Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF TNS ATTORNSY QSNSRAL OF TSXAS AUSTIN 19&l, rddreeeed to the on8 upon uhloh you doeire thm 0~1 t forth hen%n in the rolioring pox-0 toria to your roQueet: UIdor Artlolo lb ino emo ma mo nt, county 1 8r o o o lr - lM UI 08 r o t o n md haa raoolt.4 db0m e0rn t0 th0 to APtiolo 164s aI amen&- w)* . 0. Ilcmomblo Ralph Brook, Pew 2 "(1) Will tho Qorri88Ionorr~ Court k r o q uln~to lp p r o r th o iro r der b o r o nth e o o uut~Auditor 008 nooIro I ulary or &2w.O0 par ‘Mlllt "(2) con th eOad88Ioaor8~ court rix l lowr ulory than thrt ilred by the Dlrtrlot JUdgO‘? *()I Whet would bo tho 8818ry of thr County Au4itor In tho lrent tho CamnI8aIonor8* c o ur do t om no tlntor It“ writton oona‘ntrna lppror81 oi tho orderof tho DirtrIotJuQor, 8 oopy oi @Ioh I8 rttrohmdto thI8 1otterV That portion of Sootion 1 oi domto Bill Ro. ll9, 47th tA~.lo tur lwn&fnq o, ~iolo 164s. Rorlrad civil sktukr ot Tuer, roadrr “mlola 1645. In any OOUnty hsVinR a ,gopuiOtion 0f thwy rit0 th0~88nd os,ooo~ inbrbit8nt8, or on?, rooordIn(t to the 188t prooodlng Toderal C8n~ua, or hat& l tu nluatlao o? lrittronKIllIon ~Ils,ooo,ooo.oo) Dollar8 or over, roo~rdln& to thr last a prorob tar roll, th8ro 8h811 k blonnI8lly 8ppointsd DLL ufw 0f 800ow8 On4 tin-088, th tit10 of maid ottloorto be County Auditor who ‘hall hold hi8 off100 ior two (21 lnr 8 ad who sh8l.l r o o o lvo l oomponeetlon for ii I8 8orrloo8 to thr oounty a8 8uoh County Auditor, 8n annual 88lary of not more than tho 8nnual ‘dory sll~wod Or paid tho A88888or rnd Collootor of Tan8 in hl8 oounty, and not 1888 than the annual 88lary lllond ruoh County Auditor under the general law provI(lodIn Art1010 1&S Rotind Olril Stototor,88 88i4 WI010 d8tod an Tanuary 1, 1940, ruoh molar OS tho Owty AuUtor to ba rix0d 8d dot0 r&l a4 by tho DlatrlrtJuQo or Dirtriot 3ud I makin& rush eppointmnt and harln8 jurl8rlotion In thr oounty,8 ai‘Jorfty . Ho~orrbloRalph !Jr+c,pa& 3 ‘xl4 ro‘0rd0d COUTt Ofth0 lOM tY, UIdth 0 c i0rtb LBZ8Or 8holl omtliytho uuo swob8wT&a8o totho Cclaieelonon' Oourt uhloh lhell oOu8o tho lm to bo rooordedin it8 mInuto8~ titer the lo lerofy the County Auditorham barn flxod by thr MotrIst Ju&m or DietrIotJuA~B, no ohoiuo in 8uoh 8OlOry ah011 thOrOertor koclro 8rr00titi until tho bOgInnIn(lor the next lnOU- W rleorl p*rr, or tho county. Prd(led her- ever, any In8r888o In tho uhry of any suoh County Au4ltor, over en4 rbovo the annual 881- lr y allmod euoh County Audltoz un6or tho gen- oral law prtnldod In Artlola 1645 em 8aId Artlolo lxletod on Janwr 1, 1946, 0h811 only ba dit780a u pumItted rth i the arpn.8 eon- rent end rpprorel Of the OaeaIeelonor~f Court or the oounty who88 county Auditor 18 etfeoted or aey km eftaotod by the provlelone of this Aott r uo hlon‘ont a ndq Qr o vo 1o t ouoh Ca wle- rionorm’ Court rhell k pldo by older ot ouoh Court end roeordod ln tho mInuto8 of thr Cm- B.f88~Onor8'Court of euah oQUllty.* Under Ml018 164s prior to I'truondmnt by cCen.ete Bill lo. ll9, b7th togi‘l‘tu?o, rti a‘ it lppliod to Lubbook County on Janurr 1, 19bO. tho rnnuel 8Olery oi the oounty mu- ditor u08 flso4 ty thr LOgIrlOture to bo oatput rra! the lert lppr07od tox rolle, not to lxoood 13600.00 rnnu8lly frapreaunty fun&r snd paid monthly out or the gwmrrl fund or tho oounty upon order of the ooaI881on8r8’ oaut on the ba8le ob )ltSiOO per oooh Yllllon Dollue Or m8 Or postion thoroot. Ao by tho prori- llona or Artlole 1647, Rev ia06 Oirll !xetutee, ururrroted by Pen- eta Bill Ilo.119, the lppoimtmnt ol tho auditornmine untlu the &rI~IotIon of the dletrlrt ju6 8 by thlr omondmnt. ??a tipd PO prO~i8iOM ln tho A8t authorr 1Iag thm oamf88ionor8~ 8oupt to fix th olonaty 8a61tor98 88l8ry. It uI11 k noted tram the lbao quoted provlelon8 ot mwo Bill Ilo.ll9, t&t a 1ImItetIoa ID pleood upon the dfetrlot dud88 or jud@‘, in the M lk Ua dotrr8f.nIn8 lolary l @ 8UOtl OOUEtJ BoaorebloRalph Brw, Pap h rU4Ut~B~ Suoh 1iNtatiM 18 th8t th0 ranarl ulery 80 tlad m6 6oturinod lhrll k not-that& 8-w 80luyoll0~0d or PDF& th0 “‘0~80?-.0~00tO~ Ot t@X@8 h Lb lmty 8nd nOt 1.88 than tho ranual 88lar lllanr;dmob lU4ltor pador tho gononl 18~ pro~ldod In Art1810 1lLS, Rerlud Olril Ptetutoe, a8 IBM lleto d on January 1, 1940. This avndmrnt rorldoe the poooduro r0r tho luthmlaed fnon880 in the wler !88 or lort8fn oounty lu4 1 - torr aa when the odor iIxin(:end ~etermln tho ulery ut8 fo r th o na mo unt lxoo8dIng that allowed the rudi”f tor uador t&o en- oral law a8 abow rktod tho oonront of tho eti88lonor8* rout 88 to lth0 OZ?dUOf the df8triot fud60 or judg08 mwt 8hOw ~iYlr~- tltoly It8 rppso~81 by tho 8omIerlonor8~ court by ardor noordod In tho nlnutor 0r tho oowaI88lonor8’ lourt or 8uoh oounty to bo lrtO0tiv0 . Whet m heto arid above I8 In roo~rd dth our Intorprote- tlon 0r the am8ndmnt *a met forth In our Opinion Ilo.0-3801, BP- provod AUgU8t 1, 194l, a oopy of whloh ,I8hereto rtteohod. It la, therefore, the 0 i&m of thle deperliment that It ID dlrontlonrry with the oolpp88Ionr~e~ oourt whetha it rlll e?prove the ardor of thr dletrlot judgar lnorerrln~ tho eelary . or the county auditor of Lubbook County under kmte Bill No. 119, 47th L*glrlmturo,whlah in order to IN dt00tir0, met bm appror- ld by tho ecnd88lonu8 I oowt. TO b8 8ff8OtiTO f IX tha OWOAt yoer, euoh l.nor8888 mu8t b8 within tho prorieioarof tho county bud@. In mnawu to our woon4 and third pwrtione, it la our oplniou that Senrtr RIJ Ho. 119, lJth Lo~el8tur0, do80 not mu- thorlro the oaaIeelonor8* ‘Ourt to rh the 8818r108 or thr oaln- ty 8udItor8 rlthlq It8 protI8Ion8. srhrro tho lauIe8lonor8' court 4008 not lntor It8 wrlttui romeat end lpprorrl or the 0rUrr 0t the dietriot UdgoB pOTfdfn(l 8n IIiOrOaBOin BOlary ?Or th0 OOUII- ty 8udItor, hia ralu would rouln that fixed undu th8 genorrl law 8ppliO8MO t0 LUb to Ok COW&y and 80 OC6UQUtOde In ggoordmnoorlth the tongolng oon81u8Ion8,It rpp8are thmt pu hetr lorrmotl 8dTi8od your 0oami88iowr8* Oourt rdth rotu8no8 to the quoeti098 lutittod. Tours vary truly APROVED APi'ROVFDAU0 21. 19&l AT!‘fRXl?T OEXBIUI.Oz,mtAS OPINION OOYMTTEX (8igwa) Oermld 0. Maan By 7 3. W. B. -~'tiRbwi ATTORNEY OlPit8RAL Ot TEXAS y WRKtRS . " TRCL0m .