Honoreble T. N. Trlablo
Pint Aerletant State
Atutln, Texar
Deer Ur. Trlmblc:
l?egc la r Seasion,
9. 9. 297, snrotsd
Mrrch 1, 19&O
Vx..w XsCSRi!!D I, we, or either ot
($60.09) SIXTY h 09/100 - - - - - - - -Collsrr
Papsble aa lndionted In the schedule of
pa~mata, with intar4at fmm aat8 et 10 per
ornt per ennum, with l ainlmue of $15.00
ettorneyo far4 if note ls pleoed In the h&s
of an attorney for aollaotlon or 8ulti IIW-
Honorable T. X. Trlmble, pate 2
paymant of any instalmnt ahen due, rsndarr
the e%tlre a.zount Gus and gayable at the
option ot the holder; to saoure the psynent
or this nnta. I we or l fther of UB, do as-
sign, trsnsfsr ant pladge to the holder of
this note any salary or wage8 duo or Khlch
.%sy bsoona due from Filet rolnt lndependsnt
Pohool filet. a* do agree thet if this co te
is not paid accordlcg to Its tans am? assign-
.mnt praeented to said eohool, mid school 1s
outhorleed and direated to honor said eseign-
ment end pey dinOt to the holder Of this note
out of salary duo or to beoo.xe due, the balance
due cn said note.
Address Canton, Tdzae (S&wed) 31sada Feaae
UC4 8. Mokory
Address Grady ?eaoe”
On the ravorae aide of the lnstrumant 1s a
form for en ~oknowledgment with sll blank8 as to
oounty, taaohsr, dataa, notarial osrtlflcete, saal,
end the like left entirely blank.
for an unmsrr1.ed person, but not as tr a joint acknowladg-
mnt ahme the teechsr 1s a nmried woman.
SectIon 2 of Ssnste Bill 29’) authorizing an
a00 lgnaer t, transfer or plsdgr by any teacher or
school employee Gf salary or viagee aontains thir
WZ?ovlded tbat such aselmment,
transfer or pledge be in writing and
aolcr.owlrdged in the sa* ‘mnner as
required for the so:-nowledgme nt of e
deed or other instrument ror rsglstra-
tlon, and pmvtied further that lr
Honorable T. a?. Triable, page 3
suah inetrument be lxecuteU by a mar-
ried mrsoa, it shall also be axsouted
nod sdkrwwledSed by his or her epouee
in euoh manner.”
I? the ?ors upon tte reveres side s? the
~esiaxtmut in the partiouler tramectioc here la-
volved v:ss not oompleted by t;lr filling of the neo-
esesry blanks, azx¶ the ei,gnatum and seal o? the
~nv~tidpublio, the instant nsslgnnent ir entirely
We nasume that Elsoda Feace was the teach-
er naklq the assignment in the ?r~stant mm, and
that ehe wae a married WODBII , thr wl?e ot Grady
Peeae. In that avent the ?om acknowledgaaent we are
conslclarlag, even thou@.h filled Out and acknowledged
by Slaada Pasoe, would mot Se aurrloimt for the
lack o? joinder o? Omdy Peace in tha aoknowlaE&aent
before the notary publlo.
Fe call ycur attention ‘to the Peoullar word-
133 o? thle act with respsct to ‘acknowladgment. The
vordlos 1s ruch that l? the teaoher be a illarrlsd per-
eon (whether husband or wipe) the instrument ohall be
axeouted and aoktmvledged by h.lllr or hsr spouse. From
this it would ?ollow that l? the teaohar be a :;larrfed
mm, nevertheless his rl?e w.:ult also be rtqulred to
sign and eeknowledge the asrlgnment, snd, of oourse,
ae sirs2dy lodlcnted, i? the traoher be a mrrled
woemn, her husbend would hsve to sign end aoknorledge.
What wo hmv* 8eid her no rafersnor to teeoh-
era and employeee o? school 6lstricta ereated by
apeclal eote contelnlllg contrary gm~lsione with
reenct to r~slgrm3nts or 8alarlse. Thle quaatlm
is Qecldrd by us in opinion No. 0-2l72, addraesed
to Eonorsbla L. A. Yoods, State Scper i.hte lyleut o?
Pub110 In8t~ctlon, a oopy o? which you have in your
rile 8.
Bcnorsblr T. ‘7. Trimbir , pa=* 4
Trlut1ng t&t @&at wa havr aaid aufflclently
8nswer8 rour lnfp~iry, ra am,