BmoMaJ ca8pbellf. Ford
couuty Attorney
San saba collnty
San ssba, Poxar
Dear SW* w.nlon lo. o-3888
Ilel x0 it3Avtu1touae
rollleaor net8 vltb
mesba of not less than
on6 lncb aqualvin taking
or catchln$mloker8,buf-
falo, oocp, sbad, or pr
all 8aba county,Fexar?
“ma qwrtlool ha aFi8.a tn fhis wulkty u
to vhetbercr aaotIt 10 laWul to ume leinea w
net8 oith w&m of not lesm fhan one Fpeh mqaare
in taking or catehlng fmeer8, baufalo, Ml-p, &ad
or gar ia the ireeli water8 OS &n baba County,
%ndw Art. %8?L-1,sea. 1, 1. c., it im a
vlolatianto fish for, tab, or attempting to
oatch fiah ia any 0r tha publiowattmu Or
4 08 of aucb vatem ln varh6
trlbutar ootmtlem,, San8abaOoaty byuayarthodoW
thmbyord~pole uu2ilne, ret line or threw
llns equippedwith mm t&an tvo booka, exoept ia
the col8rado RLvsr; and exestptirrgartili8~u~s.
This artidLe does not coMain a PepRl~
y&lsby ~dedd.%ynd by Aat* 1933,94 rd -8.
. L l -
i‘6 jworable CampbellI. Pold, Page P
under ar%iole95~7, mea. 1, say
and all parson8 shall be petittad to take or
catch auokere,buffalo, aarp ahad or gar during
the ~antha of July, August,baptambar and Ootobelr
in any of the fresh vatara of’ Boaqua, eta., lb-
eludw San Saba Comty, vith a seine or net,
tha meshea of vhioh ahall be not laaa than one
imoh aquara. Thla article doer not contain a
repaalfafj olause, and vaa amanded 80 a8 to leave
out Comanche County by 'thelaat laglalature.
"wio Article 978 L, sea. 3, it is udlaw-
!'ulto'take iron tha trash vatarr of Ban Saba
County any baas, crappie;parah, catfish, or &.ck' I(e
any other fish teken mm tha frash vatera in
various oountieu including S& 8aba County, other +G G lr
than by orddinesgpole and ll.w~or throv line c-
eqrrippadwith not more than tuo hooks, exempting
artifldal lure. Thla article does oo~taln a Chl88, 4Id Yam &Warnedw Act8 1933,
43raLegt,,spec. L., p- 'ii',ch. 61.
%he seoond question in oonncctionwith the
game lava la vhether or not It la lavful to sell,
offer to sell, have for male, or catch for sale
any baaa, orappie, peroh, .oatflshin tha County
OS sea Baby
"Artlale 952%-$, ~80. 2, rwA8 as follovar
"It shall be unlaxpul in the Counties of
San sda, *to., to sell, ofrer for male, or &we
in poaaession for tha purpose of sale arrgtick
beam, crappie, oatfiah,or aun fish, oom~only
called perch.
“Vnder Artiola 978 L, 3ec. 1, vhioh reads am
"It shell be unlavf'ulfor any parson, tim,
or cowpox&ion or their agent, to barter or sell
or offer for barter or sale, or to buy anY baea,
crappie, perch, catfish, or any other fish takan
pm the fresh vatera in the bounties of an saw,
BonorableCeu@ellK.Pord,Ppse 3
Oilleapi* Kerr, (lcaml,
W, Xmom, -le.
At&tom and Bwl.
%I8 &tter utielo eoateiar l repeal*
&awe. Quwticm ia vh6thw or not out of atate
flab or fl& 6aught in water8 0th~ than in the
Oouutler above enumerated eaa be Irvfull~mold
in 8aB 8aba county.”
(Sam rrfielereferredto in the thirdpwagrnph of
your letter i8 Arttole 95%7, InstoM of Article 972L-7, uui
we hava taken Uberty of eometm tb atypagm@abal linn?.)
Ue 6awot agree v&th your lntwpratation of the wan-
ing o fAr tla l6
f?‘& ketlcm
, 0.Sh eSIr a t
two leotlona af thta
artioleam am follower
*se@.1. It ehall be sxalavm ior alq
peraw, firm, av eorpwa~
or th6l.r agwt,
6r lrll 0vofrer
to b a r ter f0~ bww~ 01 Use,
er to buy amyhue, wapp&o, per&b, eatrhh,
lm thm &untie8 of 8u 8aba, @llluple, K6rr,
zlti+16ne, 3k8021,Klmble,Ldwubr, Butted
lb6vo naw4 ecniM%eaaw ol tb8 flab above
en\#?at64 by any moaw 6F 46vlw ether than
that it aball be lalfrua
to rbh vith a dwe&ao:
c r 0th ~lr tliio la bla it6q uQq mdr ithm6r ethem
tv0 h o o k e,
p rdo *M 64fur th eth
r a t
a p er mo m
twntJ*O) feat %n limgth for the
8atf3hhgminnovar6rWt, loperaonahlluae
the mfnnov melhehexwlxuelarCtt6d
for the smr-
po6eof takbgamyfi8hothertihmrdnnon~for
Ilslslewer w theprobU~efaanmtruing &tic&
952L7, 8eatlon1 in aoxmatlan with Artiole$WilL-1, 8aetloa
1, anilala0 Artiole955, Puml Oo&, l923, uht4h prcvidoa h
pavt as rollovsi
Ilaialbdt, uul no person dull plaoe la
t&a fvesh vater Fl?4rI, llreek8, laker, bayous,
pools a legoQn8 of the eouat3a8 rbove a8ntiarA-
e& aay 8e3.w,net or other brvlee,cr taap
for taklllgor wtak( iishj providml,houevu,
more than tventySwt in lam&h ior the parpoae
OS mxJh%ng Biltwwsfor baltj or a net, the
weher of mhlah we net,lemr ubn three baha8
f;,“~ms g~~$$yaqm d *ha
Tb above quote4 Qr ~loy$s‘~ ln
th8orrpti~0r this a88t nurrA*tg2rp;ratt0'hdufbt~a4errrah
aa aales;lon vaa lntende4by the Ilgirlatura. In fWt , the awn&
sent ol!1933, 80 vrltten, 4eer not mske liens0 am a ooaauvatlon
In, au4 8emmmtlon ir the ovirlantsole purpaae 0s it. In ruoti
a a sa ta
, mQla itte4
ver 4%a ” a h o ultl
k sup p lud,
to g ivalrreot
to the la&~intentof tlm&&hldure. 39Texaa JwUpwden6e
330; 3 9.L.R. 404, ncy; Quatavelv. State,153 Iha. 6U, fi4I.H.
, vas fi.rat enaatwiia 1931.
treg.Sam:, p. 294, ah. 90).
Ronomble Cuqpbell K. Ford, Page 5
&mc* it will be seen that it 18 a later expreaaloa of tin
legislativevilZ than althaw Articlem2L-1, Motion 1, er
Artlole955. Am auoh, it would ba oaatrollfmg in the rttera
to vhbh it xdataa, even if it had no sqmalin(lalrxue (vhieh
it ham). 39 Tuaa Jurlaprudenae 253-2 71 Blahep 11. Rouatw
IndependentBhool afat., 29 9. V. (2dT 31?, 35 S. W. (Qd) 565s
&&f;%.nsvajsC%t~ or Vaxahaahfe, ~6 8. W. 2018 Fsoat vu. Venie,
It shouldbe noted,houever, that thla artlelo
appll~a&ly*duriag the monthaof July, Augurt,Baptmsberand
Ootobnr, and only to auoke~,~burral0, oarp, ahad and gar.
We aee no oonflictbatwen Artlala(3f$?L-1, Seetloa
2, 1. The fix-at pcohibita tim math,
and Artiule978L, Sekatlon r0r male, eta., in &s w8 c0wr, of the ri8h rurwd
no mattervhera aaught..Tha leewd prehIbItathe barter,aals,
eto., in San Saba or am other amtzr, 0s w fi&tz E
the rm8hw&em in any or the named aountier.
violationof the firat la $lO.OOto $50.001for vfolatian of
the second, 45.00 to $100.00.
It oc rwtr with
18 our opfnloa that the uae 0s lelnes
wahen 0s mot less than om Inoh aquareia taksng :~su~~IB. buf-
We are further of
bare, mappie, catflah or
San Saba County ia unlavfd,
have been oaud& .