em&w c. MANN I 6
rnolln a.*mIL
&be~‘d 1
Bonorable Adam 8. Johnron
Eracutin Dlroetor
Stat@ Gcrpastiacmt
of Publio Welfare
Aultfn, T-8
mar Sir t
r8que6tlng tixoopinion a
stated wattor.
Your letter se
that a reoipient
ent1y, knowingly,
person? * 1L**
seotloa ll (a) of Artlale WC%l, Ternon* mno-
tat& clrll Statut66, resd6 a6 foll~z
-(a) If, on the death of any reoipient o?
ths &la A&S AEEiEtIUiO@or aid, it is fOU&Idthat
'oaonblo Addu 8. T&noon, pago L
ho WOE po600660d of pro rty or lnoomo In ax-
0888 of the taount prot r ded in Sootion 2 or this
Aot, the total anmutt of the aoolatanog granto6
in 0x0888 of that to whioh tho roolplrntwas by
~;wo;~titlsd may bo roootsred by the Comalooion
0 AOOiOtUtOOa ~ofOITOd
06 olain, tO-
gothor w th sir (6) par
"JI cant intorut thoroon
and all oooto lnourrcld from th8 utat6 of the
dOOO#i66d~ tho CoariEOion shall inOtitut6 the
noouoary poooodl 6 t0 SOOOTOr 6aOh OlIAim666
tho amunt roootoro “8 8heU bo paid into th6 Old
Ago kool8taaoo luod, one-halt (4) ai outi amount
rhall bo paid omt to tho mlted Statu Roarury
ia ouoh muumz PO the Soelal 806urlby Aet 166~ro-
dootlon 36(a of Article b@b (o), Pomon~o &mot&t-
ld Cltll Btatutoo, seaa6 as followor
"8.0. a, Whoover obt6lno or attempts to
obtain, or aids or abet8 any poroon to obtain,
by 119ano of a wiltully iolos ltatsment or rop-
rooontatlon or by lmpor8on~tlon, or by other
traudulont moono:
"1. a86i8tOftO0,8OX'dOOO, Or tFOllttltOIlt
whlah ho i6 not l
"8‘ a86iOttitlO0,60171006, or troataont
gpeat6r than that to *Ioh h6 i6 jwtly OntitlOd;
93. or w%th into& to dotraud, aid8 or
abet6 in buying,.of in
d16~04My of tho
roportl of a roolplentof asoiotano6 3 thout
e ho ooluoot 0r the stats Doportmont,or whoarot
tlolatoo80Otion 30 of this A4t, shall bo dOOmQd
dullty of a mi84omoano?,and, upon oonrlotlon
theroo?, rh0l.l b e fino d my lnm nc itmo r o th a n
One Hun&rod ($100.00) DOllnro or b6 lmpr16onod
for not la66 than llx (6) mOnth6, aor aoro thaa
two (2) yearn, or bo both 60 flaed and inprlooned.*
while section 11 (a) of Artlois6843-1, Yomon?*
Annotated Civil Statutes, prorib only for th* rooorory Oi
mrto~m0 ~5 a. ~~~~~~~ paso 3
a6OOtO fW8
t& SOtatS Of I dO8OUd pOrOOl3 l&On it :O d18
SoWred that luOh poreon has raooiwd OM Ago ~66iotanoo ia
~0068 of the omotmt ho R8 lxttitlod to by law wo bolls@
that A simple lotion for moao~ had and noal will 110 at
the inrtanoo ot t&o St&to Doputm%nt of Ppblio uoliare to
rooowr ir010 a llvlng poroon ~0816tan08 when ho has "iraudu-
hltly, kItOWiB&~, sad i&OiItfOtI~~ aonooaled &6OOt6 Or CO-
80~~888 rhioh, ii krrornto the Deputaont at the time of
la?ootigetion,would ham made ths l pp&leaat lnoliglb1o.r
AS ltatod ia volume 69, mu8 Jurlop?uaonoo, at page 136;
*AD artion ror nonor ha4 aad nootwd will
lfewlmb ane prmon hu
mother by fraud, dbro80,
tion, extortion or taking
4aAu aq#Mtal rule the aotion ni11110 to
r8OOWr mnay paid M dOr l &Et&O Of f66t, It
boln& oonrldorod unoonroionablo that aono~ so
paid should be dotalnod tmn tho pa
the othorhandmonoyteluatarily
aiotako or fraub or
lew, without
with knowlodgo of all the taot8 oonnot bo ro-
oowrod haok In anr 8ort of a do n,lithor at
law or in lqulty.m
m presume thmt ouoh artion will bo takea ia ao-
oorduroo wlth the prooedure rotidad in utiolo 964644 (a),
~OtliOa’8 Aanotetod Civil Sta? utu. %i8 88NOlI roads fn
port a8 follows,
vh~owr It is round, by lnwotlgation of
the looaladmlnirtrativo~~J@JIo;~or othorwloo,
that ~6OiOtMO~ h60 bm &Wlttd t0 Anf arIOt%
rho io not oll&blo thoroior, th8 Rx8OutP?o Dl-
rootor shall lmtodlatolf order ruoh a8OiOtRnOO
tormbatod at& 8hiL1 furnloh a OOpy O? 8uah OrdOr
to th e lp p llo ut and a 044~9~
to the looal ldPaisl*-
tratlto a$onoy, and from rush OrdOr the
ap ff;gt
shall han the right to a~poal to the Coam! *
Utd WhOn A68iEtMOO to MJ PrOOn bar km tog-
mlnatod, no furtb, payments shall k mdo to
luoh person until the ~oa?d l,hall bar* dotormlmd
OILappealthat 8uOh pa?~~ti be roN*d**
KS oall to JOUFattoatlon the isot that Sootlon 36
,) of Artlola 696(o), ~ornon~o knaotatod Civil Btrtutoo,
Honorable Adam R. JOhnmxA, gag8 4
m&k86 it a mi6d8m8atwr for onyono to obtain asoi6taao8
fraud~ontly, and of Oour68, the DOpattment maytake ap-
pro date stopa to the and that such misdemeanors may be
It ia thoroior8 th8 opinion of thir department
and you are r86p8OtiUuy advised that Whem a,reeipient of
old age asristance has fraudtisntly, kaowingl~ and inten-
tionally ooneealed assets or resouro8o whioh, ii knovm to
th8 D8 rtmsnt at the time oi imestlgation, would bars
nmdr tr8 applioant Ineligible, but due t0 :th8 OOno8e]S8nt,
the applioant ha8 drarm as6i6tanoo,'or8ra Oonsiderablo
p8riOd Of ti?itO, th8 stat8 DOpaI%L8nt Of FUbliO Wellare SEW
reoover baok from suah reoipfon$ such 66SiStanoe in an ao-
tion for lnonayhad and reoeived.
yours very truly