Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion



Dear Mr.   Orrut

               “In odor to laoomplioh thlt work tbr Xl&-
     my Canirolon propoor to enter into a wrlttm tgree-
     maat with Hutohlaron County rhoroby tha #lZCi,OOOto be
     furnl8h.d by th@ wunty  rbrll  b. pbO*e     in 8tOrGT end
     expeded for the puqworo outlined hrrrln.        After suoh
     ooartmetlon work, the roab will br darlgnstsb hs a
     State highwar and ant raw0    oonrtrurtlon,    a8 well 88
     all ulatoaaaoe, till be don0 by the Blghway Deprirt-
     mat  .*
                                                                     - nr

Eonorabl* 0. C, Oreer, pagr #a

                ror pur~oo80  of this 0pInIon we rust aooume
that thhr $lab,ooo rrntlonee In your l~tomoat of fasts 10
tba sum ot moaor lo o r ul4  to th0 eouatr thmugb the Lateral
Bore Puatlpretled la H. B. 608, rnd reprrornto funds rc
talnlng8rtrr the pamnt of rlbtit-or-warobllgatlorm, tiioh
pymnt oonotltutoo a first ohargr      on ouoh mon8y.  In pr8-
graph 6 oi ouboootlon (h) Of BIotion 6 Oi 8. Bi 688 w8 find
thr Solhfi~ la~I@~ai~@:
                “Funb8 rom8lnlng in the Lateral Road
     rue    0r any oountr, after thr wp8nt or 8aie
      right-Ot-WY      Obli6atiOM,   say br USed by the
      oomty uuler   th8 bireotlon of the Coml8oIon-
      us ' coq    f,o:a   OM or all or the tollowi~
       urpo8ro       (3 for the pa-pore or ooopernt-
      % g with thr State Iii&way Dlpertmont nnU the
      Frderal Ootsrament in tho oonrtructlon o? iam-
      to-mark.0 roado.”
                In   paragraph 11 or 8ub8GotIon (h) we rind the

               "In tho errat tb Commlrrlonarr~ Court
      rlroto to oooperatr with the Iiluhhrvay
      in the builelw  Of or in the Oon.8tNotlonor
      farm-to-tmrkrt     roadr,   it elm11 by proper
      lutlon rnterrd upon it8 minute8 authorixo    the
      Stat0 Trearurer to my ruch ruadr to be so used
      over to the State !?ig!!uay Dapsrtmnt   for u8c on
      c r r ta ln dorlgnated projeotr. l l l*

               Ye think it olear that the above quoted prorl-
rlono or H. B. 688 oontemplato    ju8t 8uoh II prooadwc    es that
proposed in the rtatement or raot8 contained in your It tter,
and R further think thet In or&r tc socos;nllrh       this work
the HIghray Cotirelon   and county are autborlzeO to enter
into a written ageament   oontalnlng   such terms and oondltlonr
not prohlbltrd  by law in effectuating   the oomplotlon    of the
oontamplated projeot.
                T;;S note that it is the intention   of the Hi&-
wny Ccd6slon     to Caslgnete    ruch road es s State Flghnay

    Bonorabl8      D. C. Oreor,      pago #a

    after    theOOMtmotlon work lo oOmplDt@d, 8nd fOo1 called
    upon to point Out this mthor     provl810n of Ii.B. 408, whloh
    lo f ouatl in paragraph 10 or 8uboootlon (h)fhOrDOfl
                        Vhon   sly    road rhloh   lhbll    harr been oon-
            ltruotod by any oouatr rhollr          rrom the County Lat-
            eral Road Aooount s&111 be dODign8tOd by tho State
            Hlg!!way   COXli88iOll    88 a part    Of t&e   l~OtOOl
            rlgnatod State Hl&hnp,     the doritgtnetion of ouoh
            We by tho State Elgfiray CO1ki111i88iOn   Dhtil OOnDti-
            tuto 8 ruii sml oomploto dlrohargo     0r any and 811
            obllg8tion8  of the State,  moral, legal or impliad,
            ror tho ptyamnt or ouoh hi&iway.*
                   You ar8, thoraroro,  adrlaad that ln cur oplnlon
    the proooduro  outlined la your letter 18 in acoordanoo with
    ;~fl~~W018101U3 cr the DtitUtOD and that -0    !my be legally

                        Trusting     t&t   tho ioroc;olng    aatl8taotorlly    an-
    owero your lnpulry,        we aro

                                                       Yours rory     truly

                                                             Clarenoe    E. &owe