Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

588 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable O~Q. Ii. BboppuVl aomptrolhr ot Publio kosounta Auwth, TOxaB Honorable @80. H. ghoppard, page 2 In Oplnlon Ho. O-0696, this dapartmsntadvised the Commissioner of the General Laad Offiao that it would r.- qulrs a 6pSOiriO appropriation by Oh. L.glslaturs of the spsolal f'undoroatsa under the provlslon o? 481, to .uthor- 1.. the 8pplloatlon of pw8.t of swh fund to Oh. satls- raotlon of srp.nses lnourroa thorwader. ft was to me.8 bhis ruling that Bouss bill 235 or th. R8gul.r Y.sslon of the pros.nt Lsgislatur. was p8.s.d. Bows Bill Ho. a35 amsnds Ssotloa 6 ot Soruta Bill Bo. 481 so that the *au sow reads as roll6wsr *+ * * 330 buairration r008 providsd ror in Notion 3 of this Aot shall b. d. sib.6 wliththe Stats Treasurer in a spa01ar ruad tie thr oredlltof th. L8nd Beard sr8ated la Sso- tlon 2 hersot. hll suoh moaoys so paid lnta th. Stats Fr.uury u's hsroby SpSOiriOil4 ap- pnsprlatsd to said Lurd Board for tho purposs et asrrayling th. luth0ris.d and 1~0888~ 8x- psn... lnoldmt6p the enforoomeatof this A.0 lnourred by said Board in d.t.rmlaing th. idsntlty or p0r80n8 8atitl86 to t&s bwwits 0r this hot. ms ~omptrollw shp, rn bi.1~9 to time upon requisitionof th6 ~Cmmid881on.r 0r the denn**al Lard orri00, draw warrant0 upm the stats Treasuor for the ammnts 8peoiii.d In suoh requlsftion, not lo udlng, hcmrer the amountof suoh fund cm deposit at Oh. tins 0t tit0 making or 8~ nqui8ition th8ruiar. *Ilr sum remalnlng in 8uoh tu8d after all sxp.ases h&v. b8.n paid shall be tranafsrnd to th8 Per- maa.nD Sohool Pund. 3%. amount or money a60ru- 1% to th. St.t. of T.us as oonsld.ratfoa Sopr the a0 Of the 1.M #8 pW1d.d rOr in 8S@ti@a 3 h.r.oi sh.J.1 b. pl.8.d to Oh. cndit Or the Dermanent Sohool Pun&" Hoaorabls @se+.8. Bhsppard, pa&s 3 We bw to a&188 that lt~the opinion of this dspart- unt HOUSO 8111 235 aonstftutos a sufriaisnt1.y spsolflo lppr0prlatlon to authorlxo the paymsnt of suoh axpsUSes and that suoh appropriation la a valid eme. hrtioio 1x1, Ssotloa u 0r the Oonbtltution r0gub tha Lsglslaturs to a&s any l gzsnt, by appxqwiatloa or other wlu, say amount of noaop out 0t the huasutg of.ths 8tatr, to any ia4lrlbusl,on a olala rssl or prstsndsd, when the $y*$all not harm bosa pro&ma ior by pre-ssist5~ l~wa By this it 18 meant that thwa aust hair bsSa in exlstonoe at the t&me ths ,rlalm loorud a law whioh muld mks suSh olalm a ~s~sS obllgatlon of tha Stats aa4 wfkish woulb tonr the basis oi Judpmnt against the State ia a sourt or oomptsat jurlsdlo8ioashoul4 the Btats ralt a 8ult thsrua. (Austin Patioaa& Bank t. 8hsppard. #? 8. 1. (2d) 2@) Thla intorgrotatlona? that olauso oi Ohs Oiinstl- tutlsn mars4 loosntustss thS primarypurposs OS 8sotion 41 to rorbld the 6ra.xt* of extra oompensatloaup0a o0ntrasts whloh had bsoa fully performer Ia other nOeds, to pPw@nt a gratituous dlsposltloaby ,the Ls6lslatura of ths Dub118 ruadb la the Btato Treasury. Th%s prlnolplo has boan rc ssgalss& an8 applied la m oasu~ 860 roat Woa%h Uavalry Club v. Shs~~ard 83 8. 1. (2&j 660j Cor.l@aa Cotton lUlla f. plhsppord, 71 8. W. ~(?a) 207 ~tklx. ri 'Stat*, 123 8. 1. (2d) 95531 Stata y. Haldemaa, 1b 3 8. '1. 102Ot D&aS Ooun8y Y. LlYolp, 167 8. W. 219. Sootion 7 of 8umto BiU,.W, (Ysman*s C&r. 8tot. AX%. 5330a) luthorlses the Lan& Board to dotarabo what lands ars avallabls iOr p~m~h~S0, and 80 pUbliSh ai 9 rpmolama- tion of aotloe la mob oouaty in nhioh any suog lu@s may be looated. Thi. 1. a .uitiOi.~t pl'.-*ri.tiIy &WtO auppoti the appropriation of Hcum 2111 235. Ia o inion Be; 1013, addruaed to 7ou wider date or August 10, 1839, w 6onstrumd (I epsolal approprintlon aot 591 Heaorable Qso. 8. ShOppard, -60 4 paued to pay salary sa d lponou or tha Rio Grand0 Comgmot Conmbsloasr for salary eunsd a a dlxpsnses tiourrod prior thonto undor olroumstanou tory sinllar 80 thoso at the roundatlon or the pnunt inquiry. Yours rory truly