Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 00t ere thhr awreot ree8 to be l P r o b a t& Omr t a ndOo ?xth + y althea or th r sta t0o r T6x a 8 r ue th a rroord or sa y M r th 8s death that ooartrred outalde or the Stat8 OS mxaa, not pretioualyrrgisterd.* ... Ths Texas Statutes d t&h vital.statirtloaare =%f round a8 Rulsa 34-a to 55-a inal w, ebbbrtlole 4477 or Vsr- aoa'mAa~~otated Oiti 8t6t& of Text. ‘~GGB'M theserule8 have bsea smndd br Eouae Bill F&i.881, Ewe BW x0. 684 and HOULW M3.l Ho. 974, respsotlvely, US the hats of the 47th La- latur.,Re@.ar SW8io21,1041. mrmrablr w. P. waldxop, Page 8 Bouu BlllRO. 974,mprr,8JKw othdrthl&ss,pro- tie81 a * +l,th asaty eltls omrth ma e t4 or Tex u r irtofllrthereaordofunyblrth o rdea h th th La”g o o o urin rmedx u not , p r evl0ua l.y reglsteml, my aubult to th4 Probate Oeurt In the @nnatr mbere nuoh birth or drath ooourrod, a read of maoh birth or da&t& wrlb?m 011 the adopted r0m or birth and death 00rtirwtu~ and pFoYid.tl rurthor that may oltlun or thr state or ~83336 tithing t0 rib th0 ~~0024Or uay birthor deaththatooaurradoutside or thr Btati of T’oxm, notyPtiowlyrogirt.emd, nay aubmlt to tbs Probat. oourt la tb oowlty where ha redded a rroord or that birth or desthwrlttonon tha adoptad iarm oi birth and deathontltlmtrsr Th# @8rtl.flmf~ dull be substaatlakd b7 the rfiidwlt of tin nadl- aal attsnuluit lant at the the of the birth or la ease of iLth, the *fribarit 0f th, phpi- olanlast lnatten&noeupoll~d6ooarad,6r a r fi& o ther mM r it rhtk a9l ondm ~%e2& 4 ~ the undu?talm*ho burle4 t&o b ~xasri@titiglnfiJ.athereoordofuyblrbhor death,not prevlowly reglfrterod,my Rlbcait to the pxwbato oourt in the oountyw&errthe blr# OFdeathoaourrd, u reoord of that birth oz m3th writt82i0n th0 ~d0ptadtom or birth lad death 0mirf0d08. The oertlflaata &all k ttibatantlated br the affidavit of the mudforl attendantpreeontat thb tlpraf thr blrtii, or in ease0r death, the affidrrit or the physlolan 1-t la attmdaaoeupon the deoeamd,or the Honorabl* W.-P. wdhop, Pa& 8 umlarhkaruhoburl.Qthrbdy. When Un urrldavltotthemodlakl attendmtoruadw- takrr oannot bo mmrod the oortlflrati rh6l.l be 0uQQort.dby the ddrrit or #OEMprnon M l0wu r o q ua dthlnt4 th dh r o t8 ltarroundhq the birth or bath at tha tin0 thr birth or ddih o a o umd;wl6h a lroondurrldavlt 0r ame p8rsonwho la aoquahted withths raots the birth ox derth,aad tie ia TLat Y by blood ar to the lndivldtial marriage. The Probate Oourt aball x-squire moh other lafomratloa OS ovidmoo as may be deemed nacrssary to rstnbUBh thr oltizon&lp or the Fndltidualiii- th0 oertlri0at0, Ftt& txut~uluaBI or the 8tatemntr made The Olti af raid Oourt ahall ronwd thr oektlrloate to tbr state Btrraauot V&8tat~$Ordth~OrdOPfX'CUth.Q0& 8trer thst thr reoord be, OF be not aoabpt83f. The'stat. R6 lstrur ir l uthorkd to aooq% the oertlf'I oatsdan trririsd la ttu abovemamu, Uld&llllSslu orrtifw 00~1~ 0r wh n04da rep in sutloa Blot thirAOtr Court ror rooordln& Uld birth or Quash ~Crrti- ri0m. osrtltled 00 leatitsaldblrthor duth 0atiri0m shaf1 be lmaed by&thG; the oouat~ ClrrIcOr the 8Wt-e Be roe ror raid eertUlod cow IhulP ba Tlft su0h OIWtiiibd oopies rhall t e ~iia%% wldenoe Ln all oeurtr and plaoer or ths fasts hated thsreon. Ho other rhargo ahull be mad. ror the fssaanaror auohdmlayed aartirlaat68and 0wtirwd oopiar therear. The State Bureau of vital Stati6tiorrhrtll . rural& the rorarsupon whlah mob reoordr a20 riled, und no other r0rlpshall be used ror that prrpom. The raut that the eesnt law r&at the lsmanoe & daleyed r lrth or death aert % kter do08 not rtlpulata the fees to bi 6aargd md thb ra0t thut thsrei.4 no unisorait~ 0r r0er that are ehargbd elro houtthe stat., u-bate an araugeney and AOt shalltakebffeotmdbe jsiome from and aftsrlte paneage,and ltir so la a o tb d.* thorlxed to lrsueoartified ooplosOr mid birth OF deathoerti- rllz gui~ e<led ta a fee ror mid wtifled 8 1twill.k notedthat EouseBlllHo.T ZStisT rpaelr Ioahy~otidu moother &arm rhallbem&a for'the l88ob d ewh dtlayad errtlfioatbr and oertlfled ooplorthere- what wti8 imid ritih me&81200 to 70~ rir8t qumiion Ir ta hour booond quobtion and thb bbm 1s answered ,maatlngthat the roregolng Mly mmmr8 your laqulxy, we Ub