Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE A-lTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN .*.’ rooz rooont 66perts;ent 0 oa the bcea reoaloe a , We qtdot6 r 3tato hotly a =opul+tlonof cot 108s tha 99,500, and tct .T,ore than 79,600, naoor4la to the lart reosdhg tsdsral Oonrus, We Cou fsalonorrCcurt !i I hmby arrthcrlzad to allou mob oozmisslonar the mm of $50.00 vor month for tr.~veling ax- ;anosu aad Uaprroistlon co.his outoaobllowhile oz offlolal buslmmr’ ‘trnasr tat0~JM~S~OIUI 0f the 0b0~0 8tmt08, asoh Gouaty Coadsrloner cf OSEWU!~~County 16 now bolng allowed a raloryOS W4OO~por-asmu3 ~a4 the of #O,OO per zmth for traveling further BUZP, oxpmer and da roolotion on >I8 eutwobilr wbllo On Offioialbus EnaJ& lA ¬ many Aotr have buon pamed by the Leglalaturo provldiagtr~2vsllnt exgoaaer for County~Cccdraioarrs ia oounths of rjriow popuhtlons and JJLIWNW~voluatlonr,but X fail to find au&i statute s)plloabla to a oouaty hovlng a p0 ulstlca of 01,287 inhabitant8snd asrsssedvoPuatlon in the amount or $3l,500,000. *Presumingthat the report of thb 1940 Fe4darol CIWIU~ 16 oftlalallycm44 bafora Jsauoxy 1, 1941, on4 that 3uoh rttport till s:io*Cfeeron County to have a pqmlstion of Ol,c89 lnhabltants, it nppo3ro that t!le Jah?i13J of t.bo couaty com- mlsslonarrof thlr County will bo govera by tke Statutea under wfrioh their eslarlarme no@ b6- lng f1x86 aa4 e:loucb,but t!s ayzent of au tx~velin~axpm?utrto mob OIXSI ia~lo~rrs rllI thea be without rutkority of 1~. Tour oglalonm ths qmrtion subzittad !xwein -111 be Feztly a?p~oloted.~ i : . 79 ma b JQOkVieoh, pago 3 Artlole2350, wmlon'r Anllototed situ stat- utol, reed8 in gort as f0llGW: -In 00wt108 having the followingassee* Sd YchiltiOll8re8F0OtiP8&', (I8O::GWi by th0 total a33a3sd vslUatiOn8 or 011 propartls8 oor- tlfied b the oounty assessor and approved by tha OaAQf 33iOmar court for ooullt]r purpoasos, for th4 prarious gee, tram tine to time, thr UoWity Cwad3aiOmr8 Of ouoh oOuntis8 ~!mll eaoh reoslrbannual *aleder not to otoesd tb asrOunt8 horeinspeolfled, said8alsa?icr3to be 2016 in rqual lmlthllylMtall!wsate,et least on*-half, UZ& not WXW~:C~ thrOS-fOWth8b Out Of thb Road md pridge twd ocd tho reraaindorout of the General F*undof the oounty; said awead mloatiotm sab ~alarlo8applloablathortto be- .lng a8 follousr lAmoQsed vnluat1ane 3alarls8to bo paid mob Camd~~lon~. l ** 30,000,0016nu leas t!mn 78,000,OOOnot to exuded ,,....,,..$UOO.OQ l l 8 .” ArtlO 2330(2),VsrnOnraAcnOtnteUClvll Stat- PtQ8, r0d8 88 fOii0118t 'WZCTIOEI. In any oounty la th18 atat0 having a pc ulatlon 0f not lele than scvcnteea thousand,s 17,600) and not zero than sowcteon thouaa 8ovon huaared (17,700) and in my 00unty in thf@ 3tat.ehar1ng e papu- Hon. Jaok ivieoh,page 4 lation of not less than Seventy-seven thou- sand (77,000) aAd not more thaA eerenty-seven thousanb, ona hundred (77,100) and 1A any county ln this atato haYSAg .a population of AOt 16d8 t&A i36VeCty43VeA thousand, riY8 huMred (77,500) 8Ad Aot more th&A sQVQAty- seven thousand, six buMred (77,500), accmdlcg to the last preceding Fsdernl Census, tha Co,miSsioners Court is hereby authorized to al- low eaoh~Cora;iSsiomr the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50) per Aonth for traveling 8~peflSeSand &epreolatlon on his autoambl18 w-hi18on ofrio:al business. 3ach such Comafsslsner shall par %ll eXp0A8eS iA the 0~8rQtiOA Of 8UOh automobile and keep same in repair free of any other ohnrge to the county. n * * l,n our Oplnlon NO. o-2011, Mmrein ~ausa Bill NO, 730 , A:otsof the Forty-fourth ;e&lstuze, 28gular see- Six!, 1~935, aAd Section la of .Article27GOd-12, Varnon*s .?anatatedcivil Statutes, louse 9111 :lo.451, ;rctSof the Tokty-fifth Legislature, Regular 58sslo~, 1937, which Were substantially similar to louse Bill NO. 848, Acts of the Forty-ilrth Legislature, 1337, wkcichWQ we 03s sidering fn this opinion, was held to be Uzmm;ttitutional.. Xhat aus there said with reforonoe to the c3nstltuttoAal- fty of Emso Bill !:o. 730, .tctsof the Forty-fourth Leg- iSlaturs, 3egular Session, 1935, and Section 18 of Article 27COd-12, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, House Bill ho, 451, hots of the Forty-fifth Legislature, aegular Session, 1937, Is equally applicable to House Bill no. 248, Acts of the Forty-fifth Legislature, sujrs. A copy of our Opinion RO. O-2011 ie attached hereto. Thereiors, you am respectfully advised that it is the opinion of this deimrtzEAt that the provisions of Ems8 Bill 840, !,otso? the yorty-fifth Le&ialaturo, 1937, as it applies to Cameron County, is a speoial law regulating the affairs of Ceseron County (AltGolt v. Cut=it, et al., 201 2. 3'. 400) aAd therefore unOonstltu- ti=Nil and void. In view or the foregoing statutes you are re- speetfully odvised th&t it fs our further O~~A~OA that Bon. Jaok Wiaoh, page 5 the salaries of the County Comtnlsslsners oi Cameron County ror the year 1941, based upon the assessed valuation aa ahown in your inquiry, may not be fixed by said court at a greater sm than $2,400.00 each, regardless ot the population as &own by the 1940 census, and nay not legally allow any or the Commisal-nars the $50.00 per month pro- vided ror under the provision0 0r the 1937 Act rererred to above, In co:.neotionwith the above, we ir:vitoyour attention to the provisions found in both Articles 1928 and 2340, Vernonts Annotated Civil Statutes, which must be incorporated In the ortloial bocd of a county judge or commlssisner aad Is as follows: will not vote or give his consent to pai*o&i*county rtms except for lawful purposes ,m Trusting that the foregoin& fully answers your inquiry, we are Yours very truly 16, 1940 A I I” ATTORNXY GENX?ML OF TEXAS FIRST ASS ATTORNEY Ardell Williams Assistant AW:ob Encl. (Opi~~ion O-2011)