Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

501 OFFtCE OFTHE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN GSGS I ~A Honorable I. A. ?R?od8 statr Superintendent of Tub110 Instruation' metin, Texas Dear Sir: 0glnlon x0. ..o-8510 Reo Hi@& of--6tudezItto m- tibitreanqntior,fuitlon e ~901, R. C. S., lPSS, reads a8 follawrr +%verp ahil6 In thl,sSteto ai eoholastlo age shall be pealttsC to attend the public free sohools of the dl8tridi or in0rrpeabent dietriot in wtiat it reaslde~et the the It atplls8 for adudsaion, notwl&atancllng that lt may have i 502 HcnortibleL. A. %ood6, page 8 bean lnumerttrd 6166wher6, or map ha?e attended school alaewhore part of the yew.* Article 2902, 8. C. 50, 192%. provides 66 ?ollow6t "All ohlldr6n, without regard to color, over 51x per8 of 6g* on4 und6r elghtsea years o? age at the beginning of any roholastio year, shall be inoluded ia the 5ohola8tl5 5on6u6 6n4 *hell b6 on- titled to the benefit of tbo pub110 6obool fund ?or thrt yeer. The bocnrdo? rabool trustee6 of any oity or town or Independent or oomon 6ohool dirtriot 6bisll adzoltto the bneflts of the pub110 6ohoolr 6n~ par- non over eix and not ovef twenty-on6 year5 old 6t tha brglnnlng of tlxeseholartlo yeei‘,if &oh persoa or his parent5 or logal gumNan retdaO wxthin 5aia osfZy, town ox aietrlot,- Artiole 2696, R. C. 6.. 1925, luthorlzor the tranrfer of rtud5ntr from one dirtriot t%anoth6r by the County Suporln- temleat upon proper appliobtion being fll6a and prorldo6 for an appeel to the aounty Board of Truates6 Who rhall have the right to annul and oanosl the trmm?er allewetlby the oounty superln- tandent." Artiol6 2922L (1) Vernon~5 T5x55 Cl711 St5tut55 pro- rides in part: *Eeo. 1. 336 board of truetees of cay oomnmn or lnbependeslt5ohool dlstricb, whether organimd by timr61 or ElproislZaw, uhioh lmie6 and eolleots a Icalntenanoetax for the purpo66 of 8uppltientlng the available school ?und rsoeiml ~from t&6 St&o anQ aounty rhell e&it iuta the pub110 aohoole o? the distrlot fX-66o? tuition, all psr6one who arm over 61x (8) and not over twenty-one (21) gaara 018 st the begin&$ of the aaholaastioyeer, i? ouch perron or his paPent or leg51 guardian meld* wltaln 5ald oomm or md5- ponuent *ah001 418tffot. *MY pupil betwean the sgo of 61x (6) and twenty-one (21) re8idlag in 6 rural dIetrio or other district. whioh ~erlsm 5 loo61 main- h;zle tax, who ha6 bs6n promoted to a high &ml6 not taught in hi6 hcme dlatriaf, Ronorebla L. A. Wood6, peg. 3 shell hare ths right to QttQnd a atandardizQd, cleasifis8, or efflllated high school in his hoEa OOUdy or in any Otb%r COWIty at thQ QX~WSQ of his home aahool Uiatriot, ii su,oh distriot 88 4QtQrn;inedby ita budgQtQ6 QX- pmdlturea aooording to tha GQwral EudgQt far i8 riIMXN#ieilyabiQ t0 prOVi&Q tuftiOn, Or OthQr*iQQ et the exp%nis~ Of the Stats of Texas. “Ii the Ii6iU.QOf auoh D appears on thr QQUSUS mu. Of his hOZQ diQ end if tha pupil attend5 a hi& eohoal in the aountg Of his ~8i~%QSlttQ hia Sts\tQ and county per ceplte funds ahai1 k trenatsrradto tha ce- oaitlng dietriot und~s tha Ueneral l.ews~;ov~rn- %I@ tha transfer of pupile. Xi tha pupll~s mm8 appears On th.6oQn5ua X-0~1Of his hOEQ dl6triOt end if he ettanda a high rrhool ln a oountp other then that of his ~s~QQ~oQ, his looel diatrlotahell pay to thQ aohool whioh he attsnda en amount Q'JtliVelQIlt to t?iai3ttatQ ana county par eepite epportlanmrnt. ThQ l=OOQiVing dlatriot shall alloswauoh pupils to ettand school tar es long a time es thQ Bteta on4 OOUQI ty eveflebla funds will operQtQ thQ publio aohoula of the rho8 to whPah euah tranafamd pupil balongs, such Pna aohool tam tar auah pupil te bQiTigwith the aatQ auoh trenafarrQd &t;~f;a'"t%r8the aohool of the r%oa~rin$ &I#- After thQ lXFiretiOn Of the tkaQ that tt State sad county eVsilablQ fplld~~will OpQrat8 the frQQ rohoola of thQ bittriot, thQ rao~ivlng dletrlot cap ohargQ auoh pup11 tuition et a ratQ fixed~by thQ Merd of hueteas of the r~aelvi~ &iatrlcf, end approv~tlby t&Q t%stQ DepdrttEQnt Or EdUeetiOn, euoh PltQ to be based upon the budgeted rxgqd.turee far meintsnancs of ths ,hlgh Qohool grades of thQ zwoeivln@ diatriet for the current aohoal year, 8xOlUsivQ of bono8 aad interset thenOn. *It the nen~ OS auoh u 11 la imt on tha oQnau8 -11 of his h-&t ha nay attend B hi& aohool undsr the &a tsrm# as the above pupilr, 8raQpt that his home tlistriot end the EItQ will be obligated for the pay- ment or tuition ?or the eatirs the of him attendance In the receiving 3iotrlct. mo- d.4~4, tinyobligutloas Cf t’;le Stat6 of Telhf3 es hereln~r%?erre4 to In thin Aot okall be paid frcmtha Rural Aid Fukl from th% sum or sums set aeid~ ?or rural high school tuition in se14 law. It la further provided that,In no instance shall the Stste be abligtteC to Fey out o? the funds a2proprletsU for this purpose fstuition rate in 8x0080 of Seven !.MlluSSUld ?i?ty OQnt8 ($7.50) per aOIltb par pupil. movided further, that this pro- vIelon ahcll not ru1tcror 1lsit t::aOpQratlOn in any county whloh hea by ageclal Aot orzt;ta4 a Oounty Hqualieatlon Fund end whore said Fund la now belug us%4 to deity in wl?olacr In part, rursl high Bohoo1 tultlfn ?eee." (FndQracorlu~ of Qtatutea ours) Our aohool statutes OontemplstQ thet StudQnta Sh%ll ettaad the sohool o? their hams illatrlet. A receiving die- triot may ohsrg$sstudente who retsianin another dlatrlot a reasonable tuition. Opinion No. O-2177,e oopy of r;hlch lo an- olomsd herawith. ~rovl~lon is re4e for the transf'sror e stu- dent to a dletrlct other then his residenoe, together with the stat& per ceplte apportionment for such soholaatlo. The Oounty Boer4 of Tmetaea lr veatQd with atatutory authority to oen- 0~1 and aat eaida tranafQr8 upon appeal, and the board having mrulaQd its diaaretlon, its eatlon la not open to puQatlon by this dapsrtmmt. Artlclr ZO&BL, eusr6, rQoogniaaa thet in osrtaln atrouuiatancea~!LQhem district ahould be obllgetad to furnlah tuition for its reei4ent scholzstlaa to attend the aohoole of other districts end in thQ ~vsnt the home dia- trlct la Unable to pay such tultlon it xsy b% Xld by the Stete in proper c~zae8. Thl~aobll&atIon upon the haae die- trlot to pay tuition ior its 6mholaatlcs is 0ourln%d to 6tu- dents whose grude la not tau&ht by tbe home 4Ietrlot. Ronoreble L. 6. loode, pe8e % It Is our opinion thet undrr the fcrctastated e rtudent lo not entitled to rehbweement for transporta- tic% and tuition paid in ettezidin(J e #JQ~OO~ not in the die- tmt or hia ~6iaen00. very truly you-r ATTORNEY GENERAL ccc: O&W