Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATT’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN. +lestionr nxust the bsntioned ~uslam ai:OVB .be ?aid out of the ,&xumil mnd (comonljj knovm a3 thfi mira claas mna) or can it be pia oui of 87 : other general P~TQR~ of the county?” Iloaorable R. L. Ar&trong, Page 2 t Senate Eill~Ro. U.9, Aets or the,47th Legislature, 1941, read3 in Lprt a8 r0u0m8~ * : ,. . : “Artiole~l04Y. 'ITsany county"h*vinga Dopulation of thfrty*five tbousan4 (33,000) inhabitante,Y~or.over,accordiq.to the Lest preoeding Pederel Census, or havShg a tax vi3ht~ibn 0r mxe8n ~f~i0~~~(~i~,000,000.00) Dollars or over, .acoor4iagto thelast approxed tax roll,~thareeshell be biennielly.pppointed an auUftor~of'accotmtsand finano&@~~;the title of sat4 offioer to be County Audi~os;~,whoshall hold his ofrice for two (2) gearaiandwho shall reoeiva as,cozzpensatloon ror hissenicee to then county as much County~Auditor,~eoannual salary 0r not more.tbag the annual salary allovfador pafd.the Assessor an4 Collector of 'i‘sxes in his county, amI notless than the annual salary allowed such County Auditor under tho genera& law pro- vided in Artiole~lf343,&1viea4 Clvil~Statutes, as sat& article exioted~on January 1, 1040, suoh salary or the County Auditor tc be fixed and determine4 by the District Judge OX'Dle- triot Judges nakin:ssuoh appoidtment and hav- ing jurlsdiotionin the aouhtg, a majority rulu, safd annual salary to be paid rsontNy out.bf the general funa or the eouuty. . . a lm Articlea 1626, 1627 an4 1628, Vsrnon!s Annotate4 Civil Statutes, ma4 as follows: *Art. X626* Claims against a oounty shall be registered in three olass83, a6 r0ii0tfi3t ."l. fir juror scrip and sorip issued ror raebin jurors. \.- "2. All scrip issued undsr the prOvlSiOufI or the road law or for wotik4OQeon roads and bridges. "3. All the general indebtedness of the oountg, inoludlug pazdz and Cuardfng prison- eri3,and paupers' . *Art, 1687. Said treaeursr shall enter each claim in the re&atsr, stating the olass Eomr~ble B. L. Armstrong, Page 3 ' . .. : to which it belongs, the name of the payee, the amount, the .date of .theclaim, the date or registration,the number of such olalti, by what authority rasuea; and for what 96~1 doe the samu was issued, and ehall write on the-face or the plaim Its re&strat?.on nun- be? the word, tregiotere4,tthe date of such regjstratibu, an4 shall sim hle name orri- olally ther8tq. :. *Art.~ 11328,~!I& ruuds reoeived by the - c&q treasurar &all ba.olasaedas Sollows,~ anJ shall be appropriated,respeativtily, to the yaymeat of all olaim Pa&here4 in the first, eeoond a@ third olasseat . “1. All, jurJr’fet%i; all money reael~e4 from the sale or estrays, and all oooupatlon taxes. .,.' "2. All money reoeiverd uoder any of the provisions or 'the road an4 bridge law, includ- ing'the penalties,reco-~aredfrom railroads for railingto repair croaelnga, and all fines and forfeitures. "3. All money received, not otherwise appropriated herein or by the oomissioners court. n It will be noted that Senate Bill ITo. llS, augra, relerriog to the salaries of County Auditors under said bi1.I specirioallyprovideer ” . said annual salary to be Bid monthl; Gut of the general fun4 of the county. . . .* , Ey virtue Of the express term of the above mention- ed act, wo think that the salary of,the county Auditor which is governed and oontrolled by said act, Eust be pa5.dout of the general fund of'the county wbiah La ommonly known a3 the 'I?zira Class Fund, and that this is the only fund out of wbfoh sai4 salary can be le@ly paid* Trustip$ t*t the fore@;oingfully answers your in- cuiry,we are Yours verJrtruly .’ / _ ,.. .. j