ooaponaetlone~4 aou# ?ooS edem4 bl thuo
mtatutoo 40 not lxoood the maxirol c ULSR ~O~ma l6.Oo88rOOO
provided thorrin thm b# rirtuo of Art -Y 010 3895 rupra,tho OO~all-
dOIW8' 6OtW8 18 lU8h Or iWd t0 tilO
l -8
OB.pMMt~OU ?O? U O??iOiO
BUTi ‘h 84 UOUt, rO~id46 the OOiILpM88tiW ?Or OX Offi
8WiO'J8 togsthor with tii 0 8OEpWl88tiOSl ma eLIDo ?048 d.lOwe&
by law do not rxooed the maxlmtm of three thousand dollerr pm
war. In othu words, In oompllenorwith Artiolo 3895, sapra,
the 8onni88iOMr8' ObllftIs euthorisadt0 allow atiyeQOMt 88 Sm--
aatlon for ex orrioio 8errleo8 rh8n mah 8want rhdl not iaoroarr
rhe aoappsnsatlon of thr offlalal baron4 the maS.Wuu or oompenoatIon
cad a.~## ?OOS sllaad to bo ntdned br the offirer MdOr
8hO ?SS!RgObg 88dU8U. (8U 888r u2, ?RXRO 38918 da!LoO,
Vol. u, ana Aa&ormon Oouaty vs. Eopkin8,187 8.W. 119)
ft f8 OW furtherOpi.lliO~ that U Offid 0
8h ?Oi th8 Way j~&0 BUS8 b0 a0w0a MaU ti by
Of &ZtiSlO 3895, SUwa Md lb08 uti@l. )9ti, ~U11011’8 hUlOtd&
Oitil 8~tUt.S. ti td8 ~dM@OtiOll, W@ dL,@Rt tOUZ attUth
to two of oar oplnlonr Roa. O-1017 end O-3136aonrtrulagoorteln
IpWiSiOM Or miOi* 3926, SUp U. w0lIZOlO80 OOpiU Of 8hrSO
opinlony -ior your 00n~utla~oo.
Trwtlug that
lqulxy , wa uo
APPROVED MAR. 26, 1942
(Slgld 6RomR wtLw8
tir#t hS$StMIt Attaaaey oaaorel
xx: rr
By B.W.B. Oheirm