Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. :/. OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNRY GENERAL. OF TEXAS AUSTIN -ceIWtn Am- re mat on the quwtion a8 praviaiono of the atatute which oeduro to be tollowed in oom&ttlng @y8 thers IS an ertiole whloh pro- o&t in euoh prooedure ahall be paiil la other preueedhw under the same ~1 no oases oited under the last mentioned artkolo, bqt baamob &B it is,a t oi the tale d$~e~g;%~m#ne pr~sone bsl9" Eve that the feea . *@Xl you pleaso advise raewhat,your op&- ion ia en thematter?" Toiz90 not m%ntiq any statute by amber ln your snqulr7rhmtmer, after re+vJ&g your requ&t for an o~&l.ioa it fs appaMot that you ha* r%?eoOnoe'toArt&ale 329ii .0-l, V4rnoato AntMated Oiptl Btatutes,whioh~ia'r~st providea emong other thing? that, 4f $&n3mtb5 $23nrlttng a56 untli3r oath be gi'wtbto an7~opunt~.jMge:thatany person In his oouat7 who is,atot.oharged'with a a&aiaU. c$teqsj is bollsted tombe me~~-,ill, and that the uelfaq of h$mse%$ and/or other% req.&m -thetho be p$aaeil in e. data, hoepital for tie nentduj l.l$ foi tit eqere~(b ninety @$a for .observation txnti/?k .Whht, and:.tia& oquaty.&d&e shal% balia#a suoh lnfomatioa -tabs tsub hr shaL1 fc+rthriLth,,,in tean tlnm or vaqiticm',ibe eid&y'ed plmts for the,h&ari@g aad"dstera&ing .rpttbs SattW, rhioh Qlaaa &haU ?c+e&$hw-ln 'theaourthouso oi the~Oaunty; 02~ t@ the reridsmerr of thp.pnracm nanal; or at : any o.therplmr ia thr,oounty at the o,q\Ehty judge mfiyceeni best for sush.perscmand &al.& &We notloe to mob @eraon vf ! the tina a@ plaoe of 8uoh hear&n& Ths manmr and nethod of suoh hearing is spsoiiieaU7 &!et'.out~in the etatutas, The statuter liqwe,no duty upon'theoourit;p attoiney to reprasant tha Stats in such hear-8 ox proobedinga, It is true that Artlola SSSO ai Vs~non's Annotated f2irllS@ttutes prc+ides that the oounty attorney or the dis- trbt attorney L5 counties having~no aouatg attorney, ahall appear ana represent the State in lunaop prooeedings,and Artlale 5861, Vernon's Uivil Statutea, provides that in such oases theoffioer shall be allowed the sane fees as are now tillawedror similar servioesperformed in misdemanor @asea, and the ,@rore shall be aaoh allowed a fee of $1.00 to be paid out of the estate of the deferidant,ii he bave.an estate, othsruise,by the county on aooounts approved by t,heoounty a4P. Ths above mbntionsd prooe@dLngeunder Artiole 3193ro-1, supra, 1s not a lunaoy yroeeedingand no rees frrroffioerb aon- duoting the hearings isallowed or provided oy author+ssd by aaid Arttols. St:.tutespzeeeoribing fedsa for publio offLaera $se strictly camtrued; antihe+oe a right to fees may not rest in implioation. jdeoallaF, City of Rookdale, 246 S. i%.654. 829 Honorable W, EU@3Ae Tate, page 2 The ConstitUtlon fixes the oompensation of certain orfiedri alld authorizes the Legislature to provide by law for the oompmeation of all ottrrr offioers,servants, agents, and publia o'oAtrdotors. PUrmaAt to the authority thus oon- fezved, mmerous statute8 hare besn pasaed ria.ig the OOBXpeA- satioo for var$ms elassee 05 OffiOers~ As hereinabove statsd, olear4 the ooqeneatian of pub110 offiO6Xs is fixed by the Oonstttu- tioo or etatutim.~ Au oifioer eyly not olaim or reaoh any money withouta law aUf&rizin g him to, do so and fixingthe amomtto which he is entitled. Bln~forbv. Robineon, 244 s. :z. 007; haLer3m.A CoUAty Vb Boggess, 317 3. ‘G. 346; Duolos v. Harris Uounty, BQl S. 34 611, ofiirmd~890 96 '3, 417; Crmby County Cattle CoII VI l&aD%Pmett, 281 3. If. %D& provisions oE the statute whioh sets out Under the the prooedure.to.bofollowed in pomittlng a patient to the 3tnta hmtpita;alfor the iaentally~.iU ior not 4xoseding ninety days for observation and TmM&osnt'~(Artiale 8193.o-1) we are unable to find any statute whiab ~provid88 t&at ths oost or au& prooeeding shall be paid as the OOst in 1AAaOy proceedings or any other ProceediAngm. IA vfef7 of tha.~iorOgo;oin;;, you are reepeotrully a%- vised that it 3.3+&e ogision of this DepaktaSen;tthat the statutes impose A0 duty Up04 the oounty attormg to represent the State in a prooaeding .aUth&iaed by Utiole 3193,0-l, au~ra, nap does the atatute usher oonsideraticm OT any other statute provide for any fees for ofilicera Oonduoting hearings under said Artlola. Tru.;itingthat the ioregooin& fully answers your in- quiry, we are - .--- _. Yours very truly OVED AUti 13, 1940 1 I/ xl!TuRNRY GSHISRAL 07 TFXXAS S’I’AN’U mmA& Bras11 ;;iilliaf5s At3alstailt