1 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY AUSTIN GENERAL OF TEXAS gplroc.- --- Honorable B.T. Waltera Cm&y Auditor srith caunty Tyler, Texas , ‘. ', ', ‘\ Dear sir: oplnlon No. 0#2cj '..,': Ret Coarl88+"ra'~~-5our# - Authority to build dvell?ing~.~~~, mud+? farm P m p sr tY l ‘... earehilly oonaidered by itequesta8 follovsr 8EiOnlms Qourt nd county fundll ed by the county; handOrhfUldS ‘8 Annotated Texas Oode of Orlmln- &me& amresssd ln 8 eonrls- ’i ir aonfinement in jell for 1 r vhere in muoh aonvlotion t ta’aasemmd only at a peaunfary arty 80 aonviated 1s unable to pay oste adjudged againat hlr thcma 80 1 be required to do Mmrrl labor in aaaordanacs with the provlslona of this arti- cle under the follovlng rules and regulations: "1. Raah oomuiasloners court my provide for the ereotion of a vorkhouse and the eatabliah- ment of a county farm in conneotlon therewith for the purpose of utlllcing the labor of said par- Honorable B.T. Walters, Page 2 ties 80 convicted. "2. Such farms end vorkhou6es 8hall be under the control and mgement of the cosml88ioners court, and said oourt may adopt such rules and regulation8 not Inconsistent with the lavs as they deem necerrsaryfor the 8uoaeasful management end operation of said institutions and for efiective- ly utlllaing aald labor. “3. Such overseer8 and guard8 may be employ- ed under the authority of the comslssionerlrcourt as may be necessary to prevent escapes and to en- force such labor, and they shall be paid out of the county treasury such aompensatfon aa said court may prescribe. !!4.Those 80 oonvioted shall be 80 guarded while at work a6 to prevent eecape. ‘5. They shall be put to labor upon the pub- lie road., bridge8 or other public works of the aounty vhen their labor tmnnot be utillaed in the county vorkhouee or aounty farm. Se&ion 1 of the above statute authorlses the oom- m18810nerst courts of th%s State to ereat vorkhou8ea md establish county farm. Se&ion 2 of the above atatute place. the control and management of such rorkhau8e8 snd oounty farms In the~comsd.88loner8~courts and also author- izes the commlssloners oourte to idopt such rule8 and regu- lations not lnconalstent with the lava aa they deem neoess- ary for the 8ucoessPul management and operation of said institutions snd for effectively utillting such labor. Seo- tion 3 provides for the employment of guards and overseera. Section 5 provides that the aonvlots shall be put to labor on the roads snd publla vorks when their labor cannot be utillsed on the oounty farm or county vo&house. The above statute authorIre the e8tablleEusentof a county farm. Bulldings necessary for the suoce88iul opero- tlon of the oounty farm, such as, housing for conviata, guard8 and overneera, barns, eta. staybe built by the oonml8slonera* court. Although Section 5 of the above quoted artiale oontem- plates the use of conviot labor on the county farm, we Wink Honorable B.T. Walters, Page 3 that if there were not sufflaientoonvict labor on hand to successfullyoperate the county farm the aommietxionere' court vould clearly have authority to hire outside labor to make or gather crops, etc. on the county farm necessary for the suacessfuloperation of the farm. You are respectfullyadvleed that it is the opin- ion of this departmentthat if the ooamris~lon8rat court deter&Lnee that the building of the proposed dwelling on the county farm Is neaeaeary for the sucaessful management and operation of the aounty farm, lnaludiag the utll~zatlon of convict labor, they may lawfully expend county funds for such purpose. WJFlAW