Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

f-3 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS d AUSTIN Honorable t*u A. #fAdox county Attoxvmy ?a10 ?lnto County ?a10 Pinto, Texalr f Tour letter of re- on the above 8tated laint will properly lie against a’- olr~J39 of the Penal Code, V&MI a l lo t o f arrsotlng a roldLar in , for th4 offenab of la l xsauting or ltt6suptimg ful varrmt for the arreet In a mlrdsmearior oam, 00 tlag to armrt azq per- , vhere tha law author- arrest to be abde vlth- he -11 be fined not lrs8 thaa tventr-live nor more than five hundred dollars, an6 if Um8 be PBO6, be fined not ;~;:;&zJ flftr nor mazy than one thousand . The artiole quoted 18 inolnded in ChWtez 4 Of Title 8 of the Penal Code, ontitled ‘Arrert and Custody ai Prieoner8.” Honorable Edgar A. Maddox, Pago 2 Article 346, Penal Code, (aama chapter end title) reads as tol- 1OVBl ‘By 'Oftioer, ’ as use6 la this chapter, la meant any peaoo officer, as sheriff, deputr aheoift, oonatable, marahal or policeman of a city or tovn, eq jailer or guard, or any per- so nlpeci&lly authoriaed by varrant to arrest.’ Artlola kl, Code of Criminal Procedure, to vhich you refer, reads: “Harsh aharitt shell bo a oonarrvator of the poaoo In hla oouaty, 4nd ahall arrest all ottendara against the lava of the State, in hla vfn or hearing, and take them brtore the proper oourt for lxarinatioa or trial. He shall quell and luppwaa all assaults and batteries, ltfcayr, insurrections and unlav- ful aaae8ibliea. He ahall apprehend end COP- mtt to jail all ottandera4 until im examine- tion or trial can be had, Artlole 339, Panal Code, aupra, has been said to re- late to and prohibit reslataaor to praoe officers. Harleaa ‘II. Mate, 53 Tex. Cr. R. 319, 109 9. V. 934. In addition to the l.iritation lmpoaod by Lrtiole 346, supra, vo bireot your atten- tion to the provisions oi Artiole 36, Oode of Criminal Prooadure, vhhh vb quote1 “Th* following are ‘peace oftiaerart the aherltt and his deputies, oonatable, the marsh1 or polloemen ot.an lnoorporatad tovn oc city, the ottioera, non-ooaaalaaionod ottioera end privates of the stat0 ranger force, and any private person apeoia.);lp ap- pointed to execute ori.mlnal prooeaa. Thus ve see that there is no provision made for the rpplioatloa of Artiole 339, Penal Code, vhen the arrest is at- tempted by a ailitery policeman of the United States army. Ar- ticles 3 and 7 of our Penal Code would neem applicabla) Artlole 3 reads in pert that ‘po person shall be punished for say aot or omlasion, unless the same is aads,l penal offense, and a penaltq ia affixed thereto bp the vrltten hV of this State.” Artiole 7 ooatalna this l-get ‘* l l aad no poraon ahall be punlahed for an offense vhioh is not made pen81 by the plain impwt of the vorda of a lar.a Honorable Bdgar A. Maddox, Page 3 A military polices&an, as auoh, to not chargdd vlth the duty of enioraing tha provlalo~a of the Taxes Psaal Code. Him actlrltlar are regulated by and he ia amenable to regula- tions of the liar Departaant , orders of hL4 superior ofSit34rr and statutes of tha United States. In time of var all ottensea commltted by soldiers an oognizable bT courts-martial or mill- tary oossaiaalona. In time of peaoe a person In the mllltary aarvloe who, ln ary portion of a State not vlthln the exclusive juriadiotfon of the United States , eoamita a orhl.aal ottanae racognised md made punishable br the lava of the State la amenable to the State oourta for such offense. Such jurf sdlc- tion la clear17 reoognlaed by the seventy-fourth artiole of var provldlng for the dellrev of such offenders to the olvil au- thorities when they are charged vlth otfanaea vhich are pualah- able by the ?.ava of tha land,’ Se4 5 Corpus Juria 367, 8 2258 10 U, S, C. A, I 1546, Title lo-Army. Drunkenema in a publfo plaoe is not vithin itrelt such an offense as till justi- an arrest vithout a varrant even vhen -de by o$e of the apeoitioally named peace officers, except olty policemen, olt]r marshals and chiefs of polloe. See Bennett v. State, 136 Tex. Cr. R. 192, 124 S. W. (26) 359. To properly ltteot a proseoutloa for a violation OS Article 339, supra., the information or indlotment must allege vhether the arrest was sought br virtue of a vamaat or olth- out‘on4, and in order to sustain a ooavlotlon, the State vould be required to prove faeta rhovfng under vhioh olruumatanoe?. It the &rreat vaa attslpgted without a varrant, the 1egalltJ of au& arrest vould be eaaantial to uphold the judgment. Ra.rlaaa v. State, aupraj Sh4v v. State, 113 Tex. Cr. R. 169, 18 9. V. (ad) 628. Pou ara therefore reapeotfully advised that a military policeman is not an officer vithln the purviov of the atatutss olted by you. Vhile additional taota may ahov other provisions of the Penal Code to have been violated, JOU are also advised that It is our opinion that a private altizen vould not be sub- jeot to punishawkt under Artlola 339, Penal Code, aupra, under the taota aubmittbd. BWlRS