Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Mr. Tom Whoat 00~emor'a orrio Aurtln, Texas Dmu Sir: wo are in reoelpt reward, toasther with your letter as you regarding payment of the -ward. Artiole 1007 or the prorid. “‘ra8 -u Y ortar to be p 00vuEor w. Loo O'Dmni.1, a or $250.oo vor th0 aafd fu&tire within ona year from ter,two por80na, Ruddy Asker and T. R. Powlor, Jr., aought a8 the au0 la murbermra or Robortaon, worml pprehoa&U an4 blivoro4 & to the hand8 or the Sheriff or Lwr ammt~ lkxu. The it appear8 that Shim do- llru~ ~88 mot hnrido the 1Y 1 dooror Luur a01111tp,wo Mr. Tom whoot, Pogo 2 think tho oIroum6Sanoor pamludod a 1lt;ral eamplIu~o with 0ondi01on 0r tho offor, It lp p o o r that o dolIror~ or tho two ru&tIroo was 8otually m6d6 to th6 sh0rirr 0r Lamarcountp- but that, by rosson Of his Ioar that mob rlolo,noo eight OO- our ii tho fugltlwio wuo returns& to Lamar County, the Sheriff took the prloonoro to Dallas County ror oorokooplng. Thor6 was in our opinion, a lubotantlnl oorpllancowith this condition. IItdoor not lppou frap tho ill0 that Aokor and ?owlor have boon oonti~tod O? th6 murder of Robutoon. YOU adrloo that both aro io.tho poaItontIar~. xt d000 not rob low, noooooaril~,that they wore Ino6rooratod pursuant to tholr oonrlotion ror the murder or Robortoon. It must ap- poor with oortalnty that they havo boon oonrlotod of that rnurdor--6166, as pointed out In our opinion MO. o-3087, the oonditlon upon which the roward IO payable has not beon mot. Ass the JOur ooarIrmplar lnwotigotlom lur mloth o a t th -fne roroorotIon ot AOk6r and ?wlor in tho ponltoatlur Io pmmmt to a OOnriotIon iOr the 38twdor or Robortoon, tho quoatlon thonlo prooontod: Has the r6word beon earnod; ii 80, by whom, and In what amounts to aaoh? At tho outset, It appoara conolusIvelythat tho poroono partlolpatlng In tho orrest of Aoker woro not par- tlolpaato in tho arrest or Powlu, and rioovwom. Qoaoo- quontly nolthor sot of olaImnt6, alone, 6atIofIod tho ooo- dltloao at the rowmU, Upon prinoiploo ana6tinood br author- It188 horoinaftir to bo oltod,, thororore, a oaoo 10 prooontod for oqultablo apportlonmont or the total snout or the reward ofrored botwoon thooo partlolpatlng in ths arrest or Aokor and thoso partloipating in tho arrest of Fowlor. :inoo thoro 18 nothing to suggest any poooIbIllty of dlopulty in tho value or th6 roopootlro sorvlou (and we can oonoolro or none) tho oaao appoaro an apt on6 ror the application oi the prlnolplo WBqualIb7 IO lqultf’. Henor, in our oplnlon, the rewordrhould bo paid *125&O to the apprehondoro or Aoksr and $125.00 to tho apprehenders or Fouler. In 6otormining or rho lo onti8lod to th@ qaoatlon the rworb ror arm8t* l8oh tugitiw, onu,ir mora tlun ono lo lntltlodte o&o In thr mnrd rer ona fu&tIn, how much should bo wardo& to lmh poroon 00 entltlotl, 8 aoro difficult problm 1s pra6ntod. Rowovor, no are not without authority in the reported dooiolons rinnounofnlr, the rules by which tho problem may be ~solvod. Y Nr. Tam Whoat, Pa6a 3 ‘., &dInarll~ ouoh oftloor8 may not bo paid rewards for oorv- loos rendered in line of duty, upon grounds or public polloy. Henoe it f’roquontly beoomeo nsososory to dotor- mlno, when ouoh ottiooro claim rewards, whothor the aoto perrornod and oonotltutlng the basis for the claim were within or without the ooopo or tholr orfIolal duties. Not 60 hors, houotor, for this rwud was orrorbd by the Govor- no rPm&or otatutorr luthorlt~, and the proolaaatlon aid not lxoludo poaoo orrlooro notingIn the dIochorgo or their dUtl fr= the olaoo Of poroono who might earn the rowad by performing the required omIoo. Under the ootabliohod exception to the gsnoril rule, thmt an orricer 0t6y rO06i~o a reword otisred under legiolatlte authority, though ho porroroko the oorrlooo roquirul In line or duty, unlooo by the torMo or the oilor ho IO lxoludod rrom thm olau of ormoM *o uj ouopt it it booaao UnoooaMry In thI* f notan. 80 dobnIao lddhu u&o ofTIouo Involwd wore lotIIlg In line a aar. (8.0 QILI:opIaIon No. o-1622 irr autherltloo than oltod--oopy of whloh lo ottaohod.) The fOllOwIng authorltloo will be helpful in do- tormlnlng the quootlono romatning to bo dloouooodr Whoro robborm wore bolng purouod by putloo work- Ing Indopondantlp Or l06h 0th~ one who first saw robbers an0 la attalmptlag to offoot thofr oapturo drove them into tho hands of othoro, %t boll@ &oar that but ?or his par- suit they Would U0t h6VO beUI OaptUm ih that p1000 WI manner, hold lntltlod to ohore In reward ofllorod ior cap- ture and oonrlotlon of robboro. Cotton T. Downs, (Ark.) 271 S. w. 340. One who rurnlohed lnrormatlon which lad to the capture of prloonoro lo lntltlod to an lqultobl~ portion of tho reword otierod’tor the obptore or the prisonore though not sating l otlroly in oonoort ;;Ith those who ootuaily oap- turod the prioonoro. w ouaty t. Xoteo, lt al, 208 Pac. 761. Whuo the aervloom mquootod In an offor ot ro- ward us or b ohuao*u md uo mod0 under oIrsuamturooo that roqulrr or ponit tho oeoporotion ot mmorouo indl- vidualo ror the looompliohmont or the doolrod rooult, as- rorol parsons by oonoutod lotlon soy join in ~perronafng . lorvlooo rhoreby that r r o ult lr o b ta ined,and thuo booome lntltloa to the wuu4, In whloh om tho nnrd lo to k dltldo& maon thma rooording to the relative veluo ot their eorrloeo, 34 Cyo. 1750; 23 R.C.L. 1133; IXkhorn Valley Lodge v. Iludaon, 59 Nob. 672, 81 K. -‘. 859; Jenvrln v. Tom of E:xo%o~,48 N-H. 83, 2 An. Rep. 185; !%'ergO V. AY4AU, 43 Row. Proo. (N.Y.) 193. “The evldenom eeteblioheo thut, with the exooption or Rtoinor, the oleimento to whom the olroult oourt me&o lwordo aotod in oonorr* in df00tiing the oaptura of Bmrt ma6 own. Tho lo to of eaoh ,oontrlbut.od in BOIUGaprxeoloblo na- oure in brlnglng about the doolrsd reeult, end the eats oi rll of thea. toaether produoed that rbaul’c, thereby entitling eaoh to partialpate in the reward. “The olaimadt ‘teiner did ;~t sot in concert with the others who effected the oaptu?w of the fugitimo. He furnlohod the purowro with the firot luthentlo lnfonrmtlon they hod obtalaotlooaooralng tho whrrvbouto of the tugl- tlveo, but ho did not toko up the pursuit. Fteinor pe4rformd the lnltlol art or oonloo in tha ocrlsa at dots performed whloh led lnmdlately to the oapturs of Fart and Own. . . . That lnionaation contributed proximetely to the oepture of Hart end Owen. ?talnor has e persuasive oleln u:xM~those to whom ho gate the informationto e portion of the rewerd, whloh in equity end good oonoolonom ohould he rooognleed. WIOI-O ore 08808 holtllag that, where the effort8 of aevorrl ol~imantowho bid not sot in oonoorfi oontrlbutod to produce the desired result, the reward In a proper aaee will be apportioned equitably monr: them. 23 T;.C.L. 1133; Bloont1ej.d v. N&lonoy, 176 i:loh. 548, 142 3.“;. 785, Ann. COO. 1915 D662.,end note4 i&u~ v. Bank, ll? ie. 537, 95 X."~. 969, 99 Am. 3. Rep. 1012. “The iundo ore in oourt one all partlao ere before tb oourt. Ylthout ldoptlng the dootrine of the authoritleo laot oltrd for applloetlon in aU eeeee, WChold thot ?trlnrr is entitled to an lqultsblm portion of the rewarda. Vha opportlonmnt rarde by the olroult oourt takoo into oonoldorotlonthe rolativm value of the asrvioeo of the reopeotlto rlrlmnts, and we think awards to eaoh the oharo to whloh he is equitably entitled.” m. i Afr. Tom Wheat, Pago 5 The prlnolplas upon whloh the above deolslono ara prrdloated are rooognlzed by the Texan courts. In the oese ;f,TobiA T, MooComb,156 f'3.T. 1 237, the ?an Antonio Court of n Appoalrnraid: *It lo mottled, ls ltatod above, that a nuder of paroono, llthor worklngg togetheror oepar8taly, may rondor oor~looo OS ouoh a nature, and 80 oomply with the tenno of the offor, am to entitle them laoh separately or all jointly to share in the nerd. maA the evidence showa that no one of tha oloimnto fully met ths raqulrcmsnta of the offar of reward,but that thafr lffo r tooomblned fully oomplled with lto terms, though they mm worklna separably and won wlth- out kaowlod* oi rroh other they may noelra 0 dlvioion of the romrd la pro)ortlonto their oorvlooo. What oor~looo WWQ nn4w0d and whet proportl~n or the rouaralmh ohould roooln are quwtlono for the jury to determine tran the mvl- danor under lp p r o p r la te ohargao from the court. (Citing authorltlao)n. @A@OtiOAO of faot and matters %noolvlng the exer- 0180 o? $&-At and dloontion oannot be deokdad by thin Dapa-t . Thooa lr( mrtkro aloh address thamsslvoo ox- olualvolyto aho 0rii0181 ar dopartmontvo8tod with the *u- thorlty by lrr to dotetine them-in this inrtanoe, the Governor. Henoe we oxprsoa no opinion as to the oredlbllity or wltnesaee taRtiiyiAg by affldavlt in suyport of these claims, wa do not attempt to resolve conflloto in their stat0r.snt0, end we do not express nny opinion en to the relative value of rrarvloes rendered, upon which fl!)nortion- rr.ent of the rewar6 will be made. Fran the lr lleno e auhitted, it appears that th* apprehenolon of the fu<lve Aokmr ooourred as followa: On the 11th or Ootokr, 1940, in Can Jaolnto iyty, TmUo,,foa 8. -a, hwlng 808~ two 111)n 8 mod8 noor him hau who he belfoved to Ee thorn A&or and Fouler,notltld, thpgh h% R. A. Wilson, nhorj:ff Eoguo of c . . - Mr. Tom whoat, Pa@ 5 Jaolnto county, rolunt00rin(l to load the 0rri00rs to tha plaoo whore ho had la o n Aokor and -1.r. Sharii? Hogua oalloI the Shorti? o? Walker County ?or aaaistanaa. At a point no.ar the hl.ding plaao a? the ?ugitltaa, the rollowlng men assembloQ: ;he~~;: Jj C. Hogus Jr., and MS deputies Dovle , T”. Norr~son and 0. c. ~30drurr; Flofl Firrla, Constable: Preolnot 1, “alker County, Texas; A. F. Herrington, Cog ‘$geant, yryune “tate Prison Farm; V’ G. MbConnol Chic? Deputy Shari??, qalkor Cou&'and Joe R. Villaon. Vllaon wtis sent ror by Shorl?? Hogua to lead the eearohers to the plaoa whore he had aeon Aokar nnci Fowlsr; Farrla. was asked by Hague to jaln them in the nearoh. By mutual agreeaant, the m+tt;lldivided. Into two groupt3,one group to work up one ban;: ot the oreek and the other the opposite bank, toward the plooe where Wllaon had dlaoorerad the ?ugl- tiraa. They fluahod Asker cmd rowlor; Powlor laoapo4~ Aoker uma ~apturok It aaaa 080 PIPS- kr or tha poou held l gun on Aekor; another aaareho4 hlsqanother put the handouffs on him; perhaps et.111 another SoraWly pleoed him under srroat . The avldonoe as to this phase 1s oon- fliotlng, but in the view wa take of the matter, the oonfllot on this point is Waterlal. m lvidonc# lloarl~ lndloatea that Joa R. Wilson furn1ah.dlniormtion whloh 1.d dinotlJ to thr oOptun o? Aokar; that ha llkatiu ‘IISan aotira partlolpant in the group of men by Whom the aotual apprehension was l??eo ta d. The evidence likewise olearly reilsota that, by m,utuaZ agree- cant, expraaa or taolt, ell the man pertlolpating as mombe~s of the poeaq ware anga 6 in II oonoerted aotlon, in a joint entgrprlse having for r to purpose the traoking down and ar- rent or Aoker and Fouler. This being the oaee, it is lmmaterlal that one o? the group l??aotad the aotual phyaloai apprshenslon o? Aoknr. flia aot in that reapeot lo the lot of all the partlee to the aotlonor joint enterprise, an4 boosnot oonfer aonoertad upon him a r-t to tha rouard to the lxoluaion OS the others. All arm lntltlad to nbara in the reward, and unbar the olrour- ltanooa dotalloilit would seen that dl??erenoaa, ii anr, l.n Ur. Tom Yhaat, Pago 7 the ralatlta value of the @en1088 randarad by all aavo lVllaonera 80 alight as to ba lmatarlal on tha quaatlon 0s apportionment. Wilson, hawmver, not only partlolpated a8 a member of the poaaa making the hotunl arrest, but ?ur- nlahed the original ln?ormatlon whioh proxlmatelp led to the arreet. Yhathar, by virtue o? this fsot, ~':lls~n*a.~erv- Ices wore of greater relatlve ralua, so that he Should re- oalie a larger proportion o? the reward, end, l? 80, the amount br whloh his portion should exoaed th a t lwar4ed to the others, praront quoatlona of foot whleh the bovarnor, not thla Dapartmotit, has axolualre authority to daol48. From the etldanoa before us, it appaara that the arrest of Fouler ooourrad nubatantlally as followtir At 2 6.~. Rmlay, Ootober 13th. 1940, Lewranoe Norakoakl of New Warerly, Walker County, Texan, while halp- lng barbaoua meat for a ohuroh plonlo, aaw a atrangar lolter- la6lnthaah8Aowa. The ltrakuer lakad him for a light ad whllm lxta@iy the r&d ot hla burning ol~tlntte for that purpoma.Hovako&l noognina4, in the glare 0s the aigntta, the foe) o? the atraqpr as that of Fowlar 'as it appaarad in a ra4ant newapapar photogrwh which he had seen. Nova- kook1 sought the loos1 deputy ahsri?? VJ. Ball, and told him o?,aealng Fowler. Ball soarohed ana did not rind Fowler; Norak08kl told him Fowlar had gone down the Mleaourl Paol?lo traoka toward Wlllia and took Ball in his oar two tiles down the traok tow& Ulllla wharm Bell got out walked down tnaka ticmud HOWWave&, mat a nd lmatd Parlor, rotunto& with him to Naw Wata'rloy,16adod hfm into Norako&l*a oar, and Norakoakl took them to Huntsville, where Fowler was ulaoed in oounty jail to await arrivnl or the "herlff or The foregoing 1s Norakoakl~s rornion, whloh IS sup- ported by the arrldarlt 0s Toney Gregory. The roralon 0s 'II. Ball 18 as rollowar ml1 8aya a of boy8 oame to hfm and told him there ma a "a\upiQhUO =s 0 rOOteP hoar the ohuroh and that they lootsawhim go id tha Usmotion of thr @II Ball oak.6 *art0 * ahowhimtha pormenand tharro?um&; Ball want a nd a o nr o h o adn4 la ld no t fl84 the p o r a o n~ sa w ma mamo r a people and they told him thaf saw a poraon walklq on the !.I*. Tom ':lhoat, Pago 8 railroadtraoki at the roquaat of Bell one of the parties oarrio fn his oar down road t*p mllea; hi8 Ball got’out, la k a tha d othara to go with him, they refused; Ball walk06 down ral~oa4 traok, arreated FoWlor, brought him to Now Warerlay; there Wobtalnaa a oar and drlveP and dellvared Powler to Jell at Huntarllla to await Yherl?? of Lamar county. thua lpprua thei thera la no dispute in the Xt lrldonaa that Ball alma l??aoted the ph~aloal tklng or Foulor. Tho only doubt ralaod la as to Warakoakl*a ooanao- tlon with the tranraotlon. I? Nwakoakl~e ltatawnt la oolc reot, it lppaara that he reoognlaed Fowlar and oommunleated hla ln?ormatlon to Bill, a deputy aherlrr, with the intent to oauaa ?oWler*a arnat; that ha ?urnlshed Bell aaalat~noa br way of 'further lnfomatlon and otherwlae, but not to the point of partlolpatlryin the aotual aearoh, with its attead- ant phyalaal risk. I? Novakookl*a atatomant~be true, it aaru~o~r~thla~o~U~~~o~~~d9rod- ntaly uu804 t&a mat br Doll Isd b la wrtitlbd to aharm in the ramaH ta tha oxtontof tho proportlmmte.valua 0s the sa r r lo alontighted a by him toward tha BP rahonslon of Bowler. Novakoakl*a failure to partlolpatawPth Bsll in the aotual searoh doon not de?aat his olalm to a part a? the reward, but la a ofrrumatanoeto be oonsltl@red by the Oover- nor in detarmlnlng the equitable proportion to whioh he la entltlab. On the other hand, while Bell*@ ltatomont la not rlatly oontndlotory ot Novnkookl*a,it la, though general in its~ etatamnta, of auoh a nature an to oaat doubt upon the authentloltyof the atatamantanede by I'iovakoakl. Bell does not mention Novakoakl, but a rou o? boyn; 88 oomunl- oatlng to hln, not an ldentitloatlon 9 o 'Poulor, but a mere suggestion of the preaanoe of a naunploiou~oheraoter" st the ohuroh; Bell speaks Of waom mora people*--not the boya-- a)~aarlalng him that the tugitlre had Bone down the railroad tnoka; he does not lven identify Nwakoskl as the driver or owner of the oar whloh took him downthe traoka, OF hauled him and the prisoner to Ihultstlllo. The quartion of Nwakoakl*a partlolpatlon,tha natura and extant thoroor, la a pure puaatlon 0s fast, rhlah thla Departnnt oannotsolve. To laalat the Uovemrer la ... - Mm ‘b . Mr. Tom %eat, Page9 doterpining it, we rri&t 8wgo8t thet Rell be oalled upon ror a moxu dotalhd utatmont undbz oat&# aad that both ho and Novakoaki be a&d to 8uwtl Noh further supporting eridenoe a8 may be available to them, from other witnoesea. Pinally,m oall your attention to the fact that the stetute provides ior the paymeat or the rewed “upon the oertltioate of the Governor reoiting the taots whioh entitle auoh parson to reoolre it’. It would aeon, thererore, that the rindlag Oz the Ootrraor upon the feota, and hla doolsloa ai to l pportiommnt 0r the reward, ia oonolurlre. Nata v. Dlnkiar, 77 lflaa.874, 27 30. 832, where, in an aotion againat the f%ate to reower a reward orferod by the Cmernor, the oourt aaldr “The offering or rewards end the payment or them are matter8 lntr u6t.d aolely to the dlaoretlan of the GovemoP and hla notion “oannot be ooeroad, nor oan the errect or his reiuaal to lot be evaded by an applloation to the judlolal departiont or the government*. We retura pur fllo horedth. Yours tory tru1j Al?PROVl?D ?JOP26, 194l ATTORN???m3%RAL 0s TKXAS (algad) Orover 5:ellora YI.l?nT MSIWrANT BY (Uuod) ATTORIEY dlQRAZ R. W. Felrehlld haaiataat APPROVED OPINIQJ