Her & Be 427, aeta i&th iuljia-
l4tur8 - validity of pxwvi-
elm for revorsian bf abrpluil
fee6 to th8 Cwxw31 dsvenue
*la Is the provirion of the General %ppra-
priation Bill of 1339, protidi for tha reversion
of surplu* fee6 and unextmded 34 loncee to the
Gmer4l r?evenu*FM4 violative of 50ation 7 of
krticrle 8 of tho_Coxmtltutlan of TcxasT
*2* If the ourplua ti unaxponded baloneea
remub&q an band attho end of the fiscal gear
do :wt revert to r&mQenera.l itrtwnue IruIil, then
ulll suuh euqplua yrrdumxpend~d b&maw ret&in
their oharwter as au& MS YE to be subjelrtto
tbo juridiotion ef the Lia;itrrdPoyamnte 3oard
after the bo@uting of the second year of the
bfannius, or w&l1 mcb surpluses or unexpended
beianoes be treated slipply a8 M initial colloetlan
for the swond year of tha biunniuor?"
Artlcl~e352, i?aviaed:Xx41 Xatutar, 1925, provliee
48 fcUm#61
lionarable be Btady, Pam 2
be made by the Cemaimioner upon
the bank8 exmlned in ion to 8864ta or
resouraes held by the upon the datea of
the axmlwtien of tha ruloua banks,"
&rt*ale 363, fbviaad Civil Zkatutes, 1925, groridea
aa f4Blimu8r
*hll fund8 colleoted m exaainationfeee
6ball be paid by tba Cma&a8ieaer dirwctly into
l The e x p me4 8 o lt o x nin8tio a a nd
of th* Co mti8a io wr prov&lona
in ea fo r o ing the
ar tdlistit1.r,
aball be paid upoa cortifi- the
U6t8 Of tb0 copraiMiOCIUb WUFUlt Of the
Ccmtmller upon the State Zreamr~.~
Sanu%o Bill 427, A4t8 of the 4&h lagfslotura, LIP
elude* thsrfolfouiag a8 a lpeeial rider followiry tha appro-
prlttioa fad0 for the State BudrIng Dwartuntr
"3uhj~t t% tho limitationa nt forth in
rho provisionsat the *ab of tbi8 Act, all qqw9-
priatiezu herein iaado.ferthe State &akin; 3e-
&wrtaMt*llbe id out OJ their m*i*r, &nd -
tbo C~~oller ac ll redwe U8 upwaditure8
m a *50stu lxuoad the wtuel racoipts OOlLocted
. l l”
The gonenl rldora pet&tat0 *aate BillJb2?, Aoto
of the CbtlkLegiolattue, in t &. $amgrapat s$yled %id.tatioa
6ifPayment*@, irkeludesthe follaldn& Mntow~r
*All 8ur w f-8, ro~elptr, apeuial &nda,
OF otker wai F'
able fund8 dllhad the end of ut
each par of the bieuniua &all revert to tbo
Central Eweme iimd af thir Stats wloms other-
wise provided hernln.w
ikrsction 7 of irticfa B of the ComtitutXon of the
State of Texas roads:
"The Logimlutureeh6ll not have power to
borrw or ia MY r8amu divers &oar itm purpso
any S~wa3l Iund t&it may, or ollgbt to, c;:me
ir.to the Troesury; and sliall atie it penal for
peraan or gxwmx~rito il~rrcw,
withhold, or tn