Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

734 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Q- 0. MANN A-a- Eonorabh R. 3. Ritehay, Jr. County Attorney Ja8per County Jasper, Texar Dear sir: Tour request ttib oonsidsrsd by quest as follawra ty oourt, the t to four sontb l.ngthe Jubge’a laotruo- - to losue suoh If the pwd~bseot judgment shall rpeo’liy proper proew.e~~ It’ahall elro adjudge tho oortq a&rut tha defend- ant, and order the oolleotioa thereof eIIin other oasoa. Art. 797 (CCP) provides: A defrndant who ha# rbmalned in jail the length of tim rmqulrsd b7 the judgiaent shall bb discharged. 735 Honomblr R. D. fiItoh47,Jr., Page 2 mMw in the 154tant aa88, the deiondant had bena in jail rufiioient lewth of t&m to disohargr the four months u4aGOnab and thr coot8 adjudgeda&aIMt hIa, this tlmb bavlng born served pior to thb e8ntonoa and jud@a4nt by the Courti but the aourt*a jtigztsnta nd len- tonor via8 to the oftsatthat he war to be #van credit tor thr tl!aealrerdt spent In jell. No doubt, the purpoer of thr Ja@o In aaklng the SbStbSO4 in this wa7 w&r to 4SY8 thb Oo\tnty the oolta of fssdlw the priaonrr any turth8r. and hr aot8d on the ground that the tlmr that thr dstendant hsd apent In jail was sag18 pun- Irhnsnt ror the OftbIbS 00!ludtt44.- "Xindl7 rander 7dur opinion a8 to orheth4r auoh aotlon on the prt of the oourt Is p8mlr- alble, and If the otrlo8ra arm entitled to their half f488 In eueh lastanob." Art1018 758, VbrAOa'8 AMotatad Tsxar Co68 of Grim- inal Prooodurb, reeds as r0ii0w4r *If a 581 trial 18 not igantbd, nor judgment arrested in felon7 o a a ea , the lontono8 shall bo proamnosd in the preronar of the drfaadaatat sly, thb bX iX’&tiOA Of thb tiS4 4lhw- t;lU4 i&tttiF bd ror matiny the zotfon for a 54w trial or the motion in arrest of j-anti drianaant ha8 bssa triadtar an7 vlolntion zi thr laws of thr State Of ‘tbXa8, aOd ha8 bob5 oonriotad en4 has opp4aled from eald juQ48At ma/or sentenoe ot oonvlatIo5, and whore said dataa has brea arflmsd b7 the Court ot Crla- 1~1 A9p4414, and artsr rsoelpt of the mandate by the Clerk of thb trial Oourt, thr judge IS suthorlzed to again 0411 sald defendant bstora BoAorablb E. B. Rltahbl, Jr., Page 5 hlla,and it, pondlag l ppnal, the dQt4lbdSAt ham oot a1444 bcrd or~eotsrsd Into tmaognl- zaaom bed ham raaainmd in jail pendfng thb tlms of such appeal, meld trial judge may then in his discretion rm-48nt4no8 the defendant, Ond racrp 8UbtIYOt frQin the OrigiMl sbAtbA04 PrOAOUnCbd UpOAt~hpe dBfbnd4& tb4 iBA@$h Of the thr defendant ham lain In jail pending 4uch argeal; I?rorldsd,hountbr, that the gro- vls~ona of this sot ah411 not Spp17 aitor eonrlotlza and 44nt4504 la folo~y oeaea IA ;;It;wbond or reim@&%eno4 i8 not petitted s .* ([inderucorly ours) Opinion Xo. O-82$9 of thin departamt hold4 that a eheriti n&y not hold a darendeat for costs IA a sirdozear.or oaao whharr the JudC7pant does not pror1d4 for oo4ta: ~4 en- 01043 tsrerith a 002~ ot ssld 0pI5105 lor 72ur ?afam5tIon. Article 1055, Vernoo~m .imotated Tox44 Codo or Crlslnal Prooadaro, road4 Se tOlloWSt “The gouatp ah1111not be liable to the offiobr and wItrise having oomta In a da- d~a~,sanor caao where Qetsrdant p474 him the and oo.ate. T&mcounty shall be 1IabLo for am-half of the tmra of ths otflo8ra of the Court, rhbn tbo dm~sn~ant tail4 to pay his flns aLa lays his fine out In tte oountp jail or dlschwgss the mm4 by Jpsmna a? working such rlno out 05 ths coontp road4 or on an7 county projoat. And to pa7 much helf of cost*, the CouAt7 Clark shall lssus hla warrant 03 the County ~tenaurar IA,.~ravor oi ruoh offi- cer to bs pnld out or ths %ad and Bridge fund 02 other funas not otherwlae appropriated.* You arm respectfully advised that it 18 th4 opinion of tbls de~ertnani, that hrtlcls 768, Y. A. C, C. P., au?ra, authorlzra tbb aountp judge to ~I04 a drfandant oonvloted or a mlsdezmanor crcdlt on hi8 osntenoe for thr the, or 4n7 part thsreof, wbIoh said dstendant hmr apont In jail I5 said oauas, fron the time of trrast &ad oonflnement until hIa SSAtS5CB by the OOUntyjUdgb. Ubnorabls 8. B. Rltohry, f?., ?a'age 4 It 10 oar rueher oplnlon tmai32 th, saotr rtated LA your 18ttW that th0 OfrlOM nOtid AOt b8 OAtitbd t0 half fees frtu t&o coqty under Article 106ll,V. A. C. C. P., ithor. the su;lrs, jatl.?tiar was aerred nrlor and not subse- M to the tr~rL.aoO.gonriotfon. - -