OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN *Trocwuramnt.' For th6 acrchents, it wad be t3C hZCt50 in thr LtiPC Of YiSitOlFC FCX' day. @I murs~ the rl5ltorrmst flna hln particular nuzbor tmn~ the xamch~Clco cuiacaLI atto~tlm to t!lc faot tc the rem~mxt .* Eaotlcm &7 OS Artiole IJf OT the aolmtitutlon of l5xcs redt3I 'The X.&S~aturS 6hau. &MS6 lcW# pmhfb 1tln& tAs 8sstablish7aent of lott%rierand gift entarp in this State,atiroll a* th* 8d.o of tfoketsin latteriee,f$ft entmrprisaa or . other oYaslonrinYolY~ the &bt?iotg prineipla, sstabllthedor ndstiw:, in other sta8aww yurarorrnt8Qoc -a, the ~m.ttturb3 95135d Artlole6% of the Peaal co&e, T.&L& lvsds an zolbwsl -xi any 011shall establishu lot or diepese0F any estate, nwil or ptmonal, '"& lottery,h* du3.l be fined not l~scittmn Ona l9mamtd*(&OO) oOllar6nor mn than Gaa Thotm- . and (@l,OOO)Dollnm; or if anypumn diall*ell., orsu for oa.m or keep ror 8410 enr tlokot8 8~ part tiiekatrin UI lottmy he &hall be fiad not ~leaathan TIDIT$10) Dolfefil nor mwo thaa FirtY (b50)' -'In Cole vs. stfh (Ot. or Cr. App. 19371 U2 8. W.- (ea)725, th0 00120twbg o&icm or ha+30 khdns eat.@ ttmt, “Them lr nat now nor sru bar been, an atOemptlnthlsmtate&o def3.m bg8tatuWrrbat oonstltutasa lottery. The tam is 6eXlnulby the etatuteso? only a-tm of the atatw. Oorpus Jbl6, vol. 38, p. 288, note lo, llotr anly four, but say-8'tied auah defln.Itioooamldomvu'y in mubotanoe fmxnthoso eatablIah.4by'ths oourt~.' m~~~10aOsbltion inot~statuto ~5nasttc sort to the m Alden the term iy papukt uswe LW datanxlned by tho~tious ao~rta. 13ha that is dons it 1s aleaS that m ""taTAt amour to m cabl%aha thlq M a lotte prhe or riz05f (2) the EWQ~~ or distr 7 bution of tie pr!ze or prizes by ohanos; (0) the paynat eitherdireotly01‘LndimOtly by the WrtiOipCnt8 ::OC. %crl ccyton.I’~J’P 3 of 0 00n5~atmt:0ll Tar t?:e.ri&Aor prlrilo(;a or pcrtlolp,stllq. ?urcc JUT.,vol. 20, p. &09, 1 2, deauoeofrom.OUT OwLlOa3CE the ml4 atctaa,o&a it appa2lra that in ovely ocis8from our awn aourt whan a sahsnehas bee21aumtiama u a lottery thnt the threa olemwts cwtlolzad are chown by the fwte to hiye bem ;rostmt. CM8 Eciftale v. Stats L2 Tax. R. &cJ, ll.2s. i':'f"i&iyslyL"t2 #.T: if& lyrlAm, St. Rap. 837, 14 Ann. ca0. ti#* mEna& caet t. state, 4.lTu. Or. H. 58, 57 A. F. a50; XolaAan t. 1mh0, 2 ax. AQp. ii 10 26 AIL Rap.. 439, ena other Texan OMQB oit8d & Tu88 hr., mqma. Tha eema rule demand- the vaaoo ot the tbme alenmnt~zmad will be lbuud stated in 17.~ahg a- Lm, p. u22, and 38 0013~~8 Jurls,p. 286 rith Innumerablesupport- aanes oltsd undu t&a tszt ln eaah of t3d.dvoluBIw Irma your latter,we g&her It Is oonoodedthat at leaattro of thedmanta esssntlaf,forth. ulatsnoeoia lottaxywa prssant,-aprIwor~css aro~SYtwed bytho newapapu ln oon$mctlonwlth the lima1 moMb8nt.spartlolpat- 1~ in the plan, and the dlatributlon of the prism is by ohanoeto prfsona Pox'Wn#Aaubow to l-ea.ita a OODp Of the cowapepertith galuakynumbu* eppsarbg tbemon. Tha am- wu to yaur tlrat cpeutlon than depend upan whetheror nat the elmsenta$ consIaeratIonis prssant. Ve hold that It 18. Our Turm Court of Orlmlnal&~~.alohad boSo&m lt aproblam+eryaimiLar to the Instantono Intho oueoisldth ~0. stat0 (ct. or cr. ~pp. 1939). l27 s. r. (a) 297. In tat ease aefwamt reooIveaa rb39frw retdlxmrahwm ?xkrtha prlvh *of Johlqz a "IloPih~a &WorganiutIon. 'Ihoxmar- ChantSTn turn dl8tribut.d aids of etaqm to the ubllo, op- ontho ooqlatIonofwhIoh oardaaporsonwar ait1eled to PIP tiei@. in a e&M. to ~oaiVe a 8ubattmtlal@Ze. 1210 courth&3 that payaeatOC thmae llasneofee6 to dstcadant by the merchants ~apuatea as an lnalreotooflnlderfLtIot far all oontutants. latutb ~b5um0th0 ~OUUDB rwptiabrth0 nuohuit8 to th qmrator of this eotmw* thm lnutumd ul- vutiaing r03uitiw to the nampapu from pnrtlolptlne loadl lnerohluxta Ln your sltuatlon. Ear* 1s wImlauatlcJnBc'vlnE inQlroat3.y fmm t&o rwiplont to the donor of the prim. Bd thatia mt al.1. The wurt In the smith oeme feud m aMI- tionai elanant0f wnsid0ratIon. It salar -It is quiteolear to us trcm the retard th6t soch bu6lnean satablisiuient uhlah aon- trlbuted a 0srtal.namount ot mfmey in ardor to join t2ls 'lioah's Ark' an6 by dam the printsi8 paid ra0eLVw a oarb or aarda and story ‘yxtbd0 of some axliael. Them3 oar68 are fu.mlshe6 to the rmohuut or busirrssrme- ..tabllshuwt, an6 by theisdlrtrf.buBmd fo or others who eaam to the utab- ou8tcllcar8 l.ia!muttwith m auwna. or aolltenera of ooaxremlitiu ti f""' ah aau eolA by any made of ‘5arh’ls Ark.’ tale- xt 1s ObTlous that tha so aleo In the oasu at hank in 0tde.r to dmtarrflne wbthsr or not hIa5 frma one._ of- tha luaky tlzsnbera, is lldueas to rlsit pmot thm p4lslOl- patlng 6ealaJl-s’lwrehalA5.80. An inarmud paa-ma$m l8 thm apmot86t!bonmdtmf 0rhhti8tt. At&%hLm iaarmamd 0gm to@h*r with thm auvortlmaont or hks w8.m ramlt to thm -x&ant *l.#M lnA%rmet bmamfit to thm opmrator of the aabamu, an4 enables ata sontim%. his geau OS abUlb*.* flrnharm~~tthe*ahswm~rorthLa~~k~ ter monstitutoa a lattmry suoh QS 10 oori6mm.U by Artiolm 6% 0r th0 pond ~0th 0r tht8 at6tm. wmaapa8atoyoursmeoo4 question ar uhmthmr or nat thm rqulfrblo rmw6y of lajPnotioa 18 arailablo to the Stat% Thb ldultioal quaa.lonw4a t&ore the court in Stotm-va. Sabb C Roulmy Walted (0. CL-A. 1938). ll8 6. IL (26) 917 axi4Robb & Rodlm Unite6 Ino. et d. V& state (c. c. A. 19;9), l.276. )I,(267 221. in bat& o? theme . - arms It we6 held tht lottsrloe am B opbclenOf ~acxixq aad nulsunas whiti the Stc'.elc autkkoriee6t0 SUQ~IWOS by 1nJunattoa under hrtlale l.667, Pa~fsed Civil Stetuteo. AFFROVXTJWY3, 1940 , kTTORNEYGENERALOF T1::-'.F