XmoraBla tIeor6s Ii. ZiJmp~ard
Coa&%rollu d PuBlio ~iooounts t.:
l8t in their oxpens*
MieMe&, &a., m&at k
. This srt1el.e pro-
mlpplying ln-
~rovi~ioa ot thir
ais0md, lwr shall
oMan~cra0elI to any parson
he Xureau of Labor Ztat-
au or OaplO~~ or rtioh
ng any ptoririoa of t&Is
I Be tbed not fo lxoaed five
hundrod’, or Be l~prfsoned la jail
no tto lxoaad aimty bays.*
It is apparent that thl8 atflcle applies oalg te re-
yortr nlattog to labor gtatiaties and doe6 not extend the Ea.?-
Sidoatlal nature of reports to 0tImr *otIvit5,as of the BuFaeu
of Labor Btatistior, suoh as bolbr iarpautlone.
we bollwr , t huvf ora, that while tkm traveliag
lp enw lroouta 0r ooplo~wm 0r the Burrru or hb0r statis-
ttOa 8&0aU mt sot a2 the names of puoons interviewed
nor rerwl lnfomation obtained in ronnection with the per-
ioraanoo of 4utl.a preuoribod by Title l.8 or f-he Taxas ?enal
Codes but PO to
other dutla0 dalagatod to tfrs Bureau of Labor
btatistloa, sach a8 boiler improtlon, tbo traru:iag ezpwme
acoogntr OS t& lagloywr of said Bureau rhoold oontala all
inrorwthn foqairod or 02her state D0purt:mnbo.
Thr general rider to the Dopartmntal A?propriutioa
Bill (8. 8. 4H, irots, 44th Ia&) oontainr, aaaag others, rhe
fOil6Wbg jWoviaioM ro~athg t0 travdiag 8XpMa AOOOIUtS:
-(t) Tlu ioilorln~ rulu shall ba ob-
rutod by all 8tato lsployou in ronduin6
their oxpansr aoooants Before eny expenw
aball Be paid iron
lo a o unt appropricitloaa
ho r a~
4 e for ttm?olh lx p wa uf
4 u lg na Wd
po82 6f brty and all other tow58
visited a&4 tho objort OS l~oh rlrit and of
the lp o 01 f1
lx0p ur suin8ur r .d.
.( W Tba MM of hotel, restaurant,
%tt/b..dl&W X?J?&?&&
bMA S’kVk%Q.h.-0vLla
a nd io d& .Z~l r. pr00UYWb Ohall bo ~1VOll in
*wry oa80 rhmro a~ luoelpt is ropulrsd wider
thir A&.
-1 T&m ama of tha tranoportatioa
agoner i&806 and the OMt of the tfoket pUr-
ohud, 2o6etBu with a 61 aab rmoaipt ror
tlu aam.” (K?rph&olaour8 7
By 8*otlon ll of lsrti0l.a4344, ~i*vlurb Civil 9tatut.8,
tbr Comptroilerie r*pulrod to:
*ru4lt tha olaiaa of all parsone agalnot
tha 6tat.e la oueea wbrre provialon for 2h8
pvprnt t&mreoP has boon made Br law, unlsea
2& ark&it or say 8uoh claim ia othenrlu
ap00irm i~0rida4 ror.-
Boaorablo 000rg0 8. ShopprrQ, PaSo 3
To au41tw hao bow dorim in the opinion of tho
Dollas Cow2 o? ClvlA @Halo in IUlllmo v. Towpkfno, 42
3. 9. (M) LO6 at p. 110 wotlag from city Of 8yhrCUO6 v.
110s000, 66 UlOO. lirp. ~14, 183 N. Y. 6. 403, 408, a0 roi-
“Tho manIn& of tbo ghraoa *to audit,*
&a apyllod to olalmo agaloot tow, cltiso,
,orBountloo, tmaM to bar, to examine an bo-
count, ati, in Ua broador lemo lnoludos its
adJmtrPrnt or allwanoo, dloallowmco or red-
jrotioa aad tho rorb ‘audit,’ as aa usad,
ma&a s 4 to aOmlaO, to ad oat, and oloar-
4 4lioo tho lxoroloo of @A 3olal discretion.”
Ia or6or pro;)erIy20 aublt a traveling oxpsnrr socount,
?ollW Pit be 8iTm ouffloloatly 8p~01r18 1afOrMtlOn
dotloa perrorad by th olaployo@ 20 mnblr hlm to do-
termlB~ what&r th. purpo8os r0r uhlah the 0xpO00.0 w0re lnoarr-
ld may properly bo ohargd to .tha particular appro?rlatlon.
It lr our opinionthat tIu iaayrequas2 ed-
dltloool lnformotlon ao to &a bualxmao transaotodby a 3tate
eaplom OB l trip,
partiolllar when he ha8 reoooa 20 doubt tint
for a logltlnato State purpooo wlth-
out of nhlch
o fth el~p r o p r la tlen
P&oUo not propared 20 say, homover,
that u a matter or law, *wry trarollng sxptnao aocoun2 must
nt out in minokot detail ovary aot puPor.wb by the eaploy8o.
Juot how oorplote mu02 Br the lnforaatlon ~0 to duties perrorxd
lo no2 a matter whlob wo arm lay down 8 set of rules which
wlri govom all otro.0. The problsa la one wtich cnn Be solved
only By steal oaoperatlon ktwsa rb Co;nptrol:sr and other
State Dqmrtmonto, whamby P prd0KiOO my bs a~olve& that will
aaaure th rulfi1lmont or his ltatutory duty of oupervlolon
over all 8ta to
lxpendlturoo, and at the sha t imo no2 enousbu
of traveling
tho ofSrotlton*os aploysO0 by roqulring the.3 to
make roporto, dotailod and volurntoou~ to in extent far bsjoti
aBy uwrul yurpooo .
IhOtbr tbr four rr~sn00 aowuxtto, whloh you attached
to 70~ roqteot,are ma&o out ln Ouitlolent detail ta enable
pu to smka propor audit of tha aooowta le a quoetlon r&ich
.oannot by amwore& ,*O Q aOtter of law by this dopi?rtmnt, but
oPBt be dotormined by you in the naeonablc exsroise 3f your
addnl8tratira dlsoretion along the llnce of the auggeetlona
herelubovo made. 'iho Cour expsnae accounts are mturmd to
you harewith.
Yours very truly