Honorable Claude A. ~~lllitms
Cheirmen end ikeeutlve Clreotor
Tsxee Unemployment Compensation Com&,saion
Auetin, Texas
Deer 3irr
8 in the vnom-
Companaati~ Aa-
OlQn mnd llpplie6
by bho ?ederal 0ofersmrnt.
your letter that you are Interseted oxkly
f SeoBlon the Departmental Approprla-
8 of
oh appertain to the purohesing 6f 6upplIe8
I opinion is 80 llmitad.
In the beginning, we wish to point out plome of the Federal
Btetutsa whloh relate to the qusPrtlon kxt hend.
~sotifon 502 (a), Title 42, V.Q.C.A., provides in part
es fo2lowe;
Hon. Claude A. iillllems, pa&e 2
“(a) The Zoerd ahell frown tlma to tlm
oartify to ths &oretery of the Troaaury ior
peymsnt to each jtiete wbioh hea au unamploym?nt
oompensetion law approved by the Board under the
X‘ederel Unemployment Tax Aot, such amounts es
the board detormlnes to be naoaaaary for tha
proper end efficient administration of swh law
during the fiscal year for whloh suoh peymsnt
Is to be mde. . .”
Saotlon 503 (a), Title 45, aupre, rwba in part as toi-
“The Board shall maka no oartliloatlon tar pay-
ment to any &ete unless It finds t&t the law of
auoh &eta, approved by tha Board under the Frderal
Unsmployrant Tax xot, lnoludaa provision far;
‘(8) ErrbOtit8JUlY1, 1941, tha a%panditt~a
of all moneys raoaived purauent to hM.on 608 af
thia title solely for tha purposes end in the emounta
round nsoeaaery by the Board for the proper and
errioient adminiatretfon or auoh btate lew~ end
“(9) Mreotive July 1, 1941, the raplaoament,
within a raaaonebla time, of any moneys raoalrad
puxauant to jeotion 502 or this titla, whioh, be-
oauaa of any a&ion or contingency, have bean lost
or hsve been axpanded for purposes other then, or
in amounta in exoeaa of, thoea found neeeaaexy by
the Board for the proper admlniatretlon ot auah
State law.”
By virtue of the above quoted statutes and other pror~aiona
of the Sooial Soourlty Aot, the Sooial Saourlty fioarxl hea pro-
3nulgatad tarloua atanderda, lnatruotiona, speoiiioatfons, rulaa
end ra&.ations conowning the nenner end method in whioh the
Texas Unamploymsnt Compensation Coannfaalon may expand the
funds contained in the Unamploymont Compensation Administration
Fund Insofar as sup Uad by tba Federal Oovexnnaant. The
yadarel Statutes ani the various standards; inatruotions,
lpaolfloetions, rulea and ragulationa of tha Sod.81 jaourity
Board, promulgetad under 8e.M Fedora1 Stetutoa, muat ba iolL-
lorad by the Ztete in order for tha State to receive the un-
employment oorripensetion a&liniatration rude.
Bon. Clautla A. Will$mma, paga 25
Ii the appliombla prorfiona of s‘eotlon e of the Da-
partmanta Appropriation Bill, rupre, apply to puroliese8 0r
auppliaa and equipment mede by the Unemployment Compensation
Commission out of Sunda contained in the ‘c’uer:ploymeat Compen-
setion Adminlatration Zuud as turniehsd by the Iaderel Govern-
ment , then it will ba impassible for the Coomn;ireion to rollow
th6 verioue rulers, reguletiono, etc. of the aooial jeourlty
&era in this metter.
In the Depertmental Appropriation Btll, aupre, wa find
oartein lenguaga in Seotion 1 tbera0r whloh apeolfioelly rarer8
.to the Unemployment Compensation Commiss,ion. ?:e quote as
followa I
“All moneya granted to this Sate by the’ hderal
~ernmant tor the administration of the UnorPploymnt
moa*ya~grentad ror travel ehell be expndealn ths
amounts and in aooordanoe ulth the standerda or the
Ssatel %ourlty Board end the rubs epll reylatfona
adopted by the Unemployment Coap6maetion Comiraion to
mad euoh stenaards. ;iut 0r .atats travel expe~a
pale solely iroom ~aderel &mate aad dada in acaozdaaoo
with the Fadarel’ ateaderd8 aa bsiryr naoearary iOr PM-
per adminietratlon or the Unemploymnt Companeatioa Aat
do not here to hare the approval af the ~ttornay Ganerel.
RSalaries to the amployaea of tha UnamployakenO
Compsnoetlgn Oonniiaaion end Paembers of the Golcaiaaion
shell ba paid in acoordanoa with egreemahta medo betwaan
the ComuSaaion end the Sootal Seawlty barb, but in
no ease ahall suoh salarfpa ba leas then thoea auth-
orlpad by tha Aot oreating the Unsmplopent Compensation
Coreainaion.* (U~ndaraoortag: ours)
Since it irr nail kUGWIi that the Sadsrel Funde in guestion
oan ba obtained oaly~ if expended a.8~dlraotad by the 3oolal
Saourity herd, we believe that the ebova undersoared langtaega
wuld ina1aat.a that the general provision8 montainad in aeatioa
8 of the Iieperteentel Appropriation Bill, aupre, with rcdranoe
to pqohaaaa of aupplfee and eguipnt, would not apply to auah
Bon. Claude A. %'5115am6, page 4
parchares m&e by the Unemglopent Compensation Coma5aslon
out of unmiployment oompmsatlon adm5n5stretlon funds
sup_=lied by the federal Covernmmt.
kctlon 22 (10) ot aaid Appropriation Bill reads aa
United state8 81~~58 and irid. The pamper
ofriosr or of any Stats i)spaxtiments, bureaua,
or div51~5ons of atate aganolea are hereby authorlseb
to make application for ad acoapt any gifts, grant*,
or allotmeAt or iunds front the Unit& atate Oovem-
ment to be Used OA jtate oOOperat5VO and other Fderal
projeots and progmms in Texas, infiuaing OOAStl'UQtiOA
oi pub158 buildings, repairs, arid in&mminmnts. Any or
auoh fulsral fun&r a6 my be 46porrltab in the State
Treamaxy are hereby appropriatrd to the apcroiflo pur-
pose anthorlzod by the Federal GoverAment, and subloot
to the llm5tatloA plaosd OA thir hot." (Underaoorlng
The abova uudrraoored provision would 5AdiOate that the
general provie5oAA of 29Ot5OA 8 of the &Qartm~Atal Appropria-
tion bill are applioable to the sxpatndlture of ~tha fu~dr 5~
qAeatlon* It 50 to bo noted, howover, that SaotWa 0 (lo),
mpra, is in general kmggua~e an6 aekoe AO 8pwiiiO rrfor6noe
to the fWkdS iA the UAat@e~At COmpeAAatiOAAdm.%AilltXmtiAA
Fun6 aa reoelve(l from the Y&ral EovemmeAt,
The 4Vth Legirlatura sAaote6 Eouee Bill Ho. 499, effebtlvo
Way 21, 1941, whioh OOAOOXAS the question at hand. Said Bill
reads in part fin followa~
*Thera lr ,heraby ureatad ln the &ate Treasury
* rrpeolal rwd tc be known as the uAWU&dOJXfitSAt Com-
pezmatlou hdmIn5stration Irund. All money& which are
deposited or paid into this fund are hereby appro-
priated an8 made uvailabLe to the Ccxn~ssion and
shailbe co~tSnuoualg available to the Comilsrion for
expenditure in aoaordanos w~lth the prov56Ione of th5a
Act, and shall not lapse at any tlas or ba trarutarred
to any other fund. All moamye~in this fund whloh
am reoeived from the Tumloral Govesmwmt or any agesoy
theroot shall be exm~nded solely for the ~+?wQoBe8and iA
585 ””
&A. Cl.SudS A. ~5lll~ma, pagS 8
the amottnts found neoeaaary by ths Social seourlty
Boar4 for the Dropor aAd affiOieAt abaiA5StratioA Oi
this Aot. The tu~4 shall oonslat of all m0ney8 appro-
priated by this State; all WA@78 reoeived from tha
United States of &ierloa, or cmy a&;encg thereof, ln-
cludingl the ~oeial kcurit.7 BOSrd; ell ~loneya XaOaiV~
Worn any other bouroe for suoh purp08Sfi all moneys
Oollected by the Gmm5885O~ ar wets or teor ohargeil
by thS Comm5ae15on for tu~niah5ng photoaktlo or
oertir56d OOpiOS or ra6orda or the Co~m5885O~, or
tee8 ohu&SU by the COoDiSSiOA for makifig audits
puraugt to the authority granted in this hot, u3d
shall also incluQ0 say monoya raoelved from lAy
agency of the United statea of jinwrlcra or any othhsr
State a6 ootipeA8at5oA for servioae Or fa0115t508
rupplled to auoh agumy, my enouAt8 r~ceivoe pUrSeAt
to any 8urSty bond or l~sur~~oo &~olloy Or iroar other
aouroea iOx loaaoa SustaiAd by the UAmplOymAt
CompSnsatlon AdPL5Aiatratlon FAA~, or by roaaOA 0r
damage t0 SQufpmsAt or auppllea pUrChaC& irC5 moAe78
I@ auoh funb, and any preeSS48 raSlisSt.rror t&o &la
The rlrst undbrecored prov5SioA u0uia 5n45aato that the
ignd8 %A the ~AWlIQlO$'lWAtCf3RQMl8AtioA AdmiAietI'AtiOA BAA6
should bS diaburaod bjr tSs UAsmpkomAt CompeASStioA CWSi5885OA
in the mnnwr eirS0t04 by the f3ocial. Security Board. The latter
Paderaoorad provision would lad%oate thcxt the 45bburacrmont of
these funds would be controlled by the pr0v1850~8 Of ~eotion g
Of the ikpartmntel Appropriation Bill an4 &her appllaablo
Stat0 Laws.
2tlll aAOthex law relatiag to the gut6tfOn at hand is
$e‘,tiOA (1) of &tit316 522lb-9, ~el'IlOA'6 k?~Ot~~~%CCi~~
Statutes, which was eAseted by the 4dth LS@.
p, 1995, Ch. 4oe. 3a id SWtiOA r ea & a 86 r O& Vdt ’ l’
"stcpte-Federal Coopsratlonr IA the adminis-
tmtlon or this hot, the COE+ULf'iWiOAShall e~op8i'ata
tO the iulleet OXteAt OOASiSt~At with the p2bVisiOAa
“’“I’ 586
BOA. OlaUde A. allllame, page 6
0r thisAct, with tho soala ::eourlty Board,
created by the Soolal L.eaurlty Act, approrul
Auguet 14, 1985, a8 am~nde6 J okall make suoh
reports, in auoh rora and containing euoh ia-
rormatlon 88 tiie social Stcurity Boar4 zap rrcm
time tc tima require, an4 shall ccmply with suoh
prov5o5ons a8 the Scoial Seourity u0u4 may rmm
tlm to time rind Aeoaaaary to assure the ocrraet-
no88 and verir5aat5on 0r tush reportsi -4 aball
OO~PLY with the rstxulat5oAa Draaorfbml by the
aooial LeQW Board ~vamlnlt the exwndlturea
of ouch ouxa ae say be allotte aA pa5& to this
%ata under xltlo III of the bocial Security ht
for tho purpooe of asa5atl~ $A the a4m5Alstrat5~A
or this hot.
*Upon requmt thereror, the Commleaion ohall
iurAiPh to an7 agenoy of the UAitd %atea char&d
with the a4m5A5~trat5oA 0r publlo works or aaa5atanoe
through pub150 UnplOmAt, the name, addr~aa,
oreiw~ ooaupatlon, nnd amplo)waAt atatur of aa8h
reoiplent or benortta and eueh reo5pleAt~a ri@sta
to rurthsr benefits under this AOO.” (Underaoorlng
Title 5 0r the %clal hourit tit 58 0045f5~4 as a
0. a. c. A., Yectlons 601-&M and is not out in part IA the
flrot part or this OP~A~OA.
To brletly sunmmlze, we rind speoiilo 1aAguago 5~
Rouse Bill 499, supra, a~4 the DepartmAtal~i\ppropriation
Bill, oupra, both enaotod by the 47th Legislature, Be&uti
bs~aion, which WUld iA&iCM¶t. that the iW48 5A qu8StiOn
&mu14 be expsAde& by the Unsm@oyment Oompsnsation ~oxwiaaion
in the manwr as dlreotrd by the %oial Seourlt7 &ala. ThoA,
again, there is language in both Bills which would inei6ate 5~
6 general my that ouch runes could be spent only 5~ aoaordaneo
with the Laws of this atats appllooble to other general and
lpeo5al funds.
Yeotlon (5) of hrticls WBlb-9, eupra, clearly shows, a
logialatlve intbnt that the fuA68 ia question should bo diS-
burned in the mmmr direotell by the Social Ijeourlty Bcar4.
IA View Or the tiAgUage iA hUW Bill i