Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS %~. AUSTIN QUIW co MAwa ’ rmmn .L*OIY ‘( ., Honorable B. L. Wlleon Member, Texar Bo&rd oi PhannaO~ , Livingston, Texan n eglrtered phnrmaolrtj of delegate at atloa of Board8 of r letter8 of June 18, lp 6, regarding the he opinion of this duly registered .ln another n lrr this State without rd Of Pharmaoiste? . seotlon 8 of ilrtiole 454Za, Vomon’r Annotated 01~11 Statutes, reads as iollowe: :. aIt ehall be unlawful for any person who lr not a registered pharmaolst under the provleions of this AOt, or who le not under the direot ~pertieion oi one 80 regletered to oompound,mix or me.nufaotuN Or roll Or dietribute at retail to the OQnmor any d.rugr Or .. .. . ,’ Honorable R. L. ?i118On, Ea:-o 2 ':.: *mdiolm8, except. in orlrlnal ~:aokn~ee, prov!ded tpat . all. gerrmns now reglstorod 13 tbio State shall Care all the rlCht8 whloh are grantea to piaraoletl under this Aot and provldod furthor that nothlqp oontalned in this fiat shall bo ooaetrued to prevent the adulnlstra- :.ioa Or OO~.:~OUndinl: Of drups and sodiolrros oarrled or k8Qt by ?fcomed phyeloian0, dentists, votorinnriane and Chiropor Clsts In ardor to oup?ly the naodo of their patlentsb not to provcnt the snle 0Z patent or voprletary mdLolao# la “.. orl,:lml peokcrllroo only and inaectipldee and funttloldes, cacd hamless ohelzloaloussd in the arts when promrly labeled; not to >rovent llconsudphyelcfans dontfste vetorinoriana md oLiropodlst0 Pron 0013 u&m, can 3 ao- tnrin.; ana Nellie any lzodloines of th%!?r own formula*w titiole ?zfia Vornsn*e &Otatod IWuU Coda make0 the YiOlatlxl of any o! the 2rovlolons of Article 434$a a rJ#- dozrrnor. It 1% cle%r, thwcfore, that ovary phfArEnci8t grao- 1 %,c. tichlg that profcsaion lc tbie State .mnt be rorJstore& or licensed by tho Gourd, Or opratllq; mder the d.roOt 8upw. vision Of on0 85 rcg18torodr '. Scation 9 of Article 4542~~ Vercon'a Annotntod Ciyl& ' Statute%, provide% for the &rantlni: OC llcenoea by the Board, and, ineo:ar 88~ 18 portlceat to tbo problem at fund, reads: w'Provlded that the ?,oard czay at it8 Elsoietlon Erant lloenoe .:\a phnrmoist to psraons who i'uraieh proof that they have baon rJclstorsd a,s such in ao3e other Stste, and that they %ro of Good c;o,-nl character, provldad 8uCp other 5toto in it.8 exarznatlon rwlulred the txme Eeneral ciqyoe of fltnese recpilreil by tXla State and ~raat8 the %azm f;oolDrooel prlvlle~ee ~OphaXU3018~8Oi thi8 Stat.1 . . . Artlole 4542a thus *sat0 dl&etlon ln'tho board (the oondltions aet forth ln Smtlon 0 being rot to crmt or refuse 1 to crnnt on the ba%is.oZ tho faate ln e'ech ,ndividual 0880 llfr oenfj@a to p~ara;nc~ota rcgliaturcd unde: the law0 Or 8OEU+Other>,' aato, Zf mch phari?so~%t8~gr%otlco thalr,prO~e%SlO~ in thl% Stat0 without llconeo iron the Ttrxae Eaard of F~raoYo 0:. do not operate under the dlreot su::orv18~on 0: one 80 rc(;lotored, 0~ are a&deed in~'amwer to puoatlon BO. 1 amd * lt 18 the 02 9&on or thla Dsparti?%nt.?&at they wlll~rlolate . Article 7580, Vernon’s bmota+b,Pe~;f .Fod@,and rili be silty or a adodeneatu)P,. ,. ,‘~. ‘, : ., ..I, ,. i ;, ... ., .., - ..’ I Honorable R. L. Wilson, Page 5 ,. seoond question la whether or not a pharmaoy Your . ’ may operate for any portion of its time without the attandanor ’ of a registered pharmaoist. Conoeivably your question oould oover many situations and in the absenoe of the iaOt8 a8 to : ‘. any partidular lnstanoe ws shall endeavor to provide a eaneral :’ : . ;~ rule ror your direotion. ,ic~. Seotlons 15 and 16 or Artiole 4542a, Vernon+~ ”’ . Annotated Oivil Statutea, read as iollowfil “S60. 15. In all stores in whloh a rsglsterad ” pharmaoist is continuously employed and where the ‘~ : ‘, ‘,provisions or this Aot have been r&y oomplied with; ~’ there shall be displayed in a prominent plaoe in or‘ ,: on the front of eaid &ore the word *Pharmaoy* ,(f ., : ,. %eo. 10. It shall be unlawful for +ny ‘person to :~. --display in or on any store or place of business ths word. ” :: ,:,‘.j’: ‘Pharmaoy’ either in the English or any forelgnlanguago, unless there is. oontinuously employed therein a regietarad ~:: pharmaoist under ‘the provieiona or this A6trn ;.: .~ -.~ Seotlon 15 requires that all stores at whioh a registered pharmaoiet ie ~contlnuouelg employed display the ,yord *Pharmaoy” in or 04 the front of the etore. Section 16 Jnakse it unlawful to so use the word “Pharmaoy” unless a regir tered pharmaoist is oontinuously~ empw therein. Therefore, ~ in order to answer your question we must assume that the drug- “.’ store has the word “Pharmacy n in nor on the front of the storj ,’ and that a registered pharmaoiet le employed thsrein. The problem then involves an interpretation or the phrase woon- ._ tinuouelp employed~‘r If the phrase la synonymous with the ‘ : ‘~,~:.., ~ phrase “oonstant attendanoe” or “oontlnuous attendanoe”, your second queetion muat be answered in ths negative. How- I ” ,~ ::, ~erer, we hold that it $6 not + ,~. : ., To our minds the words woontlnuouslp employed” a8 used in Artiole 454Sa, Vernon’s Annotated.Civil Statutes, ,’ refer to empl.oyment rather. than att~end~an@s; and ‘that the wo:rdr ‘?’- ., arb used as the antithesis of intermittant~ sporadlo o;~~E;- .: viewe t wHolldaya sioknessos, reoreation periods, wuekmnda, .: Yall aM breaks in tha oontlnuity ot one’s oosupation,but, would not neoemeari$y ,dretroy it8 oontinuitp,~~~ .., LI ;“~j ..‘,. .r ,.~. \. ,, .,, > . ., .,, . ,,. ..’ Wnorable R. L. Wileon, P8gr 4 Coneequently it is the opInLon of thIr Departmrnt and you are respeotrullr advlaed in unnwer to gour rooond . quootlon that a artqstoro QirjdayLng the word Phnrnaop* In or about the store and smployln~ a fu!l-time, re&latered pharmacist nay operate ror a portion of the time It remalar open - by way Of m@(restlOA, when thft pharmacist 10 ill at neala, or has a nhht orr - wlthout tho attend&no@ o f l reglatered phamaolrt. Your third and ilnal queatlon lo whether or not $hc Torar Board oi Pharmacy mny uee fund8 ooJ~loo ted under the i;hnrmnoy Aot to pas the oxpemzea of a Uolo;:ate to the N3.tionfil A~.sQcIat!OA 0r Eojoardsor r3il1rmn0y. IA this oonneotIolL, you have been kind eoouf;h to fursiS:? thI8 Departzont with a detaIled nt$mnont~as to t&o -,ur>oee of tho Nngonnl AseooIa- tion or soarda or “rharmnoy. lioaeverr a8 otated to you before, we mot deollne to amtier thin queat,.on until HO are in full ~ossosalon or rticte aa’to tfie >ur;ooo or the doleGate ln at- tending this pmtlnt: and what tho 5o&.rd srpeota to aooompllsh In the way Of u6tate buelnoaaR b eer:ding tho dole,^ats - faOt8 upon whioh we m8ayboee a conolua r on 5.0 to whether or not suoh +;,Fip 1s neoassnry *in th6 porfornazoe or the dutibn or the .I se0 se0tIoa ~,.ArtIol~ 454a.. Your6 iery truly ,A?sIrtant I (., ,, Jzat%rQg ‘0, ,, , .),‘ b . APP-JUL 26, 1940 \ c ( ATTFRNEY GENFRAL 0s TEXAS. .~;i. :,