360 OFFICE OF THE Al7ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Dear Mr. Orrut “In odor to laoomplioh thlt work tbr Xl&- my Canirolon propoor to enter into a wrlttm tgree- maat with Hutohlaron County rhoroby tha #lZCi,OOOto be furnl8h.d by th@ wunty rbrll b. pbO*e in 8tOrGT end expeded for the puqworo outlined hrrrln. After suoh ooartmetlon work, the roab will br darlgnstsb hs a State highwar and ant raw0 oonrtrurtlon, a8 well 88 all ulatoaaaoe, till be don0 by the Blghway Deprirt- mat .* - nr Eonorabl* 0. C, Oreer, pagr #a ror pur~oo80 of this 0pInIon we rust aooume that thhr $lab,ooo rrntlonee In your l~tomoat of fasts 10 tba sum ot moaor lo o r ul4 to th0 eouatr thmugb the Lateral Bore Puatlpretled la H. B. 608, rnd reprrornto funds rc talnlng8rtrr the pamnt of rlbtit-or-warobllgatlorm, tiioh pymnt oonotltutoo a first ohargr on ouoh mon8y. In pr8- graph 6 oi ouboootlon (h) Of BIotion 6 Oi 8. Bi 688 w8 find thr Solhfi~ la~I@~ai~@: “Funb8 rom8lnlng in the Lateral Road rue 0r any oountr, after thr wp8nt or 8aie right-Ot-WY Obli6atiOM, say br USed by the oomty uuler th8 bireotlon of the Coml8oIon- us ' coq f,o:a OM or all or the tollowi~ urpo8ro (3 for the pa-pore or ooopernt- % g with thr State Iii&way Dlpertmont nnU the Frderal Ootsrament in tho oonrtructlon o? iam- to-mark.0 roado.” In paragraph 11 or 8ub8GotIon (h) we rind the r010ting: "In tho errat tb Commlrrlonarr~ Court Department rlroto to oooperatr with the Iiluhhrvay in the builelw Of or in the Oon.8tNotlonor farm-to-tmrkrt roadr, it elm11 by proper ro80- lutlon rnterrd upon it8 minute8 authorixo the Stat0 Trearurer to my ruch ruadr to be so used over to the State !?ig!!uay Dapsrtmnt for u8c on c r r ta ln dorlgnated projeotr. l l l* Ye think it olear that the above quoted prorl- rlono or H. B. 688 oontemplato ju8t 8uoh II prooadwc es that proposed in the rtatement or raot8 contained in your It tter, and R further think thet In or&r tc socos;nllrh this work the HIghray Cotirelon and county are autborlzeO to enter into a written ageament oontalnlng such terms and oondltlonr not prohlbltrd by law in effectuating the oomplotlon of the oontamplated projeot. T;;S note that it is the intention of the Hi&- wny Ccd6slon to Caslgnete ruch road es s State Flghnay r Bonorabl8 D. C. Oreor, pago #a after theOOMtmotlon work lo oOmplDt@d, 8nd fOo1 called upon to point Out this mthor provl810n of Ii.B. 408, whloh lo f ouatl in paragraph 10 or 8uboootlon (h)fhOrDOfl Vhon sly road rhloh lhbll harr been oon- ltruotod by any oouatr rhollr rrom the County Lat- eral Road Aooount s&111 be dODign8tOd by tho State Hlg!!way COXli88iOll 88 a part Of t&e l~OtOOl OfeD- rlgnatod State Hl&hnp, the doritgtnetion of ouoh We by tho State Elgfiray CO1ki111i88iOn Dhtil OOnDti- tuto 8 ruii sml oomploto dlrohargo 0r any and 811 obllg8tion8 of the State, moral, legal or impliad, ror tho ptyamnt or ouoh hi&iway.* You ar8, thoraroro, adrlaad that ln cur oplnlon the proooduro outlined la your letter 18 in acoordanoo with ;~fl~~W018101U3 cr the DtitUtOD and that -0 !my be legally . Trusting t&t tho ioroc;olng aatl8taotorlly an- owero your lnpulry, we aro Yours rory truly Clarenoe E. &owe ADDittant CEC-8