Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFiCE 0,F THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN umc.DmNm rommmv~ w nho aaL ssur attsiltiou to the OQW at aeoebp c3uaty c%t%lo co< ‘I* Eo5eraott, ml 9. a* ms* In ?a%%*an* auft wae broughebar the SA% Collector Pox! th% mu of #3do,oo bawd on a oontraat TnrPIi%h ix had eatered into w;lth an lndivl- dual fdr the prepamtabisnof a tar oertlXi%ats w&&ohwas to 03AkiR llot only the information required that th8 aolloobor Sumlrh War Arttolo 73%. supra, but e&e%,the sfme wa8 t% be lnmmd &cwia~ that the &examwema pal& and by whompnid. The wurt held tbab t&e, tar ool%soDor would &et be bntitlsd to reciover for the furnbhlng or fi ctwtifioete euah %B pm- vlded in ;*rtiale 7SiZd beoauso the 6wr& was rsithin the 800&w of his dutl*s. EScmovst,the oour$ hold that the tax oolleetor am14 reawer w.al* the aoatraot in qwution bwfmea the certi- float in qtsetlon mv$ulraU a4d.ltlo~ lnioruw~tlon abavo that whioh it is the ttu~ collector’s duty to furniah,umder eaid arc- tAOlO. The ootlrt abated as ro~fows: - Lag. -: 1. 880 ATTORNEY GENEFXL OF Tms