Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

21 OFFICE OF THE AIT-ORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN d,ehotrlngbhthavmXd. In the peNAlteat* Wlth- laaal pardan. -she letter t vfolated tiny law, but it aoems ba ia ianableto bold.8 job aad he wys that the boy is alax.lm to ga baok to the psnftentlary Who oando 86uIthoutforieitiPg~a~qodtQae and being 6&6lmB4laE a peuvle v~al&ator,and that thakWpeopla ofthobo~also t&%nktbathewould be betkr, o?? ii he x&ummd to the.gsniWat~. 22 EoaevabLa.F.C. &&eve, Page 0 '&8x+Uald baa vrittea the Boati a letter dcubt&g tbat ho has the mthorlty to acaept the eea*Iotbe&vitbontbleparelebeingre- voked. Ivould ~etlIketokmv,tromthe letter8 herein, IS ytm oeuld 8110~8~tke fol- lovlng qlleotiorl6: ‘(1) JfaDthl.8defendCULt the rigkt to va;ve hli aendltionulpardon and have it can- selled and retuq to the peaitentia~ a8 a oonvl&i in goed &iandingthe same aa when the ooPaLtIcna1psrdtm vaw lerued? '(Q) Baa ~JIa-.. tfaid,: the ppiaon warden. the ta aewpt hir bat& ,in the peni- ruthodty~ te&tImytlnder aimI%conditionawithout having the aonditlml pordcln 'hwrok6dP" I U&m exemixietio~of the proolaviatlon ismy by Oov- emoc OWaniel upon reuk+endabIon OS the goard of Pamlcnr and ?aPolefl,vsfind'tko am.dmngl~l 'Sq.hb is goilty at any time of~any tie- aonduet.aPv$olatqn .of~thhs ~lal?, .OPfor any other-za~~~~the~Oarerztor:rey deem evffIolent '(~dUdQ&~ ftMtS.ROtknOWSI tC the boV~13%0@ at:. the.t* o? tkIs.l ohmenuy) , tll.i.0 con&It1on- %ubjeot to ~revoaatlaa al~:pardoa:t,i at the @or- s~~~swlI8eiwtion, with or vltkout hea&& awthe @owemxo~may detacrine, and the arid W. P;,.P&ker asy be, by older of the 00vernar, returned to and wllflned In tke pfmltentisry uutil the end oi hie mentaneo." The abow qu&qd language follovs otker oonditlona iaporeC'Ilr~t&e pre&amation~mmely that the aald Parker go to -warIt, totally sbetaln fxws ~88 a? fntaxiceting liquors, etc., nene of which appear to ~kavebeen consideredby you as violated by bin. 5% authority 0T the executive power tr,grakt 0end.G tlonal pardrms haa been.fullyeetabl$nhhed,Any besmmable own- dition may ba impomd. ACSCOQ~&DOOof a ccndItiosrdL pardon Obr- pies with It an aaae~tanoe of the aonditionsupon which the Par- dap IS *ted; ati it km been a&Id that wiles6 tke aondltiOPe m unmas~ble, Illegal, lamral or lnwoseibleof PQFfOrtMaOes Eonovsble T. 0. mvs, Page 3 they are b%mUng. It Is sssenttal to the validity of a copdi- tloml pardon that lb be accepted by the psrson In whose favor It Is issued. When 80 aaeepted, however, the oendItlon8be- atme dU.ke bladlngtxponbothgrcmtorandgraatse. 31 Tex. JbF. %2:7, fl10; Xx pavte Frasle~, 91 @#ax.Or. I?.475, 239 S. U. . In the Frarier &se appears tbs r0mtqp ** + 0, Appsllant was a aonvlct, held In custody by constitutedautko+iy, under senten Imposed by the uourts. (me Cfoverno,alon aould granthlmmGletrlwshI* lltuatlon,az!d,the nllef being on8 of grace spa not aonst+bfnt, ths grantor ootaZd impose therein ruah'sondltlons asbeubvfit,vIthiliboun&+osle~t~P Ror8llty. App&lunt v@s not mRpellsd to *aMlpt s.nypardonvhenoffend,but,If oaebetendersd 01th oondItlons and hs dld afmept, ths oonditlons bsasms sllke binding on both gnntqr and @-antee. It seems to be without ~ossfbls di@nat* that the~~maybe a stlpul~tlonfa snol:&rantasto . who OF what authodty msy be looks&to to deofde it say sondltlons laposod, be vIolate&%end* l.r thsm bs *UC& stlpulatlons,this part of the ~~~~eq~~yb~u~nboth~rtleawlth In the QpAant oaae appd.lt4at ao- ospted n &doll vlthwndltIon*, and eentaln- lng a stlpuXatIonas‘to vho should decide when the aoadltlona were violated; raid stipulation belug In these vordrt “Zt th4 said IhParIer is gsllty al sn~ mls- oandtwt 0~ violation of t&e laws of t&l* state, OP than srlses allyother good and surfIcIeIlt na*om al the oplufon or the OoveFnor jodilfp lng him in doing ao, this pardon Is subjeat to be rsvoksd at the Qovernor8s dlsaret~lon.~ ~18lathattheOQ*e~0~vas a&reedaponb?the parties to the grant, as the sole arbiter when and what should be held n tenslnationa? the glmnt. Of vbat use OF avsll would 8 oourt hsa~lng or judgment be, vhen'it Is agreed uptm and vrltten into the doomsent as dealslve that vbatewerin the Qoveraolr*s opinion justlfles Haorsble 9. d. Andmvs, Page 4 hla shall be gnrrmd for rsvoe8tiaa. Then 1aluehIngbthetsrRsofthegraRtlthIah blnds the Qovernor to hess testimony pro and eon, oc vhfsh point8 out the route he.latlmt taks ia awiving at a ooxtalusioa that the gwsntsehadtiolatsdthe lavorbeengtxil~o of tisaonduot,or done any other thing deemsd 0i stltlh aBsraat*r by the Chief Xxeeut;ve a8 to mer it th e r ev0a 8t1 0n. * l l. I+4 *, *~tooplnlo.nths oomdltlone inpo8ed ~~gazdan.Sllllt~a~~mtven,lMiWer llleg8Xnw fnmenl, and by aeoeptme OP. '~hsboundh~elfto sub&t to a gwwoar- tion when made by the Qovsliaarfar aoj eaqsss WhIuh; In tl-u?o~iaion ot.t&a lLatt.eP,juatiifsd such wtlon. hioh revooatlon eotid not and ~Md not dug to appellant hzs &tit Q a lwlt & habeas ooFpu*,but vhen bpmght boilmethe eotwtsIn obsd%saaethentO.he has no ~~lght-- and we mi power-40 go beyund the tombs &mod upon bs hia In Us aoo&aass, and W, the l&v- .srnor inhls grant. of ssehpardon.w $08 also Rx pmtb Rsdwlns, 91 Tez. Ori R. 83, 236 8. w. 96; Rx pata Bavsnpwt, ll0 Taxi- 0~. 8. 326, .7 S. Y. (Qd) 589, 60 A. L. a,.l40>. ,.. Twos ‘the language of the Fraeisr aase, auprs it mom ale&r ‘that the Qovsnaiorwould byesuutelned,Ii he ahodd deter- mine It to bs to Parksrlh intsmmst and the inten8t of roalsty to choose to nvoks ths olsmsnsy sxtsndsd by,virtus af the oon- dItloaalpssde& Tho.expresslem8 oontnlnediaathelbkerpra- ol8mtfon ars not uterially at v8rIamm Baa thou u5ed by attnezmor lt*ff In aWndIng a amdttlml pax-don to Pnssler. b.ths rattar n~‘stands, howevea, the Ommaxor has not seen fit to exowi.so hi8 pmmogatlvs to revoke the ahmoney snd send Pwkm basicto ths penltent1aFy. me qu**tloItIS, an Pa&w, having saseptsd the act of gram and memy an the part of the ohIef sxeootlve of this State, and having sxeroisedhi8 oh4100 for Wdom 'byaceopting the pardon and laavfng th paaal ln8tltutlonto whbh ha had boon 001PDitted. sow or later 76t hi8 ovqvhla) de&Is to rep&late t&e tilexsmsy be sought and vhioh was 0mdltbMlly -ted? 25 It is cur cpfnicn that clnoo Pa~kei accepted the oondltIanal pmdcn vIth all of Ita tea-maand.acnditIcm, the aholoe OS nvocaticn lies *XO~U*IV~~ wIthIm the dI8amtIon of the Qoverno~; that suoh olamnoy onso aOOeptsd by a OQD- riot aann& be a.fUnm%rdsvaIv*d an4 nulliiled bJ a ntsra detexwlnatlonon the p8& of the convict that he had rather. be Imarseratsd than aomply vith Its texms, folloved by vol- untmy 8ummder. liethewfom amver yaw tlmt question in the neg8tIve. It foll~vs that the petitentla~ ltnthorltlsswould have no authority to a*aept a OonvIot nturning to ths prison undsrths air~tsn~es outl.inedbypa\r,