throu@ their we in t&o gubllo rchools muI
to @OlltiBUO
then in the gtrbllo sohoolrior
the usualoontreatperiod oi fin p,wr .~
through tb proa6e.g of roblndln& th88t.'
"Af.a!&~ U&OUnt Of J5OBef ~iS~iVallrbl*
lnth 8
Btatr ~Tutbook@ad lpproprlafrd by
the Laglelatun md &boatoQ by $I@ Wet.
Boera ot Bduoetloa, It *ould not k aeaw-
rary for thl8 Dlviblonto a& for UI dldl-
tional alloaatlon by the Board of Pduortlon.
vh8 mu itaml8.4 in tha Lsgl~l8tlvo Ap-
proprlstlon la lwls u&o in $hl8 or any other
year 80 16ng a8 tla8 Lr d 0r aku0Otion r0im8
the polloy'ein~doj-ltl book8 aI aBeooBQDf
program. Th$s 18 read&
T f sewa whoa-oa8 aon-.
. .
.A Eonorrbl*'R.Aa Gla88, Pb&. 8
U8t 81 l@d% t0 th@ 8t&ti titi Of =tlO@-
tlon da tulf laoommto, urd urybalaoa in
the Avall~b~~bohool rund @ad the &et@
t 68 OthUWi8. 8DDX'b
lletu x
be ~er~radrb
ulth the l.*a
ot thlr ?StaW( rovlded that toxtbookr shy
b4 DUX’OhMSd OilPF ircllr ton48 Yl’i8~it!& ed.
.theStete ad V&#T8$,80lgOl~kr.~ ~,
“It $8 burib &mTid8d t&t my W%
lXp@Bd@d fOl'tMt i #k 8drPini8tl'thtiOll,
lag ~aor tatbooks tebladlag,md anl’other
OX R8*8 0Wl.Ot.i ~tliererith, .8h811 k~
our ot the St.:@,Fattbook Fund.*
:1t is furthsrpov14.4 thet the Vt8 ox~8ndrd icrr an textbeoke rad roblndlr&T .<,
books uhallbe a8 tin4 by th. @teta Boeyd
. :::: ::
lble'Sohool?ua4 ~-4 .the t&eta Te
by 8J1SOii10 let&n8
8tatr*, -Thr .%lnitMoa oi p&ymsatrol~uw wpetiirrg; in the
~~aor81 rldw Spp9a484 to 8aakk .Blll lpT, thu0r02-e doer
not epplr bmoase the entln'belnem or mrplw in cho fund
18 8pdOSfl appr0 Ti8t8dby tb0 &@8latW t0 the 8t6te
Board of Pdnoa 4 a0 our Coaf4naoo Oplai.on%o,SOW;
_' ., . . ..
It i8 prtlaUlUly.. 0b8or~‘@d th6t the"bghhhm
her qmoifioall grovldodthat tha aaountto b. lx~ndad~~t '~
of thi8 epproprl8tiOB of the 'belanoein ~th0~uI&~BtOT ROW i_
textbooksen6 r6blndl book8 ahell bra?flro(L bt tha 8t.W
3oerd of Eduoetlon .ea ?I that, la thi8 oonnootlan the Zdgi8-'
latun found it ikhs8rry to revldo that’ no’m& 0:,&i
eddltloll to tllor*lie44 au4 Yteml~aior thi nrt ca
81On Of th0 kDU%iWBt Of %dUOat&On, 8heU14~k .~lo~d Cd-
- Ronoreble a. A. fles8,
%.‘W. Felrohll4
i- ~8818taZit