OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ztonerablr Dermn IUrkrla wuaty btfornry mluton uounty Wharton, Tonr Dmr sir1 ' YOUEr0qtl08t ror, fully son~1dec.d bl tttir de quert 8O rollolm1 h,,t?t&i%%~: c”e%?f:~ “$;“t”t,“; amtiMber g81,109,519.00 so: the mar 194a, looordiagto thr lart approred.tarroll. "AU'AORXTXZS AND DISCVsSXOIPr, -ht. sola see. la , la l*r tulodo r, rot th e Cma l#r lo a er r t Co ur t la Oo untle8 ia lx o o ll Holromblo Dorman Riok.18, Page t Of 20 OOO sob not nor0 than 190,000 inhabitant0 moor 4 lhb to tha lrat praoeading FodSMl~ OeMua, to t&x aalfirlar of 0SrtSln nand oftlol~lr, ln- aludiEg the Count7 Treasurer. It dlrrota that the 8ab.v be firad at a sum 'not 1088 than thr total mm t88m8a by tha mapaotlve &ii@. ror the ySar 193% anQ not mrS tbrn the melnm amount allowed aaoh orrioer under hwm. Sri8t- ln6 on XiEi37!4,~ 19SSw. ft runhsr grotld’ea that 'in CO~~it.%48hSVing a pOQUbt;OII Or PLOLY tbl 20 000 and 1088 than 37,800 inh&i ted@ sad ha& S ralmtion in exaSSa of 12 ai~lon, thr aalar s es nay bm lnoraaaed 1% ror Saoh MO million dollars or rra0tibii tharsor in 0x0~88 Oi Oild 13 nllliod dollars, otaf and above the auou5t allowed said official uoder laws sxlat- 5.5g in 1938'. “S’rom the above it is seen that in tlxlnF; the Salary ioL, the County Treasurer of Wharton County, it la hoOaaary ths t the Camfaiaalonera~ Court dstarmfne the maxlaumsalary +llourd thr cQ~un~~3maaurerunder hwa exiati~ on August A&i in this OOJUiSOtiOIith8 iOllOting t?t&Unent*and authozdtier am rO8pfJOtflllly 8ub- dtted ror the Saaltanor or yourdapartmsntt "Art. 3941 provides In subatanoe, that thr County Treasurer Shall rsorlvs oom~laaloaa;~ on money recelrrd and paid out by him not to SxoSSQ 2#$ that what has been pSld out and rsoeir8dr “Art. 3042 proiidaa in aubatanoe that, 0r money8 rooalrsdand paid out whiah belong to school funUS, tho Traasurer Shall reOeiV0 II omnlaalon not gr8atarthan * 0r 1%. "Art, 29Is in aubatanoe, prot%Qaa that tha c01~a1SSion Sllmued c o unty Treasurers lhnll aot erosed $2,000.00 par yaar. Herr follow oartaln exoeptloos, none or whloh apply to Wharton County, as shown above. This artlolS raa yssaed in 1920, and amended in 1927, SSQ 1931, and appear8 t0 ba thr law gworningthe nSXimua SalSry tor raid orrfoa e kugu8t 24, 1938, and is uwr00t0Q by Arts. 5941 Snd 3942, Sup=, 8inaa Art. 3943, baa .. _ Xionorabla ti&‘iMn 19iOk.18, Rga 3 rapoalod thr 4bova artiOt.a8 by iBp&ioation due’fo the raot that it wa8 ena o tr lobarqumt b to said lrtlolo8, ii oonfllotrrtrta. 9ut, in my opinion, no oonfllotbatrauh Art.;SOU 3942 and 394S appears broauar Art. s(H3, by it8 rxprrs8 terms, simply limits the amount of oommiaalona that mq. ba eaarneQ undrr Art. 3941 and S942. %%noo tie County Tnaaurer if Wharton County oould earn as oommiaalona #t,OOOfOO a8 0r August es, 1938~ by Qlraotlon or Art:3943, th18 sum plus 1% ior la o hmllllon in lxoeal of ;. million lnQ rraatlon thorooi, rhloh would 7,000,000.00 or W40.00, maklng a total 18 tha maximum rl0urr to lm riw as tha 194B salary or raid oifiolal in the opli~lo5or the writer.* You era reap4ottullyadviaad that it 18 6ho opia- Ion of this drprtnent that JOU bnvm oornotly lrmwsr~dt&r question and that under the feat8 atated la our loWar the sum 0r $2,740.00 18 the maximam rigun at whl Oh the 194t salary or the County Troaaurrr of WhartonCounty .oan ba flx- rd. Sea authorltlra oltrd in and raaaoning of opinion Nor O-2972 of thl8 drpmrtment,rbioh among other thin@ pS@rd on the salary or the County Treasurer of Hunt County, Texas. wo lolaar herwith a oopy or said opinion for your lntoxma- tlon. Vary truly yourr AT'IORIplK CBHB?AL Of TBIbs