Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF TiiE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN -C.- *-- state Board of ihfrdraesere and 0Xl!W3tO1~&i Litt~efleld Bu1l.d~ Auatln, ‘iexasi \ Dear Mad8l8: Attentions e Board of Co~tolo~ dated b&d%’ and wmsiderad by thfn dqartment. Wi of the State of 2cota8 th, end Brs. Stone’8 ed to the SEerrateior ha8 not been Isubnlltted as of thla date. Therefore, I should like to have an opinion Srom your Deepaptmtant a8 to nhether or not maa Mona irr qoallflsd at thi8 tiw to bald 0srf0+3 as a msmber of the state Board of CosnKitology. 392 State Board of Ralrdra8ser8 and Cosm8tolo~lrts, Page 2 “AHiole 734-b, Seotion 4 of the Rsvieed Civil Statutes of Texas prescribed the qualffl- cations of mtmbemr of the State Board of Coame- tology, and the term for vhlch they shall hold OPilCS . It also sets forth thnt each member of ths Board shall ssrve Tar a term ot six ysars, or until hln or her successor 18 appoInted and quallfled. The fact la that Mrs. Stone, being appointed to fill an unexplrsd torm and bavlng qualified and taken the oath of offloe, but vhoae name vaa not submitted to the Senate with- in ten days after the Senate oonvened, as re- q,ulred by ths TOXBSConstitution, doss not knou whether to continue to serve until her successor 18 duly appofnted and confirmed, or that by virtue of the Conatltutlonal provision, '&oh sets forth that ths CIovornorshall submit vlth- in ten days the zmmes of his appointeea to fill vacanaies on State Boards, vould control." Section 4 of Article 73bb of Vernon*s Penal Code pro- vides as follovsc "Sea. 4. There is hereby areated a Stats Board of Bairdrssse 8 and Cosaetologlsts aon- slating of three (3 f tadbers, saah ot vhom aball be a balrdresrer or comaetolo let, as definsd in thtr Aat, with&i Wty s 30) d&y6 after this Aot e&all become effeatlve, the Cfovsrnor shall appoint the members OS’such Board ntah members abnll be at least twenty- rive I 25) year8 of age and shall have had at least five (5) years praotical eqxwlence In the majority of the praotloeo of halrdresofng or aosnmtology in Texas an4 &all be a oitlren of the State: a~ member or the Board shall be a member of nor affiliated vith sny school.oi halmlreosing or oosmetology vhlle ia offlae, nor &all eny tvo (2) member0 of said Board be graduate8 ot the same sahool, “(a) ‘Baoh mamber of said Board shall servo a term of six (6) years, or until hln or her suaaessor 18 appointed and qualified, except In the ease of the first Board, in which case one member ahall be appointed to . 393 state Board of Xalrdreoser8 .$nd COSlSStOlO~f8t8~prss 3 serve for a psrlod of lx0 (2)‘y8S~Sl a aeoond member shall be appointed to serve for a period of four (4) rears; end a third maubes Sk11 be appotited to SSP'Z8 for a period of six (6) years) ad la WC- ing such appointments the &vemr Shall deslgnata the respoot~ve pOSitiOn to be f'll1e&by au& agpolntment. The nemhers of 8ald Board shall tako the oath pxmrlded by lav for p&Me offlctals. Vacancies Shall be tilled by tha Oovernor for the unsxpired portion of the term." It vfll be noticed that Bectlon (a) of the above quoted StatUtS exprear1y pSovide8 that a member of thamard shall serve for a term of six years or until his or her 8uuaessor 18 appoint- ed ad qualified. Izkour Opinion Ilo. O&34, the smm questlotius8 disaues- ed at length and a careful revleu oi the constitutional.and stat- utory provlslon8 vlth reierenue to the oflice of Sscretary of Stat0 van therain givaa. We believe that the same conmrtltutional JWOViSiOl%S and the holdlngthorelA csnbe eqwlly Rpplledtogour Prapositlon. A oopy of Opin%on Sfo.O-134 la being enolos8d here- vlth for XouX'infOl?Satl~ and aS8lStallOe. You al-0thmefoFe l’eS&#ttt~~ advlaed ill amver to your question that a member ot the State Board 0S Ealrdresaers and CoamMiolo~18tsr to-vttc Llllle Stone ir entitled, under the COnstltutlon and &lVS Of this I)tate, to aontinw to serve ln her oftlalal oapaofty 8s a member of that B0ard Until such time as her 8uocell8orlo appointed and duly qualiSle& SirieereoelvLng our request ue have been 8dvUed #at the nosrinatlorrotNr8. L l.d1s 8tons ha8 heen SUbnrittIRd by Oovsmor OQanleltothe senate ro~oonflrmatfon. If the&mate ahould Fehr843t0 OoaiiXW OUQh8ppOiptUWSltthE2'UbOy Ft?jltating SW'S, thE!l Ye call ~yow attention to our Opinion plo.O-3343 in whfch ve held e&ion of a n~ee the &mate oreated a vi%canay in QOpyof Qhilon so. bg -3343 ia ell~108,ed for you' in- We trust that we have Nly answered youF irxm%rY. APPROVED APR 18, 1941 n Yours very truly / ATTORXEY cE3ERAL OF TEXhS BIK ATTORNEY GENERAL RFrcld brcCrackon mRs Asalstant