Honorable Cleorge ?I. She?,perd
Comptroller of Yubllc &mounts
Austin, Texas
Dear Sir:
n meawning or
a pipe 1iM oprr-
tmeotlon rlth the
produatlon 0r
(01 Whether ln-
aloe attaob.8 or
doolelon ln de oaae of Ool-Fox
Bruoe Hart et al, 144 S. V. 2nd
to intangible values, nearositates
@y requerting en opinion on the paints set forth
below x
*Company f3 dpsratea a private pipe line in
oonnarotlon with 1tB oil praduaiap; buslaeer. In
addition it gathers for other produoers In the
ma8 field, on whioh a gatherfnp: ohargo is made,
agalnet the other producers of ilve oenta Per
barrel,.or they am &owed ta iriake a ilve oent j
Honorable George H. Sheppard, Page Q
proilt when the oil is delivered to a aommon
acrrier pipe llne. Without th@ gathering spetem
the Dommonoarrler pips llno would have aharged
Site oentr per barrel ior thi6 serviae.
yCompany D operates a gathering eyetern,
in oonmotlon with lta refinery, but it 8011~1
part of the oil to a aoaaon aarrler pipe llnr.
Thlr servlae would have oort fltr aentr per
barrel, &oald the o0nmo.n oarrler gathered the
011, as in the oase of Goapmy C.
%ompany E operates a pipe line under leaa8
rgreement. The proprrtle~~ are owned by a retin-
817, but the operating ooapany is lnoorporatstl
as an 011 pipe line Ooapakly. Or they may bur
011 in the field and eel1 it to the rsflnery and/
or other reilnerirr and oom8on oam%ors, with no
oontraat to roll, but the reloo are made without
any pro-determlnrd profit. The pipa line and/
or markotlng aompany nar make more or lrrr than
the gathering oharge. The loaclr egr**ment mY
rtlpulate, (a) that all ad valorem taxer are to
br paid by the owner (reflaery) or (b) that all
ad valorem taxer ara to ba borae by thr lrra~
oompuly . Alro it may rtfpulate, (s) that the
rental be paid on a qlat rate pe=wnth or annum,
or (d) that the rental be bared on a per barrel
rate, for Wumple the rats would be three osntr
par barrel on all oil gathered.
*The main quertlonr involved may be ataamar-
Ised as followr:
“1. What Ir gross inaom0, a6 appliOd to
a pipe fine with no publlshod trrlfS@t I8 ail
trading profits an 5.naoae In the oeao of Com-
panlee C end Dt Ape aavlnga on their own 011
to be oonsiderod in arriving at their total
grow lnoomet
*2. 11 them any yard-at&ok to be ~sr6
In m0aeurIng or alas~ifyi~ a pipe line oper-
ated In oonneotlon wxth the reilnlng or prb’-
RonorabU Worge B. Sheppard, PM- 3
duot Ion of arude ail0
“3. Doee an lntanglble veluo, as found,
lttaoh itself to the pQalaa1 prepert~ea, or
to the buaineaa of transporting oil br plpe
lIne7 It aa7 be presumed that QompanrE will
hsve offioe furniture and other propmrtr that
wI11 be used in their narketlng and pipe 1Ine
buelneas however the 1ntaagIble valur would
ordinarl~y be apportloned to the counties through
whlah the plpa llnem are altuatad.
*Arttale 6019 rOa48, In part a8 iollowar
“‘Xt la declare4 that the operatloa of
common oarrlcr pipe lines la a bualneaa in
whloh the publlo 16 intsreetrd and Is aubJeot
to regulation by law. The buaineaa or
a, or of mrahaslna ml relllnp; orude=I
M in 06 aestion with e-oh bualneae q
ef the’alaaa eubJect to thle law to
transport the wudo petroleum SO bought or sold,
sat11 not be oondwted, unleso such pipe llnr
80 urea la a oommon oarrler wlthln the purvlrw
of thla law. . . .8 (Underaomlag ours)
“On the pnrumptloa that Co-lea D md E
arm ‘Omlng, operating or nanaging’ a pip* lIn0
that oomee within the above statute, or that
they are ‘Doing buaIneas a? the same oharaoter
ln this Btate’l la their ravanue to be predlQete6
on a tariff, where one la ratabliahad and pub-
lished by a oammon oarrler pipe llnet Or Is
thalr lnoama to be oonaldi8red the eame as that
011 trading profit iron buying, tranaportlng and
aelllng ollt Prom a praotlaal standpoint, It w
ara conflne4 to oil trading profltia thara wIl1
be no lntanglble value. On the other hand, ii
tarlftr lro eet up on all 011 tramported, a hp
pothetloal, or earning aapaalt~ o? the prop8rty
as dlatlngulahe4 from the actual errninga, la
the baa1 e of an intangible value.
*ilntll tha Qol-Tax eare was beoibed the pip@
line industry had taken the praottoal oonatx%otIon
%aorablo Qeorge 8. Sheppard, Pago 4
of that part of Art1010 0018 reading aa follrluer
'The pr0tl6lon6 Of thir law 6hall not apply to
those pips lines whloh am llmlted in their u6e
t0 the W8116, 6t6tiOnE, plant6 6n4 lVfin6l’i86
Of the Owner. . . . * to mean the pipe line6 of
the produoere of ail from the wella to the lea68,
or rettlbag tank6; 6nd the lines from the lea68
tank6 to the trunk liner 66 being a part o? a
gathering 6JIt6pL. AS60 Chore linca running from
refinery t6nk farm6 to 6tlll6, and/or loading
radk6 Or WhRI’V66, 6trtlOns bto., withln the 26-
'finery grOI.ind6 m6 being p. p6rt of the refinery
lqulpment~ rhile those pips lines that brought
,oil to th6 tank farm6 were a part of tranrpor-
tatlon equipment. The Judge, in the above oa68,
widently did not oonsider the oonrtruotion br
th6 industry, In arriving at hi6 dsoialen.
*Seotlon 4 of Arttole 6019 read8 a6 follw6~
*Owning, operating or 6un6glng or partlolpatlng
In Wnerahip, operation or WUgWWnt, m
, oontraot of pufohare, mrment to bw
or ether agreement or arrangement of
*any inh what6oever, ally pipe line or plpe liner,
or part of engr pipe IlaO, for tranrportatloa
fr0m 6ny o$.XflsZd or pla06 of prodtaatlon with-
la thir 8tate~ f&'any di6trlbItiAg, rqflnlng or
aarketlag oentrr or reehipplng point thWeDf,
within thlr State, or 0-e petmleua bought
of other68 A160 in this 0oanrotloa Artlele '7lO6
6ho&itd b6 Haa, srpeoitil~ that part reading a6
fO11OW6 t
“‘EaOh bpaoroarsteU. . . . 011 pipe line
oompany, and 6ll oommon oarrler pipe line eoc
panlee. . ; . 6nfc6p: 8 Ln th6~mrD~f
&. . . ln a&ditrZn to the ad raGrem tuer
on tangible propertler whlah are or lag be IS-
pooed upon them rerpeotlvely, by la+: ahall 'By
an annual tax ta the State. . . 011thric it%-
tangible 6669t6 and prO@Ortf, and lOOa t&X86
thereon to the eowties la whloh it6 bo6iR866
la carried an.f The undersoored uor46 a6y bcr
applied to Gompanr E.
*It rholauld Be pointed out her6 that non6
of the68 oompaaie6 i!mvr deeland th8#681+66 t0
Iionorable George 8. ahrppard, Page 6
be Qommoaoarrler pipe llne6, nor have thej af-
tempted to exerolae the prIvllege6 und6r Arti-
cles 6020, 6022 0r 6043. However, they do ill8
all report6 with the Comptroller of Pub110 Ao-
count6 and with th6 Hallroad aoui66ion Of mXa6,
that are require& of aouon puroharerr and trane-
porter6 of ortad8 petroleum. They are elthar
Delaw6re oorperations, or they 6~6 inOOrpOrct&d
under Artlol86 1496, 1496, 1497 end 1833.
nShoul4 thL6 not be enough information aeo-
errary for you to deoid6 the68 quertiens 1 rhall
be glad to go into more detail, persoaall~.*
You have verbally amplified the foregoing rtate-
ment la ommeotlon rlth *Cemgany D* by PdvIsiag ue that,
a6 la th6 oa6Q of l OempanP C', part of the oil handled wa6
either purcbaeed from or transported for ether produoer6
:a tha fleld red-6 not confined to the produst~+ of raid
lo o mp 6
In anowering your fIr6t quertlon we point out
that under prlnelpltr hereafter disoaseed, we hold t&t
Oomprales *Cd, 'IV and *g*, above tle6orIbeQ, are engagrd,
La pub in bU6lne6686 of euoh ilature a6 to bring Qaoh of
them'ti&n the apppllostlen of Article 7106, ~vl,tml Civil
Btatutes, provldlag for the 666e*ament, for taxation of
the lntanglble values of eaah *oil pipe line Qompanyi
“common earrler pipe line aompanyw or *other LndlviduL
oompany, oorporotIon or 66sociatlan doing buhinera of the
66me charaat6r In thi6 State.* tiewater, It dare not follow
from this oonalu6ion that cl1 ero6e lncoae reaelved by each
of theet oomp6nIe6, iron every 6ource, o6n be properly oon-
sidered by the 8tate Pax %Arb In asmpatlng the lntanglble
v61UQS e? th6 bnef?AQ6ses 8nmeratea in the 6t&Ute, under
the establl6hed prlnoiple of *oapltaliratIon of net eamlngr*,
b6CaU6e 6uoh oompanIe6, pcrrtioukrly companies nC* and l D*,
are also engaged in the groduofng ml refining bu6lne68, re-
6peotIvely, and such bu6inerse6 are not within raid Aot. It
i.6 our 6n6wer to your flret quertlon thct the Board m6y oon-
alder at3 groe6 Income for these pku730666, only such Inoome
as AOOPub6, 4Ireotly or lndireatly, from the buriness of
transporting orude ell for others for hire or for profit.
'&IN, If oruda 011 is tranoported by the aempanIe6 in que6-
tion for other produoer6, from the point of produetlon to
Honorable George H. Sheppard, Page 6
reflnerl8e owned by others, or to oonneoting pipe line oar-
rime, for a oharge or consideration of iire. oents per
barrel, tautahgrooa lnoome, along with other Inoome traoeable
to the buslnerr a? transporting oil for hire, would be prop-
erly oonrldered by the Board In determining Intangible Value
under lstabli8hed formulae, whether rush Inoome is deelnatsd
am aarrylng, gathering or rerrloe oharge or tarI?f.
formal publloation o? a tari?? under regulation8 o? the
Railroad CommIseIon (Artlole 6649, Xevleed 01~11 Statutea)
la no oondltlon prerequlslte to bringing the oompanIe6 here
within the Intendment o? the Aot taxing Intanglblec
But I? (Iaeh o? the deeorlbed oompanler purohaee
euoh orude oil outright iron produoerr and traneport laem
through their gathering rpetem or pipe 1Ine ryetern to an-
other refinery or to a oonnoo8ing pipe line, where it ke
cold ?or a profit, then, under the oaae of Reagan County
Purohaelng Company v. State, ll0 8. W. (2d) 794, tha Board
may oonrlder In aeseeelng intangible valuea, only auoh por-
tion of the total oonrideration or greee Inoome reoelved by
euoh aoqmlee as repreaent6.a IaIr, Just and reaaonabla
oharge for the oarrlaga or traaeportattioa o? euah oil. ‘Ihe
balanaa, I? any, over and above ruoh traaeportatlon ohargO6,
would be ooneldered a8 trading pro?Ite or Inoome iror the
purohare and sale o? orudr 011, and would not be lnoome
derived from the bualneee off traneportlng oil?or hire. Gor-
poratione ahartered under Chapter 15, Title 32, XevIeed
Civil Statutea, suoh ar these are lndloated to be, are au-
thorired to pursue bath burlneeser; I.e., tranrport orude
011 by pips llne for hire and buy and rell orude oil.
Upon thle point of oxoludIag trading profltr In
aeeesring Intangible value6 o? luoh aompanlee, the trial
oourt, in the oaee a? Reagan County PurahaaLng Company v.
State, aupra, found I
I, Said value wan aeseseod and fixed
by the && Tax Board by a prooeas o? *capital+
icing* what it underetood od belleved to be
the entire net revenue OS the dmietiant for the
year 1934, taking into ooneideration earnIng6
o? said defendant from all o? its a~tlvitlee,
that is to say, earnings from the purohdlse and
sale of oil, am well as eerninga that might b*
Honorable Qsorge 8. Sh@ppard, Page 7
properly attributed to the traneportatlon o? oIl$
the oo@Mistlons o? said Board being baaed upon
a groes earning of 20 oents per barrel from eeoh
and every barrel a? 011 bought, transported aM
mold by the said purohaelng oompany during the
oelendar year 1934.@.
The trial Judge oonoluded that the leeeeament
was lxaseslve beoauee the State Tax Board toof Into ooa-
eldsratlon the proiltr earned by the oorpazby ?rom the buel-
Bass of buying and selling 011, mad uRd8rtook to drtermlnr
what part o? the net earnlnge o? said Oompeay warn attrlbu-
table to traneportation of oil, eo am to SIX thsrefrom the
total taxable value of Its ollgbpe line bueIneee b> the
approved method known as *oapItalitation o? net inoow*.
Upon this point the flndlngs of the oourt are as
rollo3re i
(I*(7) I find that only one-fourth (l/4)
of the gross earnings of ths defendant on 011
bought, transportad and mold by it during the
ysar 1954, Is properly lttrlbutsble to end sbeuld
ba allooatod to~grors eernInge 66 from pipe line
transportation Instead of t& entire 20 oante
per barrel used by the raid Tnx Boa&. While,
66 round above, no trnneportatlon or tarltr ohargoe
era made or published by the defendant, f find am
a faot that 5 oents par barrel would be and oon-
ltitutss a fair and reaeoAable aharge for,the
transportation of euoh 011 if it had been trane-
ported for others for hire, and that 5 ornts warn
the traneportatlon rate detormIned nnd ueed by
the deiendant em the basis !?or ooewatat~lon of
the Federal Exolee Tax on the traneportatlon o?
011 by plpa line under Federal etatutes exietlng
at the tlms said Intangible aeseeement wee made.
On the basis of a gross earning of I) omts psr
barral ?or all 011 transportsd durl the year
1954, and applying thereto the iormu“p a adopted
and ueed by the Sate Tax Board for determInIng
the intangible value of the de?endant for the
taxable year 1955 I find that 60 par oant o?
ths intangible vahae of the defsndant, ettrlbu-
table to its pips line eystam and operations
- --
Honorable tiorge H. Sheppard, Page Q
ae of the year 1936, is $769,408.00. . . .*
Although, in the absence of a aroma-aeslgnment
of error by ths State, the Court of Civil Appeal6 pointed
out that It was unneoeessry to determine the queetlon, nevsr-
thelees, said oourt r~fueed to dletorb the aIsaretIon of the
t&Al oourt In revlewlng and adjudging the oorreot aeseee-
ment whloh ehould have been msds by the State Tu Board In
thle asee.
Under the esme reasoning, we do not believe that
the Board oan properly consider, In oomputlng lntanglbls
vnluee of the companies involved here, the worth or value
at their pipe lines In the earinga effeoted by them (1) In
traneportlng oil produced by them or purchaesd from other6
to the refinery owned by them (Company D) or, (2) trane-
porting oil produoad by thsa co a oonneotiig ooamon oarrlrr
truak line (Ooapany C). Under the holding oi Col-Tar Fte-
?InIng Co. v. Hut, 3.44 6. Y. (26) QOQ, euoh ,u60 of a plpa
line to traneport crude oil would be as a *private pipe line’,
Inoldental to the refining buelnees or to the 011 produalng
bueIneee, and the value of euol? pipe lInse, when aerd In the
refining or produolng bualneee, to dIepenee with the hiring
of oommon o*rrIer pips lines, cannot be ooneldsred am Inoome
Uerlved froa the buelness of tranebortlnu 011 for hire wlth-
In the meaning a? Artiole 7105, Revlsod Clvll Btatutes: as
Interpreted by said oase.
In thle oonnsotlon, however, we point out that the
State Tax Board, in lseesslng these desorlbed ooapanlee for
intangible valuee, may consider the eamlng oapsolty of the
property as d~stlngulshed from the actual aarnlnge. Under
the ~oapItallsatlon of net lnoomsm method of valuatIoa, de-
olared by the court to be partloularly ldeptabla to pipe
line oompanlee and vsrlous other pub110 utility oompanlet?,
the earnings are merely treated am a guide to the aapltal
value, beoause the tax 10 not levied upon the earning6 a6
euoh. Therefore, in any partloular oase, the go158 reoeipts
to be ooneldered for suoh purposr are not neosssarIly the
aotual rsoeipte but auah as would be reoelved Andor a reaeon-
ably loonomloal and prudent management; and the rxpanroe to
be deducted, In order to determIne the net inoome, are not
nsoeeearlly the sxpenees which were in fact inourred, but
honorable Oeorgs H. Sheppard, Page 9
suoh expenses as would be Incurred under a reasonably eo-
onomlo and prudent management. 26 R. C. L. 367; State v.
Nevada Cent. R. Oo., et al, 61 Pao. 99.
By your eeoond question you ark I? there Is any
*yard-•tlok to be ueed In meaeurlng or olaealfylng a pipe
line operate4 in oonneotlon with the reflnlng or produotloa
or orude Oil.” This l yardstick* ham been de?InItely laid
down by the dcoleion of the Court of Clvll Appeals in the
case of Col-Tex Refining Co. v. Bruos Hart, et al, supra,
and the pertinent statutes. Art1010 5018, RevIeed CIvIl
Statutes, aitcr giving iour broad de?lnItIons o? a uoumon
oarrlsr pipe line Eospany, provides that%he provleIone of
thle law ehall not apply to thoce pipe llnee vhloh are llslted
In their use to the wells, stat lone, plant6 and rsflneriee
of the owner and which are not a part of the pip0 line trane-
portatlon eysten of an7 common oarrler as above de?lned.*
In Chapter 15, Title 38, Revised Clvll Statutes, governing
the oi-aatlon and operation of oorporstlone ror the storing,
traneportlng, buying and selling of 011, gas, malt brine
and other mineral eolutIons, etc., we find Artlole 1505,
‘Hothing in thIe chapter ehall preolude
the ownership or operation by any oorporetlon,
of private pipe lines In end about its r4?In-
wlee, fleldm or etatlons, even though much
corporation6 say be engaged In the producing
buslnees. a
It waB held in the oase s? Col-Tax Reflnlng C0mp.w
v. Hart, et al supra, that a refining ooapany, oting and
uelng a pipe line exoluelvely for the purpose a? tramporting
011 bought by the oospany from other produasrs to the re-
?Iner~r owned by It, was not an *Inoorporated oI,l pipe line
oompany*, a *common carrier pil pipe line oompanyR or ‘doing
bueinese a? the same oharaoter* within the tOr4s of Artl-
ole 7105, Revised Civil Statutes, and henoe was not subJeot
to the tax on Intangibles thereby assseead. hip h0lain.g
warnupon the theory ana oonetruotlon that the IntangIble tax .
etatute was Intended to embraoe only such property or faoll-
lties am produoed for the owner within ana a? It64lf And
apart from any other busInsss of the owner, a tanglbie revenue
Bonorable Qeorge H. Sheppard, Paoe 10
or lnoome, and henoe oarryln;y rystem OS pipe lines owned
by reflnlng company for use in transporting 011 Iron pro-
duetlon to such rerlnery, did not hnve a tangible value to
uhioh the lntanglble tax measure attached.
But we are not willing to extend thlr decision to
cover and exennt pertsom, rlrms or oorporatlons uelng pipe
liner for the tranoportatlon oi ormde 011 IOr hire, even
though euoh pipe line ryetem ia called a gathering ayrtem
and la also used in oonneotion wlth the rtrflnlnc or produo-
lng buelneer or suoh person, firm or oorporation. In other
worde, to trlng the owner, leseea or operator of such gathe.r-
lng or pipe llne system within the prlnolple announoed by
the Col-Tex oare, it must be used exolueiveu (1) to tranr-
port oil produaed. by luch owner or operator, and not bought
of others, to a connecting oommon oarrler
to it or further traneporation by It, or, PE.~"t~'~ili~;O~;~:ll
produood or purohaeea by such owner, operator, or leaeee to a
refinery owned and operated by the same person, rirm or oor-
poratlon ror prooeselng.
11, on the other hand, such pipe line or gathering
I8 urea, Jn addition
ly#tem to the vuroores ret out above
(1) for the purpore or traneporting, for hire, oharge, tailif,
or other consideration, arude oil for other produoere from
the plaoe of produotlon to a oonneotlng ?lpe line for sale
or further tranaportatlon, or to a rerlnery owned and oper-
ated by another person, rlrm or corporation for prooeaalng,
or (2) for the purpose of transporting 011 purchased by the
owner, operator or lessee of euoh pipe line or gathering
syotem, from others, to a oonneotlng pipe line oompanf ior
sale or further transportation or to the rrflnery of an-
other pereon ilrm or oorporation for sale then in eaoh of
these situations, exemplified by the oompa&es deaorlbed
in your letter, it is our opinion that you may lawrully a8sess
an lntawible vnlue, for taxation purposes, by oapltalizlng
the profit or lnoome whloh aocrues from suoh trrznsoortatfon,
subJeot to the above dlsoussed.llmitations.
By your third questton you ask if ‘an intangible
value, as found, attaohee Itself to the physIoa1 properties,
or to the birelnese of transporting 011 by pipe line”, pointing
Bonorable Qeorge Ii. Sheppard, Page 11
out that *Company En would have offioe furniture and other
property use6 in thrlr marketing and pipe line bu8lne8s but
lntanglble value would ordlnarlly be apportioned to the
counties through whloh the pipe line8 were eltuatea. AL
though an intangible tmlur could not exi8t in any given care
without the pre8enoe o? tangible or phyaloal properties
noed in or devoted to the buslnere out of whloh the lntm-
glble value lrlme8, lnoludlng ofrloe furniture and equip-
ment in the instant oa8e, if neoerrarlly inoldent to the
proper oonduot or the business of engaging in the tran8por-
tatLon by pipe line of orude 011 for hire, neverthelers,
it 18 our opinion that 8uoh intangible value need not by
the Baaed bp apportioned and oertlrled to the oounty or
oountler uhere suoh offioe furniture, and equipment or other
tangible property ir rltuatea, but the praotloe, long fol-
lowed by the %oerd, of apportioning luoh intangible falue8,
on a allaage value, to laoh of the oountieo through uhloh
the plpe line run8, Is proper, and may be oontinue&
In the ease of Reagan County Puroharlng Company
v. St&e, ll0 S. W. tza) 1196, the court ralai
*Intangible raluea ordlnerlly rertalt from
the profit of a business a8 aotuallj oonduoted.
They Inhere to it a8 a 'going oonoern,' in nany
oa8e8 tar exceeding the tangible valuem to whleh
they adhere.*
Thu8, although intangible value oannot exlet,
for purpore8 or taxation, wlthout the exlatenoe or tan@-
ble or phyclloal propertleo to whlah euoh intangible value8
adhere and out~oi which they grow, it i8 not teehnloally
accurate to nay that intangible value attaohes ltrelf to
euoh phyetoal or tangible properties, 80 as to hate a situ8
ror taxation in the oountlea where ruch pro-3ertles are lo-
oated, beoause the intangible value aought to be assearea
for ad valorem taxer under Artlole 7108, Rerl8sa Civil Stat-
utes, 1s the over-all value of the buslner8 oonduoted a8 a
*going concerng, which buslnera ha8 a valuation in exoe86
of the valuation of the physloal or tsnglble property urrad
in such buclneee.
Honorable George H. LUleppard,Page 12
Artlole 7111, Revised Civil Statutes, provide8 that
the Board *shall apportion the sum Or the said total taxable
valuee within this State to the oountlee in whioh auoh ln-
dlvldti oompany, oorporatlon or arsoolatlon doe8 business,
In proportion to the amount of business done ln and the re-
oelptr derived fro* eaoh 8Uoh oompany, exoept, that In ease
oi a railroad oompany, the apportionment to eaoh oount~ shall
be In proportion to the line or llnsr 0r rush lndlrldual,
ooma4 * corporation or association therein."
Said artlole further provides that the Board may
oonrlder lrldenoe upon the question oi apportionment, and
may oertlfy an4 apportion 8Uoh lntanglble values aooordlng
80 any method of oaloulation whioh It bellevee to be best
oaloulated "to bring about a Jurt, fair, equitable and law-
ful lp P o r tlo nment*.
Adverting to bhir rtatutorr authorltf
Oonferred upon the Board, the Court of 01~11 Appeale In the
oaee of Texas Pipe Line Oouip~ V. AndarsOn, 100 9. W. tea)
764, upheld the nlleage barie Of apportloment of the kn-
tangtble valuer of a ooamon aarrler pipe llne company aa a
method lpwored by the oourts and calculated to reach a Just
ma fair result.
Trustlag the foregoing ruiif answers Your InquirJr,
we are
Your8 very truly