HoAor4bls -84~0 Brady
County Attommy .
f t&o raid Yurriolp*l
At OAQ the Sal4 omployoor
appmve(l or rejeotod
iAi0A of this aop6rtm~t
&A the aboo 4 A part a8 follow:
*rots aacing for 6A
ing w&or *ho CheWor from
r the hhyor4ounoil Term
A an umpl0yerWorkiAg for Huni-
t OOAttAlk4to work iA that oam-
rother bar booa 410064d 48 a
esitlaity, whl4h maid Oo11pil-
eoomand thn 4sploy44a of th4 uld
t ~16nt and the maid rmplo~e4a ara
to be approved or @sat46 by the City Counail
the City C4unall being com~on4+l et a Mayor ad
Two C0mulfsoloA4rs,one of ~~4oh Coumissioasr8
lo the brothsr of thr sstployaOt*
“Cn fanuary 7, lQ4E you replied that you oould
not furti4h OP~A~OA on Ohi4 QuoetLon Qu4 to the
fast that the deprtniant had A0 juri4dlotioaof
muAioip*l natterm.
Bsaoreblo Bugat Brady, Pago e
*It i0 D0t
my intantlon at all to auk
any opmfal Zavoro of the dapcrtacmt or to
4Ok you bo make ans opmoial 4X44pidOAO to
BOW I-U148 r4htiAg f0 tUrAhhiAg Of OpiA-
ion, but xl11 otate that thio OpiAiOA 10 A00
uentrd ror the purpne of rottllng any auni-
Cl&ml diagute, but rather 1 denim to kAeu
whathas or not tha working of UL wqloyeo
under the above olrcumotanoao comtitutem l
rlolation of Art1414 42JZ 13~1 Cod0 Btato
of roxao. %4 Or4 t444d with prOO4OUtiOA iA
oOUA%Y COUP% iA tPf0 OOUAt~ iA thiS 40AAOo-
tion and if it io ~oooib~a for you+ 6opart-
lpeAt t0 render aA OQiAiOA it wOU.~I b4 Of
greet oorri4o to urn.*
Artfals 43&, VIrnoA'a Aauotatd Pea81 Code, rsodo
a0 r0u0w0;
*We orrioem of thi.0Stntcl or any oili-
Qor et a4 dimtriat, oowtt, oity, ynolnot,
mhool dio tr io or t,othsr muaioipal lub&lvl-
oioa of thlo State, or *ny srtioar or mclabor
et any State, diotrlat, oounty, aitr, loPoa1
diotriot or other muniofpal bamrd, or J&e
of 8ny oourt, oreaSed by or wdar authority
et aAy gOAOXi%l. sr opoai81 l*w 41 turn StaM,
or any mombar of tha Legl814tW8, a&all ap-
pOtA%, Or YOti for oS OOiIfim th4 lp p OtAb UAt
to anr ottl44, pooltlon, olrrkohip employ-
aent or duty, of say parmen relatoi Within hho
oooond begma by affinity or *i%hiA the third
dugrem by UOAOOA$UiAit~ ti fh0 &‘4TO0A 00 a
p o intfa gor lo rating, or to any other momgsr
of aA7 OUOB beard, tha xagimlOtur4, or oanrt
of ntioh ouah person 00 8ppOiDtilDg Or Yetdug
my bs a AeAbeP, when the IlalarY,t-0, or
aoargrnuation of mch sppolntee lo to be pal@
for, diroctlf or indi,rQotlyout of or tram
&$UbltO fundo Br f MO Of OffbS 4t u3y kiA& ar
aharae ter wh6 tooever.*
&rtlale 43?5,Yernon*m Amaotatsd Pwl Cedea provideor
""Ehslnhlbitlono sat forth ia thio 18w
#&all apply 64 #Ad fAoh&e b&o *8x88@re
g$Aubwaa& Uo~ernor, Ypaker et the 8ouoe of
Honorable Eqrns Bralt, Page 3
Wspm8mt*tirr8, Railro44 CQlPrlsulonsr8,
head of dqmrtmaata of tba Btato govern-
mmt, judges nn& member8 ot any aa4 til
Bonrd8 and oourta eot8bli8hedby or under
the authority ot any general or 8peclal
law of thla State, sa~mberrof thm L&8-
latur8, syyor8, QOSid88iOD8X8,X8COrhX8,
aldmaon and nrbor8 ot fbohool board8 ot
iA4OXj~XUteb@iti88 and $OWM, ;ublio
88hoOl trU8t888, OttiO8F8 anb mMber8 ot
bOati8 Ot MMf;W8 Ot th8 &Et8 UniVerrity
U&d Or it8 88WWai bFaAOb88, and Qi thb
Val’iOU8 stat8 cdlUOatiOti iil8titUtiOAS Und
ot th8 rarioil8EititeiCl4uao~ymZ~ iNtltu-
tloao, and of the p8dtentlarier. TUo
8NBUWWtiOfl8hs11 llOtbe h8ld tr,eXOhl&~
trim rno stfwt or thi8 law
the opcrrcllttoo
any prr8On tnoludsdwithin it8 gamr&l
Xt 3.8 ap&HU’UIt tr@U3
the tOI%gOlng 8tatUtb.8that
tb8 aity et Orasavill8 oanat& saplop nnpons reiht0e t6 a
member ot tha cltq 0QOA rl.thlnthe roooad &em. by
atilnity or rlthin tha third 68grar by consan&nity.
COlbt8XWl 8OA88llgUinit~ th0 Fd.SAtlOBllhi~ Wi8t-
iOg bataeon peE8OZi8 Who bO8a8lld
trW the 48UO OOrmOll aMa8-
tar but not iron aaah other. Lb.81 OOMaCl@Uiait~ i8 th8
Tdatlon8hi eXi8ting between psr801l8 Whun OM i8 Q88oOnded
irem the ot#i sp. X&i OCm~bh@j the dwl”588 bt lh#l QCMM-
$ufafty axis tit@ b8tWsm tWO psr&?ari# lVwy @Q8mtiian in the
dir8Ot @OU?88 ot x818tiOn8hip u&@8 a d#@XOO. 'Ph.adho
ot alonputingaollstsml eQn88ngulnlty i8 tn di8aMer the
common anoe8Cor, to begin with hkr an8 to r8akon Qarmrar&
and t&s brgreu tha two jMW8On8, ox tha more remot..ot thaa
le dlrtent sroa, tbs moeetor i8 tiu d8gres ot the klndrra
8Ub8iStiw batwean t&f@.. 931~8,bXOthar8 are Xelat84 to each
othur in t&o iir8t degrprebesamm from tba tutlmr aiwh 0~
of them 18 @AS da@%.. (Tyl*r Tap 8. 8. Co. wd Douglvr v.
evsrtcn, 1 Tsr. 26s)
&I VfeW Ot th@ fOXO&OiXI#, W6 Z’O8mOttU117 *138W8T
the 4bOY8 rtat8d quaetion in the n@ll#ltiVO.
%I call your attention to opia%ofw X06. 04471,
04708, and Q-2226, rkrfehwe think 8U@&+OFt8 She WNWlU8iQn